Nobel Prize winners by category (physiology or medicine)
- Nobel Prize winners by category (physiology or medicine)
Nobel Prize winners by category (physiology or medicine)
year name country* achievement
1912 Carrel, Alexis France work on vascular suture;
transplantation of organs
1919 Bordet, Jules Belgium work on immunity factors in blood serum
1920 Krogh, August Denmark discovery of the capillary motor-
regulating mechanism
1922 Hill, A.V. U.
discoveries concerning heat production in muscles
1931 Warburg, Otto Germany discovery of the nature and action of the respiratory enzyme
Loewi, Otto Germany work on chemical transmission of nerve impulses
1938 Heymans, Corneille Belgium discovery of the role of sinus and aortic mechanisms in respiration regulation
1944 Erlanger, Joseph U.
researches on differentiated functions of nerve fibres
Reichstein, Tadeus Switzerland research on adrenal cortex hormones,
their structure and biological effects
1956 Cournand, André F. U.
discoveries concerning heart catheterization and circulatory changes
Forssmann, Werner West Germany discoveries concerning heart catheterization and circulatory changes
1964 Bloch,
Konrad (
Bloch, Konrad E.)
discoveries concerning cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism
Lynen, Feodor West Germany discoveries concerning cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism
1965 Jacob, François France discoveries concerning regulatory activities of body cells
Lwoff, André France discoveries concerning regulatory activities of body cells
Monod, Jacques France discoveries concerning regulatory activities of body cells
Rous, Peyton U.
research on causes and treatment of cancer
1967 Granit, Ragnar Arthur Sweden discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eye
Wald, George U.
discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eye
1969 Delbrück, Max U.
research and discoveries concerning viruses and viral diseases
Hershey, A.D. U.
research and discoveries concerning viruses and viral diseases
Luria, Salvador U.
research and discoveries concerning viruses and viral diseases
1970 Axelrod, Julius U.
discoveries concerning the chemistry of nerve impulse transmission
Euler, Ulf von Sweden discoveries concerning the chemistry of nerve impulse transmission
Katz, Sir Bernard U.
discoveries concerning the chemistry of nerve impulse transmission
1974 Claude, Albert U.
research on structural and functional organization of cells
1975 Baltimore, David U.
interaction between tumour viruses and the genetic material of the cell
Dulbecco, Renato U.
interaction between tumour viruses and the genetic material of the cell
1978 Arber, Werner Switzerland discovery and application of enzymes that fragment DNA
Nathans, Daniel U.
discovery and application of enzymes that fragment DNA
1980 Benacerraf, Baruj U.
investigations of genetic control of the response of the immune system to foreign substances
Joachim (
Dausset, Jean)
France investigations of genetic control of the response of the immune system to foreign substances
Snell, George Davis U.
investigations of genetic control of the response of the immune system to foreign substances
1984 Jerne, Niels K. U.
Denmark theory and development of a technique for producing monoclonal antibodies
Köhler, Georges J.F. West Germany theory and development of a technique for producing monoclonal antibodies
Milstein, César Argentina theory and development of a technique for producing monoclonal antibodies
1985 Brown, Michael S. U.
discovery of cell receptors relating to cholesterol metabolism
1986 Cohen, Stanley U.
discovery of chemical agents that help regulate the growth of cells
1988 Black, Sir James U.
development of new classes of drugs for combating disease
Gertrude Belle (
Elion, Gertrude B.)
development of new classes of drugs for combating disease
1991 Neher, Erwin Germany discovery of how cells communicate,
as related to diseases
Sakmann, Bert Germany discovery of how cells communicate,
as related to diseases
1995 Lewis, Edward B. U.
identification of genes that control the body'
s early structural development
Wieschaus, Eric F. U.
identification of genes that control the body'
s early structural development
1996 Doherty, Peter C. Australia discovery of how the immune system recognizes virus-
infected cells
1998 Furchgott, Robert F. U.
discovery that nitric oxide (
acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system
Ignarro, Louis J. U.
discovery that nitric oxide (
acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system
Murad, Ferid U.
discovery that nitric oxide (
acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system
1999 Blobel, Günter U.
discovery that proteins have signals governing cellular organization
2000 Carlsson, Arvid Sweden discovery of how signals are transmitted between nerve cells in the brain
Greengard, Paul U.
discovery of how signals are transmitted between nerve cells in the brain
Kandel, Eric U.
discovery of how signals are transmitted between nerve cells in the brain
2002 Brenner, Sydney U.
discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death (
2004 Axel, Richard U.
discovery of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system
Buck, Linda B. U.
discovery of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system
2006 Fire, Andrew Z. U.
discovery of RNA interference—
gene silencing by double-
stranded RNA
Mello, Craig C. U.
discovery of RNA interference—
gene silencing by double-
stranded RNA
2007 Capecchi, Mario R. U.
discovery of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells
Evans, Sir Martin J. U.
discovery of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells
Smithies, Oliver U.
discovery of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells
*Nationality given is the citizenship of recipient at the time award was made. Prizes may be withheld or not awarded in years when no worthy recipient can be found or when the world situation (e.g., World Wars I and II) prevents the gathering of information needed to reach a decision.
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