Principal constituents of seawater*

Principal constituents of seawater*

Principal constituents of seawater*
ionic constituent g/kg of
seawater moles/kg** relative concentration
chloride 19.162 0.5405 1.0000
sodium 10.679 0.4645 0.8593
magnesium   1.278 0.0526 0.0974
sulfate   2.680 0.0279 0.0517
calcium   0.4096 0.01022 0.0189
potassium   0.3953 0.01011 0.0187
carbon (inorganic)   0.0276 0.0023 0.0043
bromide   0.0663 0.00083 0.00154
boron   0.0044 0.00041 0.00075
strontium   0.0079 0.00009 0.000165
fluoride   0.0013 0.00007 0.000125
*Concentrations at salinity equal to 34.7.
**Ionic concentrations are conventionally expressed in molecular units. One mole per kilogram is equivalent to 6.023(1023) ions or molecules per kilogram of seawater. The relative concentrations in column 4 provide the number of ions of each constituent in one kilogram of seawater as compared to the number of chloride ions in one kilogram of seawater.
See as table:

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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