- Nobel Prize winners by name (V through Z)
▪ TableNobel Prize winners by name (V through Z)name year category country* achievement literary areaVan Vleck, John H. 1977 physics U.S. contributions to understanding the behaviour of electrons in magnetic, noncrystalline solidsVane, John Robert (Vane, Sir John Robert) 1982 physiology/ medicine U.K. biochemistry and physiology of prostaglandinsVeltman, Martinus J.G. 1999 physics The Netherlands study of the quantum structure of electroweak interactionsVickrey, William 1996 economics U.S. theory of incentives under conditions of asymmetric informationWaals, Johannes Diederik van der 1910 physics The Netherlands research concerning the equation of state of gases and liquidsWagner-Jauregg, Julius 1927 physiology/ medicine Austria work on malaria inoculation in dementia paralyticaWald, George 1967 physiology/ medicine U.S. discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eyeWalker, John E. 1997 chemistry U.K. explanation of the enzymatic conversion of adenosine triphosphateWalton, Ernest Thomas Sinton 1951 physics Ireland work on transmutation of atomic nuclei by accelerated particlesWarburg, Otto 1931 physiology/ medicine Germany discovery of the nature and action of the respiratory enzymeWarren, J. Robin 2005 physiology/ medicine Australia discovery of bacteria's role in peptic ulcer diseaseWatson, James Dewey 1962 physiology/ medicine U.S. discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNAWeinberg, Steven 1979 physics U.S. unification of electromagnetism and the weak interactions of subatomic particlesWeller, Thomas H. 1954 physiology/ medicine U.S. cultivation of the poliomyelitis virus in tissue culturesWieschaus, Eric F. 1995 physiology/ medicine U.S. identification of genes that control the body's early structural developmentWigner, Eugene Paul 1963 physics U.S. principles governing interaction of protons and neutrons in the nucleusWilczek, Frank 2004 physics U.S. discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interactionWilkins, Maurice 1962 physiology/ medicine U.K. discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNAWillstätter, Richard 1915 chemistry Germany pioneer researches in plant pigments, especially chlorophyllWilson, C.T.R. 1927 physics U.K. method of making visible the paths of electrically charged particlesWilson, Robert Woodrow 1978 physics U.S. discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, providing support for the big-bang theoryWittig, Georg 1979 chemistry West Germany introduction of compounds of boron and phosphorus in the synthesis of organic substancesWoodward, R.B. (Woodward, Robert Burns) 1965 chemistry U.S. synthesis of sterols, chlorophyll, and other substancesWüthrich, Kurt 2002 chemistry Switzerland development of techniques to identify and analyze proteins and other large moleculesZeeman, Pieter 1902 physics The Netherlands investigation of the influence of magnetism on radiationZewail, Ahmed H. 1999 chemistry Egypt/U.S. study of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopyZiegler, Karl 1963 chemistry West Germany structure and synthesis of polymers in the field of plasticsZinkernagel, Rolf M. 1996 physiology/ medicine Switzerland discovery of how the immune system recognizes virus-infected cellsZsigmondy, Richard 1925 chemistry Austria elucidation of the heterogeneous nature of colloidal solutionszur Hausen, Harald 2008 physiology/ medicine Germany discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer*Nationality given is the citizenship of recipient at the time award was made. Prizes may be withheld or not awarded in years when no worthy recipient can be found or when the world situation (e.g., World Wars I and II) prevents the gathering of information needed to reach a decision.TopBack to Nobel Prize winners directorySee as table:
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Universalium. 2010.