Nobel Prize winners by category (economics)

Nobel Prize winners by category (economics)

Nobel Prize winners by category (economics)*
year name country** achievement
1969 Frisch, Ragnar Norway work in econometrics
Tinbergen, Jan The Netherlands work in econometrics
1970 Samuelson, Paul U.S. work in scientific analysis of economic theory
1971 Kuznets, Simon U.S. extensive research on the economic growth of nations
1972 Arrow, Kenneth J. U.S. contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory
Hicks, Sir John R. U.K. contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory
1973 Leontief, Wassily U.S. input-output analysis
1974 Hayek, Friedrich von (Hayek, F.A.) U.K. pioneering analysis of the interdependence of economic, social, and institutional phenomena
Myrdal, Gunnar Sweden pioneering analysis of the interdependence of economic, social, and institutional phenomena
1975 Kantorovich, Leonid Vitalyevich U.S.S.R. contributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources
Koopmans, Tjalling C. U.S. contributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources
1976 Friedman, Milton U.S. consumption analysis, monetary theory, and economic stabilization
1977 Meade, James Edward U.K. contributions to the theory of international trade
Ohlin, Bertil Sweden contributions to the theory of international trade
1978 Simon, Herbert Alexander (Simon, Herbert A.) U.S. decision-making processes in economic organizations
1979 Lewis, Sir Arthur U.K. analyses of economic processes in developing nations
Schultz, Theodore William U.S. analyses of economic processes in developing nations
1980 Klein, Lawrence Robert U.S. development and analysis of empirical models of business fluctuations
1981 Tobin, James U.S. portfolio selection theory of investment
1982 Stigler, George J. U.S. economic effects of governmental regulation
1983 Debreu, Gerard U.S. mathematical proof of supply-and-demand theory
1984 Stone, Sir Richard U.K. development of a national income accounting system
1985 Modigliani, Franco U.S. analyses of household savings and financial markets
1986 Buchanan, James M. U.S. public-choice theory bridging economics and political science
1987 Solow, Robert Merton (Solow, Robert M.) U.S. contributions to the theory of economic growth
1988 Allais, Maurice France contributions to the theory of markets and efficient use of resources
1989 Haavelmo, Trygve Norway development of statistical techniques for economic forecasting
1990 Markowitz, Harry M. U.S. study of financial markets and investment decision making
Miller, Merton H. U.S. study of financial markets and investment decision making
Sharpe, William F. U.S. study of financial markets and investment decision making
1991 Coase, Ronald U.S. application of economic principles to the study of law
1992 Becker, Gary S. U.S. application of economic theory to social sciences
1993 Fogel, Robert William U.S. contributions to economic history
North, Douglass C. U.S. contributions to economic history
1994 Harsanyi, John C. U.S. development of game theory
Nash, John F. (Nash, John F., Jr.) U.S. development of game theory
Selten, Reinhard Germany development of game theory
1995 Lucas, Robert E., Jr. U.S. incorporation of rational expectations in macroeconomic theory
1996 Mirrlees, James A. U.K. contributions to the theory of incentives under conditions of asymmetric information
Vickrey, William U.S. contributions to the theory of incentives under conditions of asymmetric information
1997 Merton, Robert C. U.S. method for determining the value of stock options and other derivatives
Scholes, Myron S. U.S. method for determining the value of stock options and other derivatives
1998 Sen, Amartya India contributions to welfare economics
1999 Mundell, Robert A. Canada analysis of optimum currency areas and of policy under different exchange-rate regimes
2000 Heckman, James J. U.S. development of methods of statistical analysis of individual and household behaviour
McFadden, Daniel L. U.S. development of methods of statistical analysis of individual and household behaviour
2001 Akerlof, George A. U.S. analysis of markets with asymmetric information
Spence, A. Michael U.S. analysis of markets with asymmetric information
Stiglitz, Joseph E. U.S. analysis of markets with asymmetric information
2002 Kahneman, Daniel U.S./Israel integration of psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision making under uncertainty
Smith, Vernon L. U.S. establishment of laboratory experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis
2003 Engle, Robert F. U.S. development of techniques for the analysis of time series data
Granger, Clive W.J. U.K. development of techniques for the analysis of time series data
2004 Kydland, Finn E. Norway contributions to dynamic macroeconomics
Prescott, Edward C. U.S. contributions to dynamic macroeconomics
2005 Aumann, Robert J. Israel contributions to game-theory analysis
Schelling, Thomas C. U.S. contributions to game-theory analysis
2006 Phelps, Edmund S. U.S. analysis of intertemporal trade-offs in macroeconomic policy
2007 Hurwicz, Leonid U.S. work that laid the foundations of mechanism design theory
Maskin, Eric S. U.S. work that laid the foundations of mechanism design theory
Myerson, Roger B. U.S. work that laid the foundations of mechanism design theory
2008 Krugman, Paul U.S. analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity
*Officially called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, it is technically not a Nobel Prize, although it is identified with the award.
**Nationality given is the citizenship of recipient at the time award was made. Prizes may be withheld or not awarded in years when no worthy recipient can be found or when the world situation (e.g., World Wars I and II) prevents the gathering of information needed to reach a decision.
See as table:

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Universalium. 2010.

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