
/bree"ding/, n.
1. the producing of offspring.
2. the improvement or development of breeds of livestock, as by selective mating and hybridization.
3. Hort. the production of new forms by selection, crossing, and hybridizing.
4. training; nurture: He is a man of good breeding.
5. the result of upbringing or training as shown in behavior and manners; manners, esp. good manners: You can tell when a person has breeding.
6. Energy. the production in a nuclear reactor of more fissile material than is consumed.
[1250-1300; ME; see BREED, -ING1]

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Application of genetic principles in animal husbandry, agriculture, and horticulture to improve desirable qualities.

Ancient agriculturists improved many plants through selective cultivation. Modern plant breeding centers on pollination; pollen from the chosen male plant, and no other pollen, must be transferred to the female plant. Animal breeding consists of choosing the ideal trait (e.g., fine wool, high milk production), selecting the breeding stock, and determining the mating system (e.g., whether mating animals are unrelated, mildly related, or highly inbred).

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Universalium. 2010.

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