Aghlabid dynasty

Aghlabid dynasty
(800909) Arab Muslim dynasty that ruled Ifrīqiyyah (Tunisia and eastern Algeria) through a succession of 11 emirs.

Nominally subject to the Abbāsid dynasty, they in fact were independent. High points of Aghlabid rule included the conquest of Sicily (827829), the flowering of their capital city, Kairouan (9th century), and naval control of the central Mediterranean Sea. Public works included a system for conserving and distributing water.

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North African dynasty
also called  Banū al-Aghlab 

      Arab Muslim dynasty that ruled Ifrīqīyah (Tunisia and eastern Algeria) from AD 800 to 909. The Aghlabids were nominally subject to the ʿAbbāsid caliphs of Baghdad but were in fact independent. Their capital city was Kairouan (al-Qayrawān), in Tunisia. The most interesting of the 11 Aghlabid emirs were the energetic and cultured Ibrāhīm ibn al-Aghlab (reigned 800812), founder of al-Abbāsiyya (2 miles [3 km] south of Kairouan); Ziyādat Allāh I (817838), who broke the rebellion of the Arab soldiery and sent it to conquer Sicily (which remained in Arab hands for two centuries); and Abū Ibrāhim Aḥmad (856863), who commissioned many public works. During the 9th century the brilliant Kairouan civilization evolved under their rule. The Aghlabid emirs maintained a splendid court, though at the cost of oppressive taxes; their public works for the conservation and distribution of water, however, contributed to the prosperity of a country that was on the whole peaceful. Their fleet was supreme in the central Mediterranean.

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