Constans I

Constans I
/kon"stanz/, (Flavius Julius Constans)
A.D. c323-350, emperor of Rome 337-350 (son of Constantine I).

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Roman emperor
original name  Flavius Julius Constans  
born c. 323
died 350, Gaul

      Roman emperor from 337 to 350.

      The youngest son of Constantine the Great (Constantine I) (reigned 306337), Constans was proclaimed caesar by his father on December 25, 333. When Constantine died on September 9, 337, Constans and his two brothers, Constantius II and Constantine II (Constantine (II)), each adopted the title of Augustus and divided the empire among themselves. Constans took control of Italy, Africa, and Illyricum (in the northwestern Balkans). In 340 Constantine IIruler of Spain, Gaul, and Britaininvaded northern Italy but was defeated and killed by Constans's army at Aquileia. This victory gave Constans, who at the time of the battle was at Naissus (modern Niš, Yugoslavia), control over the entire western half of the empire. He defended his realm successfully against the Franks in 341 and two years later visited Britain (he was the last legitimate emperor to visit). In 350 he was overthrown and killed at Autun in Gaul by the usurper Magnus Magnentius (Magnentius).

      An ardent orthodox Christian, Constans was known as a vigorous opponent of Arianism (a doctrine that affirmed the created, finite nature of Christ) and paganism and a supporter of Athanasius of Alexandria, the great defender of Trinitarian Christianity.

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Universalium. 2010.

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