Selected Major World Stock Market Indexes 7, Table

Selected Major World Stock Market Indexes 7, Table

1995 range{2} Year-end change from
Country and index High Low close 12/31/94
Australia, Sydney All Ordinaries 2226 1823 2203 15
Austria, Credit Aktien 395 329 345 -13
Belgium, Brussels BEL20 1560 1272 1559 12
Canada, Toronto Composite 4745 3991 4714 12
Denmark, Copenhagen Stock
Exchange 375 330 366 5
Finland, HEX General 2332 1555 1712 -7
France, Paris CAC 40 2017 1721 1872 0
Germany, Frankfurt FAZ Aktien 847 709 816 4
Hong Kong, Hang Seng 10,073 6968 10,073 23
Ireland, ISEQ Overall 2261 1814 2227 20
Italy, Milan Banca Comm. Ital. 681 548 590 -7
Japan, Nikkei Average 20,012 14,485 19,868 1
Mexico, IPC 2834 1448 2791 17
Netherlands, The, CBS All Share 322 265 322 16
Norway, Oslo Stock Exchange 1292 1036 1261 10
Philippines, Manila Composite 2958 2196 2594 -7
Singapore, SES All-Singapore 559 473 555 4
South Africa, Johannesburg
Industrials 7991 6222 7987 14
Spain, Madrid Stock Exchange 320 264 320 12
Sweden, Affarsvarlden General 1872 1440 1736 18
Switzerland, SBC General 1136 871 1132 22
Taiwan, Weighted Price 7051 4503 5159 -27
Thailand, Bangkok SET 1472 1136 1281 -5
Turkey, Istanbul Composite 54,654 24,644 40,025 47
United Kingdom, FT-SE 100 3689 2954 3689 20
United States, Dow Jones Industrials 5216 3832 5117 33

World, MS Capital International 735 596 619 0

{1}All numbers are rounded. {2}Based on daily closing price.
Source: Financial Times.

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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