
abatable, adj.abater; Law. abator, n.
/euh bayt"/, v., abated, abating.
1. to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish: to abate a tax; to abate one's enthusiasm.
2. Law.
a. to put an end to or suppress (a nuisance).
b. to suspend or extinguish (an action).
c. to annul (a writ).
3. to deduct or subtract: to abate part of the cost.
4. to omit: to abate all mention of names.
5. to remove, as in stone carving, or hammer down, as in metalwork, (a portion of a surface) in order to produce a figure or pattern in low relief.
6. to diminish in intensity, violence, amount, etc.: The storm has abated. The pain in his shoulder finally abated.
7. Law. to end; become null and void.
[1300-50; ME < MF abatre to beat down, equiv. to a- A-5 + batre < LL batere for L battuere to beat; a- perh. also understood as A-3]
Syn. 1. decrease, weaken. 6. subside.
Ant. 1, 6. increase, intensify.

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