
distinctionless, adj.
/di stingk"sheuhn/, n.
1. a marking off or distinguishing as different: His distinction of sounds is excellent.
2. the recognizing or noting of differences; discrimination: to make a distinction between right and wrong.
3. a discrimination made between things as different; special regard or favoritism: Death comes to all without distinction.
4. condition of being different; difference: There is a distinction between what he says and what he does.
5. a distinguishing quality or characteristic: It has the distinction of being the oldest house in the town.
6. a distinguishing or treating with special honor, attention, or favor.
7. an act of bestowing, or a mark of, honor or favor.
8. marked superiority; note; eminence.
9. distinguished appearance.
10. Obs. division; separation.
[1175-1225; ME distinccioun ( < AF) < L distinction- (s. of distinctio), equiv. to distinct(us) (see DISTINCT) + -ion- -ION]
Syn. 3. DISTINCTION and DIFFERENCE may both refer to perceivable dissimilarities and, in this meaning, may be used interchangeably: There is a distinction (difference) between the two. DISTINCTION, however, usually suggests the perception of dissimilarity, as the result of analysis and discrimination: a carefully made distinction between two treatments of the same theme; whereas DIFFERENCE refers only to the condition of being dissimilar: the difference between Gothic and Roman architecture. "A distinction without a difference" is a way of referring to an artificial or false discrimination. 7. See honor. 8. renown, importance.
Ant. 4. resemblance.

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