Falstaff, Sir John

Falstaff, Sir John

fictional character
      one of the most famous comic characters in all English literature, who appears in four of Shakespeare's plays. Entirely the creation of Shakespeare, Falstaff is said to have been partly modeled on Sir John Oldcastle (Oldcastle, Sir John), a soldier and the martyred leader of the Lollard sect. Indeed, Shakespeare had originally called this character Sir John Oldcastle in the first version of Henry IV, Part 1, but had changed the name before the play was registered, doubtless because descendants of the historical Oldcastlewho were then prominent at courtprotested. He chose the name Falstaff partly because it contained echoes of the name Sir John Fastolf, which he had earlier given to a cowardly knight in Henry VI, Part 1. (The historical Sir John Fastolf was a career soldier who in the second phase of the Hundred Years' War had something of a reputation as a coward; however, Shakespeare's presentation of his character was libelous.)

      In Henry IV, Part 1, Falstaff is a boon companion to the young Prince Hal, a type of nonjudgmental father-substitute he calls thatreverend vice . . . that father ruffian, that vanity of years” (and, in Falstaff's own imagination, thatkind Jack Falstaff, true Jack Falstaff, valiant Jack Falstaff”), and throughout the play Falstaff comments on the political machinations with inglorious, reckless, egotistical good sense.

      In Henry IV, Part 2, Falstaff and his disreputable crew are rejected by Hal, now Henry V, as he assumes the dignities of the crown. Falstaff's death is movingly reported in Henry V, but he makes another appearance in The Merry Wives of Windsor (Merry Wives of Windsor, The), a play that, according to (largely unsupported) tradition, was written at the express command of Queen Elizabeth I, who had wished to see Falstaff in love. This play's Falstaff, now reduced to an opportunistic and comically unsuccessful seducer, was the subject of Giuseppe Verdi's opera Falstaff (produced 1893) and Otto Nicolai's Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (produced 1849).

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