- constant
—constantly, adv./kon"steuhnt/, adj.1. not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable: All conditions during the three experiments were constant.2. continuing without pause or letup; unceasing: constant noise.3. regularly recurrent; continual; persistent: He found it impossible to work with constant interruption.4. faithful; unswerving in love, devotion, etc.: a constant lover.5. steadfast; firm in mind or purpose; resolute.6. Obs. certain; confident.n.7. something that does not or cannot change or vary.8. Physics. a number expressing a property, quantity, or relation that remains unchanged under specified conditions.9. Math. a quantity assumed to be unchanged throughout a given discussion.[1350-1400; ME < L constant- (s. of constans, prp. of constare to stand firm), equiv. to con- CON- + sta- STAND + -nt- prp. suffix]Syn. 1. unchanging, immutable, permanent. 2. perpetual, unremitting, uninterrupted. 3. incessant, ceaseless. 4. loyal, staunch, true. See faithful. 5. steady, unwavering, unswerving.
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(as used in expressions)Constant de Rebecque Henri Benjaminelastic constantHubble's constant* * *
▪ mathematics and logica number, value, or object that has a fixed magnitude, physically or abstractly, as a part of a specific operation or discussion. In mathematics the term refers to a quantity (often represented by a symbol—e.g., π, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter) that does not change in a certain discussion or operation, or to a variable that can assume only one value. In logic it is a term with an invariant denotation (any symbol with a fixed designation, such as a connective or quantifier).* * *
Universalium. 2010.