Fastolf, Sir John

Fastolf, Sir John

English military officer
born c. 1378, , Caister, Norfolk, Eng.
died Nov. 5, 1459, Caister

      English career soldier who fought and made his fortune in the second phase of the Hundred Years' War between England and France (13371453). His name is immortalized through William Shakespeare's character Sir John Falstaff (Falstaff, Sir John), but the courageous Fastolf bears little resemblance to the cowardly, dissolute, clowning Falstaff of Henry IV, (Henry IV, Part 2) parts I and II, and The Merry Wives of Windsor.

      Fastolf served with distinction against the French at Agincourt (1415) and Verneuil (1424) and in theBattle of the Herringsat Rouvay in 1429, where he used barrels of herrings to shield his troops. Although accused of cowardice in the defeat of his forces at Patay in June 1429, he was later cleared of the charge. About 1440 he retired from military service. The papers left by his Norfolk neighbour and friend John Paston picture Fastolf as an irascible, acquisitive old man who was utterly ruthless in his business dealings. Childless, he intended to leave his possessions for pious works, but the Pastons got most of them. The bishop of Winchester, however, managed to salvage a portion for his new Magdalen College at the University of Oxford.

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