automotive ceramics

automotive ceramics


      advanced ceramic materials that are made into components for automobiles. Examples include spark plug insulators, catalysts and catalyst supports for emission control devices, and sensors of various kinds. This article briefly describes two important automotive applications of modern advanced ceramicssupport structures for catalytic converter elements and various pressure and heat sensors.

Catalytic converter substrates
      Catalytic converters are used to reduce the amounts of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and unreacted hydrocarbons in automotive emissions. (Catalytic conversion requires a precisely balanced air-to-fuel ratio, hence the need for oxygen sensors such as those described in conductive ceramics: Oxygen sensors (conductive ceramics) to aid in feedback control of fuel injection.) In dual-bed converter systems the exhaust gases are first reduced in order to eliminate the oxides of nitrogen; then they are oxidized with added air in order to eliminate carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. In more advanced three-way converters individual catalysts accomplish reduction of each species simultaneously.

      Catalysts are either platinum-group metals (platinum group) or base metals such as chromium, nickel, and copper. In base-metal catalysts the active surfaces are actually ceramic oxides of the metals. Because platinum metals are extremely expensive, they are deposited on ceramic catalyst supports as salts and then reduced to finely divided metal particles.

      For efficiency of conversion, extremely large surface areas are required. These are accomplished by ingenious microstructural engineering of the ceramic support structure. Two types of structure are madepellets and honeycomb monoliths. The pellets are porous beads approximately 3 millimetres (1/8 inch) in diameter. With a single pellet having up to 10 square millimetres of internal pore surface area, one litre of pellets can have up to 500,000 square metres of support surface. The pellet material is often alumina (aluminum oxide, Al2O3). High internal porosity is achieved by carefully burning off the organic additives and by incomplete sintering. Honeycomb monoliths have 1,000 to 2,000 longitudinal pores approximately one millimetre in size separated by thin walls. The material is commonly cordierite, a magnesium aluminosilicate (Mg2Al4Si5O18) known for its low thermal expansion. The extruded cordierite structure is coated with a wash of alumina, which in turn supports the platinum catalyst particles. The surface area of the monolith is typically in the range of one square metre; however, this figure must be multiplied many times because of the porosity of the alumina on the surface.

      Monolith supports are much more expensive than pellet supports, but they cause a smaller pressure drop in the exhaust system. Both types of catalyst support, because of their inherent friability, are susceptible to vibrational degradation. Containment of the supports is also difficult. A good seal must be achieved and maintained without imposing external stresses on the friable structure.

      In addition to the oxygen sensor used for monitoring and controlling air-to-fuel ratio (see conductive ceramics), many other sensors are employed in automobiles to gauge a number of variables, including temperature, pressure, speed, and fuel level. Many of these sensors are made of ceramic. For example, sensors for reading pressure at intake or exhaust manifolds may incorporate an alumina diaphragm-substrate onto which thick-film circuitry is screen-printed. As the diaphragm is deflected by fluctuations in pressure, a change in capacitance is registered. Dynamic pressure sensorse.g., for combustion chamber pressuresare made from piezoelectric ceramics, which generate a voltage when subjected to pressure. Piezoelectric sensors can be quite small and have short response times. A variety of position sensor-actuators and acceleration-deceleration sensors are made from piezoelectric ceramics. Piezoelectric ceramics are described in the article capacitor dielectric and piezoelectric ceramics.

Heat engine ceramics
      Refractory ceramics have made inroads as discrete components and as coatings for metallic components in the internal combustion engine. Ceramic parts and coatings offer the distinct advantages of lower fuel consumption (due to their higher operating temperatures, higher thermal efficiency, and lighter weight) and reduced exhaust emissions (because of the more complete combustion of fuel at higher operating temperatures). The outstanding wear resistance of ceramics is also advantageous. So-called thermal barrier coatings of ceramics on metal cylinder heads, piston crowns, and intake and exhaust ports are one example of how the thermal and mechanical properties of ceramics can be combined with the ruggedness of the metal parts that they protect.

 Ceramics also can be formed into the complex shapes of rotors and stators employed in gas-turbine engines. Gas turbines (gas-turbine engine) have rotating rather than reciprocating parts, and here the refractoriness of ceramics, their resistance to corrosion and wear, and their light weight make for highly efficient high-temperature operation. Turbine engines with ceramic parts or ceramic-coated metal parts are currently in operation as auxiliary power sources. Automotive ceramics are only one of several types of advanced structural ceramic. For a survey of the issues involved in adapting ceramics for demanding structural applications, see advanced structural ceramics. For a directory to all the articles covering both traditional and advanced industrial ceramics, see Industrial Ceramics: Outline of Coverage.

Additional Reading
Specific information on automotive ceramics is provided in the article by L.H. Van Vlack, “Automotive Materials,” in R.J. Brook, Robert W. Cahn, and Michael B. Bever (eds.), Concise Encyclopedia of Advanced Ceramic Material (1991), pp. 2530; and two subsections in Theodore J. Reinhart (ed.), Engineered Materials Handbook, vol. 4, Ceramics and Glasses, ed. by Samuel J. Schneider (1991): Ray Kamo, “Adiabatic Diesel Engines,” pp. 987994; and Jay R. Smyth, “Advanced Gas Turbines,” pp. 9951002. The section titledStructural Applications for Technical, Engineering, and Advanced Ceramics,” pp. 9591014 in the Reinhart work cited above, presents an overview of advanced structural ceramics.Thomas O. Mason

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Universalium. 2010.

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