

      Adams, Andy. Editor and Publisher, Sumo World. Author of Sumo; Sumo World Record Book. sports and games: Judo; Wrestling: Sumo

      Ahn, Ki-suk. Assistant Editor, Shindonga of Donga Ilbo. • biographies (in part)

      Alder, Phillip. Syndicated Bridge Columnist and Teacher. Author of Get Smarter at Bridge. sports and games: Contract Bridge

      Alexander, Steve. Freelance Writer. • computers and information systems

      Allaby, Michael. Writer and Lecturer. Author of Basic Environmental Science; Facing the Future. the environment: Environmental Issues; International Activities

      Allan, J.A. Professor of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Water and Peace in the Middle East. world affairs: Libya

      Anam, Mahfuz. Editor, The Daily Star, Bangladesh. •world affairs: Bangladesh

      Andrades, Jorge Adrián. • sports and games: Equestrian Sports: Polo

      Andrejevich, Milan. Freelance Writer. • world affairs: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Yugoslavia

      Anthony, John Duke. President and CEO, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations; Consultant to U.S. Department of Defense. •world affairs: Oman; Qatar

      Archibald, John J. Retired Feature Writer, St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch; Adjunct Professor, Washington University, St. Louis. Member of the American Bowling Congress Hall of Fame. • sports and games: Bowling: U.S. Tenpins

      Arnold, Mavis. Journalist. • world affairs: Ireland

      Aurora, Vincent. Adjunct Professor, Fordham University, New York City. • literature: French: France

      Bahry, Louay. Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Washington, D.C. Author of The Baghdad Bahn. • world affairs: Bahrain; Iraq

      Bailey, George. Author. • world affairs: Germany

      Balaban, Avraham. Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature, University of Florida. Author of A Different Wave of Hebrew Fiction: Postmodernist Israel. • literature: Jewish: Hebrew

      Bamia, Aida A. Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature; Editor, Al-'Arabiyya, University of Florida. • literature: Arabic

      Barrett, David B. Research Professor of Missiometrics, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of World Christian Encyclopedia; Schism and Renewal in Africa. religion: Tables (in part)

      Beckwith, David C. Consultant, Washington, D.C. • world affairs: United States; United States: State and Local Affairs

      Bernstein, Ellen. Freelance Writer and Editor, specializing in health and medicine. •health and disease

      Bird, Thomas E. The Jewish Studies Program, Queens College, City University of New York. • literature: Jewish: Yiddish

      Bleske, Glen. Associate Professor of Journalism, California State University, Chico. •media and publishing: Newspapers

      Boggan, Tim. Historian, U.S.A. Table Tennis Association (USATT). Author of Winning Table Tennis. • sports and games: Table Tennis

      Bonds, John B. Adjunct Professor, The Citadel, Charleston, S.C. • sports and games: Sailing (Yachting)

      Bradsher, Henry S. Foreign Affairs Writer. • world affairs: Philippines

      Brazee, Rutlage J. Geophysical Consultant. • earth sciences: Geophysics

      Brecher, Kenneth. Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University. • mathematics and physical sciences: Astronomy

      Brockmann, Stephen. Associate Professor of German, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa. • literature: German

      Brokopp, John G. Specialist and Writer on equestrian racing. • sports and games: Equestrian Sports: Thoroughbred Racing: United States

      Brown, Bess. Political Officer, OSCE Centre, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Author of Authoritarianism in the New States of Central Asia. • world affairs: Kazakstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

      Brown, DeAudray. Research Assistant, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. •biographies (in part)

      Buchan, David. Diplomatic Editor, Financial Times, London. • world affairs: France

      Bungs, Dzintra. Guest Analyst, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen, Ger. • world affairs: Latvia

      Burks, Ardath W. Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Author of Japan: A Postindustrial Power. • world affairs: Japan

      Burns, Erik T. Bureau Chief, Dow Jones Newswires, Lisbon. • world affairs: Portugal

      Cafferty, Bernard. Associate Editor, British Chess Magazine. sports and games: Chess

      Calhoun, David R. Freelance Editor and Author. •biographies (in part); education: Sidebar

      Campbell, Paul J. Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. • mathematics and physical sciences: Mathematics

      Campbell, Robert. Architect and Architecture Critic. Author of Cityscapes of Boston; coauthor of American Architecture of the 1980s. • architecture and civil engineering: Architecture

      Carter, Robert W. Journalist. • sports and games: Equestrian Sports: Show Jumping and Dressage; Steeplechasing; Thoroughbred Racing: International

      Cenzer, Matthew A. Lecturer in History, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. •world affairs: Burundi; Comoros; Djibouti; Liberia; Mauritius; Rwanda; Seychelles; Sierra Leone

      Chappell, Duncan. Deputy President, Federal Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney, Australia. • law, crime, and law enforcement: Crime; Law Enforcement

      Cheadle, Bruce. Reporter, The Canadian Press. • sports and games: Curling

      Cheuse, Alan. Writing Faculty, English Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.; Book Commentator, National Public Radio. Author of The Light Possessed and others. • literature: English: United States

      Cioroslan, Dragomir. National Coach for U.S.A. Weightlifting, Inc. • sports and games: Weight Lifting

      Clark, David Draper. Associate Editor, World Literature Today. • literature: English: Other Literature in English

      Clark, Janet H. •nobel prizes (in part)

      Clarke, Douglas L. Captain, U.S. Navy (ret.); Military Analyst. Author of The Missing Man: Politics and the MIA. • military affairs; Special Report: NATO at 50

      Collins, Nigel. Editor in Chief, The Ring.sports and games: Boxing

      Cosgrave, Bronwyn. Commissioning Editor, British Vogue. Author of The History of Fashion. • biographies (in part); fashions

      Coveney, Michael. Theatre Critic, The Daily Mail. Author of The World According to Mike Leigh and others. • performing arts: Theatre: Great Britain and Ireland

      Craine, Anthony G. Writer. • biographies (in part); obituaries (in part)

      Crampton, Richard J. Professor of East European History and Fellow of St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford, Eng. Author of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and others. • world affairs: Bulgaria

      Crisp, Brian F. Associate Professor of Political Science and Latin American Studies, University of Arizona. •world affairs: Colombia

      Crowell, Todd. Senior Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • world affairs: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of

      Curwen, Peter J. Professor of Business, Sheffield (Eng.) Business School. Author of The U.K. Publishing Industry and others. • media and publishing: Book Publishing (international)

      Cuttino, John Charles. Ph.D. Student, University of Texas at Austin. •world affairs: Brazil

      Czerwinski, Edward J. Professor Emeritus, State University of New York, Stony Brook. • literature: Eastern European

      Dailey, Meghan. Art Historian/Critic, based in New York. • art, antiques, and collections: Art Exhibitions; Painting and Sculpture

      Davis, Stephen P. Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. •biographies (in part); obituaries (in part); sports and games: Sidebar; world affairs: Bolivia; Uruguay

      Deeb, Marius K. Professor, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. Author of Political Parties and Democracy in Egypt. • world affairs: Egypt

      de la Barre, Kenneth. Director, the Bridge Group. • world affairs: Arctic Regions

      Denselow, Robin. Rock Music Critic, The Guardian; Current Affairs Reporter, BBC Television. Author of When the Music's Over: The Politics of Pop. • performing arts: Music: Popular (international)

      Dietz, Henry A. Professor, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin. •world affairs: Peru

      Dizard, John W. Editor, affairs: Business Overview

      Dooling, Dave. Freelance Aerospace Writer, D2 Associates. Coauthor of Engineering Tomorrow. mathematics and physical sciences: Space Exploration

      Dowd, Siobhan. Columnist, Literary Review (London); Glimmer Train (U.S.). Author of This Prison Where I Live and Roads of the Roma. literature: English: United Kingdom; social protection: Special Report: Women at the Crossroads: Advances and Setbacks

      Ehringer, Gavin Forbes. Sports and Outdoor Writer, specializing in equestrian events, rodeos, skiing, and snowboarding. • sports and games: Bobsledding and Luge; Introduction; Rodeo; Skiing: Snowboarding; Special Report: Arms Race in Sporting Goods

      Fagan, Brian. Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Author of Time Detectives. • anthropology and archaeology: Archaeology: Western Hemisphere

      Farr, D.M.L. Professor Emeritus of History, Carleton University, Ottawa. • world affairs: Canada; Special Report: Nunavut: The Birth of a New Territory

      Feketekuty, Geza. Trade Policy Consultant and Professor of Commercial Diplomacy. Author of The New Trade Agenda and International Trade in Services: An Overview and Blueprint for Negotiations. •world affairs: Sidebar

      Fendell, Robert J. Board Member, Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance. Columnist, Florida Sports Scene. Author of Encyclopedia of Motor Racing Greats. sports and games: Automobile Racing: U.S. Auto Racing

      Fenwick, M.J. Associate Professor of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, The University of Memphis. • literature: Spanish: Latin America

      Fisher, Sharon. Central European Specialist, London. • world affairs: Czech Republic; Slovakia

      Flagg, Gordon. Managing Editor, American Libraries. • libraries and museums: Libraries (United States)

      Flink, Steve. Senior Correspondent, Tennis Week magazine; Author of The Greatest Tennis Matches of the 20th Century. sports and games: Tennis

      Flores, Ramona Monette S. Professor, University of the Philippines; Editorial Consultant and Freelance Writer. • media and publishing: Radio (international); Television (international)

      Follett, Christopher. Denmark Correspondent, The Times; Danish Correspondent, Radio Sweden; Newscaster, Radio Denmark; Local Correspondent for Reuters News Agency, Copenhagen. Author of Fodspor paa Cypern. • world affairs: Denmark

      Fridovich, Irwin. James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. • life sciences: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Fridovich-Keil, Judith L. Associate Professor, Department of Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga. • life sciences: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Friskin, Sydney E. Hockey Correspondent, The Times. • sports and games: Billiard Games: Snooker; Field Hockey

      Fuller, Elizabeth. Editor, Newsline, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Prague. • world affairs: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia

      Gallagher, Tom. Professor of Peace Studies, Bradford University, Eng. Author of Romania After Ceausescu. •world affairs: Romania

      Ganado, Albert. Lawyer. Coauthor of A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 and others. • world affairs: Malta

      Garcia-Zamor, Jean-Claude. Professor of Public Administration, Florida International University. •world affairs: Haiti

      Garrod, Mark. Golf Correspondent, PA Sport, U.K. Contributor to Golf World and Amateur Golf magazines. Secretary of the Association of Golf Writers. • sports and games: Golf

      Gaughan, Thomas. Library Director, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa. • libraries and museums: Libraries (international)

      George, Nicholas. Stockholm Correspondent, Financial Times. •world affairs: Sweden

      Gibbons, J. Whitfield. Professor of Ecology, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia. Author of Keeping All the Pieces and others. • life sciences: Zoology

      Gill, Martin J. Information and Computer Expert, F.A.O. EASTFISH. • agriculture and fisheries: Fisheries

      Girnius, Saulius A. State Consultant, Republic of Lithuania Government. • world affairs: Lithuania

      Gobbie, Donn. Director of Publicity and Media Relations, U.S. Badminton Association. •sports and games: Badminton

      Goldsmith, Arthur. Freelance Writer. Author of The Camera and Its Images. • art, antiques, and collections: Photography

      Green, Anthony L. Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. • biographies (in part)

      Greskovic, Robert. Freelance Writer. Author of Ballet 101. performing arts: Dance: North America

      Griffiths, A.R.G. Associate Professor in History, Flinders University of South Australia. Author of Contemporary Australia; Beautiful Lies. •world affairs: Australia; Nauru; Palau; Papua New Guinea

      Grumet, Robert S. Anthropologist, Pipersville, Pa. Author of Historic Contact and others. • anthropology and archaeology: Anthropology: Cultural

      Guthridge, Guy G. Manager, Antarctic Information Program, U.S. National Science Foundation. • world affairs: Antarctica

      Haddad, Mahmoud. Associate Professor of History, Columbia University. •world affairs: Lebanon; Saudi Arabia

      Halman, Talat S. Professor and Chairman, Department of Turkish Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. • literature: Turkish

      Hammer, William R. Professor and Chair, Department of Geology, Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill. Author of contributions to Dinofest II International Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia; Antarctic Paleobiology. life sciences: Paleontology

      Hannen, Mark. Competitions Manager, English Basket Ball Association. • sports and games: Basketball: International

      Hawkland, William D. Chancellor Emeritus of Law and Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. • law, crime, and law enforcement: Court Decisions

      Henry, Alan. •sports and games: Automobile Racing: Grand Prix Racing

      Hobbs, Greg. Chief Writer, Australian Football League. Author of books on Australian Football. • biographies (in part); sports and games: Football: Australian

      Hoffman, Dean A. Executive Editor, Hoof Beats magazine. • sports and games: Equestrian Sports: Harness Racing

      Hoke, John. Publisher, Amateur Wrestling News. • sports and games: Wrestling

      Hollar, Sherman. Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. • biographies (in part); disasters

      Homel, David. Author of Rat Palms and others. • literature: French: Canada

      Hope, Thomas W. Chairman/Editor, Hope Reports, Inc. Author of America's Top 100 Contract Producers. • performing arts: Motion Pictures: Nontheatrical Films

      IEIS. International Economic Information Services. • economic affairs: World Economy; Stock Exchanges (international)

      Ingham, Kenneth. Emeritus Professor of History, University of Bristol, Eng. Author of Politics in Modern Africa: The Uneven Tribal Dimension and others. • world affairs: Angola; Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire); Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Sudan, The; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe

      Ingram, Derek. Founding Editor, Gemini News Service. Author of Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World; The Imperfect Commonwealth. • world affairs: Commonwealth of Nations

      Ionescu, Dan. Broadcaster/Editor, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. • world affairs: Moldova

      Isaacson, Lanae Hjortsvang. Editor, Nordic Women Writers.literature: Danish

      Iyob, Ruth. Department of Political Science, University of Missouri, St. Louis. •world affairs: Eritrea

      Jamail, Milton. Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin. • sports and games: Baseball: Latin America

      Jatar, Ana Julia. Senior Fellow, Inter-American Dialogue. •world affairs: Cuba

      Joffé, George. Journalist and Writer on North African and Middle Eastern Affairs. Deputy Director, RIIA, London. • world affairs: Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

      Johnson, Steve. Television Critic, Chicago Tribune. •media and publishing: Radio (U.S.); Television (U.S.)

      Johnson, Todd M. Director, World Evangelization Research Center. Coauthor of World Christian Encyclopedia. • religion: Tables (in part)

      Johnson-Kuhn, Jennifer A. Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology, Northwestern University. •world affairs: Ghana; Nigeria

      Joireman, Sandra F. Associate Professor of Political Science, St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, N.Y. •world affairs: Ethiopia

      Jones, David G.C. Tutor, Community University of Rural Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales. Author of Atomic Physics. • mathematics and physical sciences: Physics

      Jones, Mark P. Assistant Professor of Political Science, Michigan State University. •world affairs: Argentina

      Kanduza, Ackson M. Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Swaziland. •world affairs: Swaziland

      Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad. Professor of Persian Languages and Literature, University of Washington. • literature: Persian

      Kazamaru, Yoshihiko. Literary Critic. • literature: Japanese

      Kelleher, John A. Journalist, New Zealand. Formerly Editor, Dominion and Dominion Sunday Times (Wellington). • world affairs: New Zealand

      Kelling, George H. Historian, Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center, Lackland AFB, Texas. Author of Countdown to Rebellion: British Policy in Cyprus 19391955. • world affairs: Cyprus

      Kellner, Peter. Political Commentator, BBC Television; Columnist, The Observer, London. Author of The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class and others. • biographies (in part); world affairs: United Kingdom

      Kelly, John J., Jr. Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. • earth sciences: Meteorology and Climate

      Knowles, Lori P. Associate, The Hastings Center, Garrison, N.Y. •health and disease: Special Report: The Science and Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research (in part)

      Kovel, Ralph and Terry. Authors; Publishers. Authors of Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 2000. • art, antiques, and collections: Antiques and Collectibles

      Krause, Stefan. Political Analyst, International Crisis Group. • world affairs: Greece; Macedonia

      Kroll, Thomas E. Lecturer, Roosevelt University and Northwestern University, Chicago; President, Thomas Kroll Associates. Author of Introduction to Data Processing; C Language Programming. • computers and information systems: Microelectronics; Telecommunications

      Kuptsch, Christiane. Research Officer, ISSA. • social protection (international)

      Lamb, Kevin M. Special Projects Writer, Dayton (Ohio) Daily News. Author of Quarterbacks, Nickelbacks & Other Loose Change. • sports and games: Football: Canadian, U.S.

      Langeneckert, Sandra. Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. • biographies (in part); law, crime, and law enforcement: Sidebar

      Lawler, Nancy Ellen. Professor Emeritus, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Ill. Author of Soldiers of Misfortune and others. • world affairs: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo, Republic of the; Côte d'Ivoire; Gabon; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo

      Lawson, Fred H. James Irvine Professor of Government, Mills College, Oakland, Calif. • world affairs: Syria

      Legassick, Martin. Professor, History Department, University of Western Cape, Bellville, S.Af. • world affairs: South Africa

      Levine, Beth. Freelance Writer. Author of Divorce: Young People Caught in the Middle and others. • media and publishing: Book Publishing (U.S.)

      Levine, Steven I. Mansfield Professor of Asia Pacific Affairs, The Mansfield Center, University of Montana, Missoula, Mont. • world affairs: China; Taiwan

      Lindstrom, Sieg. Managing Editor, Track & Field News. • sports and games: Track and Field Sports (Athletics)

      Litweiler, John. Jazz Critic. Author of The Freedom Principle: Jazz After 1958; Ornette Coleman: A Harmolodic Life. •biographies (in part); obituaries (in part); performing arts: Music: Jazz

      Logan, Robert G. Sportswriter, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Ill.). •sports and games: Basketball: United States

      Longmore, Andrew. Chief Sports Feature Writer, The Independent; formerly Assistant Editor, The Cricketer. •biographies (in part); sports and games: Cricket

      Luling, Virginia R. Independent Researcher, Africa Campaigns Officer, Survival International. • world affairs: Somalia

      Macdonald, Barrie. Professor of History, Massey University, Palmerston, N.Z. •world affairs: Dependent States: Pacific; Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu

      McGregor, Alan. Freelance Journalist. • world affairs: Switzerland

      McLachlan, Keith S. Professor Emeritus, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Boundaries of Modern Iran. • world affairs: Iran

      McLellan, Joseph. Music Critic Emeritus, The Washington Post. performing arts: Music: Classical

      McMillan, Anne. Co-Chairman, Committee 6 (Surveys and Publications) of the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute. •law, crime, and law enforcement: International Law

      Mango, Andrew. Foreign Affairs Analyst. Author of Turkey: The Challenge of a New Role. • world affairs: Turkey

      Mantzavrakos, Afrodite. Editorial Production Coordinator, • obituaries (in part)

      Marples, David R. Professor of History, University of Alberta. Author of Belarus: From Soviet Rule to Nuclear Catastrophe and others. • world affairs: Belarus; Ukraine

      Matthíasson, Björn. Economist, Ministry of Finance, Iceland. •world affairs: Iceland

      Mazie, David M. Freelance Journalist. • social protection (U.S.)

      Middlebrook, Kevin J. Director, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. • world affairs: Mexico

      Mitton, Roger. Senior Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. • world affairs: Brunei; Myanmar (Burma)

      Mora, Frank O. Assistant Professor of International Studies and J.S. Seidman Research Fellow, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tenn. •world affairs: Paraguay

      Morgan, Paul. Editor, Rugby World. • sports and games: Football: Rugby Football

      Morris, Jacqui M. Editor, Oryx, The International Journal of Conservation. • the environment: Wildlife Conservation

      Morrison, Graham. Press Officer, British Fencing Federation; Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Country Life; Déléqué de Presse, Fédération Internationale D'Escrime. sports and games: Fencing

      Myers, David J. Professor of Political Science, Pennsylvania State University. •world affairs: Venezuela

      Noda, Hiroki. Staff Reporter, Jiji Press Ltd., Japan. •sports and games: Baseball: Japan

      O'Brien, Dan. Editor/Economist (Europe), Economist Intelligence Unit. • world affairs: Austria

      Ogden, Shepherd. President, The Cook's Garden. Author of Straight Ahead Organic and others. • the environment: Gardening

      O'Leary, Margaret Hayford. Associate Professor of Norwegian, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. • literature: Norwegian

      Oppenheim, Lois Hecht. Professor and Chair, Political Science, University of Judaism, Los Angeles, Calif. Author of Politics in Chile: Democracy, Authoritarianism and the Search for Development. •world affairs: Chile

      O'Quinn, Jim. Editor in Chief, American Theatre magazine. • performing arts: Theatre: U.S. and Canada

      Orr, Jay. Music Writer, The Tennessean. performing arts: Music: Popular (U.S.)

      Osborne, K.L. Editor, British Rowing Almanack. Author of Boat Racing in Britain, 17151975 and One Man Went to Row. sports and games: Rowing

      Oster, Rose-Marie G. Professor, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Maryland. • literature: Swedish

      Paarlberg, Philip L. Associate Professor, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. • agriculture and fisheries: Agriculture

      Pallares, Amalia. Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago. •world affairs: Ecuador

      Parens, Erik. Associate, The Hastings Center, Garrison, N.Y. •health and disease: Special Report: The Science and Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research (in part)

      Parker, Ines. Freelance Writer. • world affairs: Belize

      Parsons, Neil. Professor, University of Botswana. •world affairs: Botswana

      Peiris, Janadasa. Chairman, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. Editorial Director, Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd. •world affairs: Sri Lanka

      Pérez, Orlando J. Assistant Professor of Political Science, Central Michigan University. Editor of Post-Invasion Panama: The Challenges of Democratization in the New World affairs: Panama

      Pertile, Lino. Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Harvard University. Editor of Cambridge History of Italian Literature. • literature: Italian

      Peszek, Luan. Publications Director and Editor, U.S.A. Gymnastics magazine. Author of Gymnastics Almanac. • sports and games: Gymnastics

      Peterseim, Locke. Copy Editor, • biographies (in part)

      Pfeffer, Irving. Attorney. Author of The Financing of Small Business. • economic affairs: Special Report: Electronic Trading; Stock Exchanges (North America)

      Pisani, Elizabeth. Consultant to the Epidemiology, Monitoring and Evaluation Team of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS. •world affairs: Special Report: Africa's Struggle Against AIDS

      Pollack, Benny. Professor of Iberian and Latin American Politics, University of Liverpool, Eng. • world affairs: Spain

      Prasad, H.Y. Sharada. Formerly Information Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. • world affairs: India

      Primorac, Max. President, Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, Washington, D.C. • world affairs: Croatia

      Qian Zhongwen. Senior Research Fellow, Literature Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. • literature: Chinese

      Ramos, Alcida Rita. Professor of Anthropology, University of Brasilia, Brazil. •world affairs: Special Report: South America's Indigenous Peoples

      Rauch, Robert. Freelance Editor and Writer. • biographies (in part); nobel prizes (in part); world affairs: United States: Sidebar

      Raun, Toivo U. Professor of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University. •world affairs: Estonia

      Rebelo, L.S. Reader Emeritus; Visiting Professor, Department of Portuguese Studies, King's College, University of London. • literature: Portuguese: Portugal

      Reid, Ron. Staff Sportswriter, Philadelphia Inquirer. sports and games: Ice Hockey; Ice Skating; Skiing: Alpine, Nordic, Freestyle

      Renwick, David. Freelance Journalist. •world affairs: Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, The; Barbados; Dependent States: Caribbean and Bermuda; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago

      Reyes, Alejandro. Senior Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. • world affairs: Singapore; Vietnam

      Riggan, William. Editor, World Literature Today, University of Oklahoma. • literature: Introduction

      Robinson, David. Film Critic and Historian. Author of A History of World Cinema; Chaplin: His Life and Art. • performing arts: Motion Pictures

      Roby, Anne. Freelance Writer and Editor. •world affairs: Andorra; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Maldives; Monaco

      Rollin, Jack. Executive Editor, Rothmans Football Yearbook. Compiler of Playfair Football Who's Who. Author of World Cup 19301990 and others. • biographies (in part); sports and games: Football: Association Football (Soccer)

      Rose, Leo E. Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley. •world affairs: Bhutan; Nepal

      Rugh, William A. President, AMIDEAST. • world affairs: United Arab Emirates; Yemen

      Rutherford, Andrew. Professor, University of Southampton, Eng. Author of Transforming Criminal Policy and others. • law, crime, and law enforcement: Prisons and Penology

      Sanders, Alan J.K. Former Lecturer in Mongolian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Historical Dictionary of Mongolia and others. • world affairs: Mongolia

      Sandvik, Gudmund. Professor Emeritus of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. • world affairs: Norway

      Sarahete, Yrjö. Secretary Emeritus, Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs. • sports and games: Bowling: World Tenpins

      Saunders, Christopher. Associate Professor, History Department, University of Cape Town, S.Af. Author of The Making of the South African Past. • world affairs: Cape Verde; Chad; Equatorial Guinea; Gambia, The; Guinea-Bissau; Lesotho; Madagascar; Namibia; São Tomé and Príncipe

      Schmidt, Fabian. Research Analyst on Yugoslavia and Albania, Southeastern Europe Institute, Munich, Ger. • world affairs: Albania

      Schuster, Angela M.H. Senior Editor, Archaeology magazine; Editor in Chief, The Explorers Journal. •anthropology and archaeology: Archaeology: Eastern Hemisphere

      Sego, Stephen. Freelance Journalist; formerly Director, Radio Free Afghanistan. • world affairs: Afghanistan

      Seligson, Mitchell A. Daniel H. Wallace Endowed Chair of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh. Author of Peasants of Costa Rica and the Development of Agrarian Capitalism. •world affairs: Costa Rica

      Seno, Alexandra A. Writer/Reporter, Asiaweek magazine. •world affairs: Cambodia

      Serafin, Steven R. Hunter College, City University of New York. •nobel prizes (in part)

      Shameen, Assif A. Regional Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. • world affairs: Malaysia; Pakistan

      Shelley, Andrew. Chairman, JSM, London. • sports and games: Squash

      Shepherd, Melinda C. Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. •world affairs: Dependent States: Europe and the Atlantic; Dependent States: Sidebar

      Shoemaker, Alan H. Collection Manager, Riverbanks Zoological Park, Columbia, S.C. • the environment: Zoos

      Shubinsky, Valery. Book Reviewer and Cultural Critic, Vechernyi Peterburg. •literature: Russian

      Simons, Paul. Freelance Science Writer. Author of The Action Plant. •life sciences: Botany

      Simpson, Jane. Freelance Writer. •performing arts: Dance: European

      Sklar, Morton. Director, World Organization Against Torture USA; Judge, Administrative Tribunal for OAS. Editor, The Status of Human Rights in the United States and Torture in the U.S. Author of The Right to Travel and others. • social protection: Human Rights

      Smith, Gregory O. Senior Tutor, European School of Economics. • world affairs: San Marino; Vatican City State

      Smith-Irowa, Pamela. Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. •obituaries (in part)

      Sparks, Karen J. Managing Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. • obituaries (in part); performing arts: Motion Pictures: Sidebar

      Stapleton-Corcoran, Erin. Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. •biographies (in part); obituaries (in part)

      Stern, Irwin. Former Senior Lecturer in Portuguese, Columbia University, New York City. • literature: Portuguese: Brazil

      Summerhill, Edward M. Part-Time Staff Member, Reuters; Freelance Writer, Finnish News Agency. • world affairs: Finland

      Sumner, David E. Associate Professor of Journalism and Head of the Magazine Program, Ball State University, Muncie, Ind. •media and publishing: Magazines

      Susel, Rudolph M. Editor, American Home; Our Voice. • world affairs: Slovenia

      Susser, Leslie D. Diplomatic Correspondent, The Jerusalem Report. Coauthor of Shalom Friend: The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin. • world affairs: Israel

      Swift, Richard N. Professor Emeritus of Politics, New York University. • world affairs: Multinational and Regional Organizations; United Nations

      Szczesny, Barry G. Assistant Director, Government and Public Affairs, American Association of Museums. •libraries and museums: Museums (U.S.)

      Szilagyi, Zsofia. Freelance Writer. • world affairs: Hungary

      Tao, Amy R. Freelance Writer and Editor. •biographies (in part)

      Taylor, Jolanda Vanderwal. Associate Professor, Department of German/Dutch, University of Wisconsin, Madison. • literature: Netherlandic; world affairs: The Netherlands

      Taylor-Robinson, Michelle. Associate Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M University. Coauthor of Negotiating Democracy. •world affairs: Honduras

      Teague, Elizabeth. Senior Analyst, Jamestown Foundation, United Kingdom. • biographies (in part); world affairs: Russia

      Tesoro, Jose Manuel. Staff Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. •world affairs: Indonesia

      Tétreault, Mary Ann. Professor of Political Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Author of The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and the Economics of the New World Order and others. • world affairs: Kuwait

      Thomas, Robert Murray. Professor Emeritus of Education and Head, Program in International Education, University of California, Santa Barbara. • education

      Tikkanen, Amy. Freelance Writer. • biographies (in part); media and publishing: Book Publishing: Sidebar; obituaries (in part)

      Todd, Amy. Manager, Sotheby's; Freelance Journalist. • art, antiques, and collections: Art Auctions and Sales

      Tomchuck, Linda. Freelance Writer. • obituaries (in part)

      Tucker, Emma. EU Correspondent, Financial Times. •world affairs: European Union; European Union: Sidebar

      Turner, Darrell J. Religion Writer, Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Ind.). • religion

      Tutunji, Jenab. Assistant Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. • world affairs: Jordan

      Uhlick, Lawrence R. Executive Director and General Counsel, Institute of International Bankers. • economic affairs: Banking

      UNHCR. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. • social protection: Refugees and International Migration

      Utt, Roger L. Editor, Puerta del Sol; formerly Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. • literature: Spanish: Spain

      Venzke, Bruce H. Associate Editor, Pool & Billiard Magazine; Past President, Billiard Congress of Wisconsin. • sports and games: Billiard Games: Carom Billiards; Pocket Billiards

      Verdi, Robert. Senior Writer, New York Times Magazine group; Contributing Columnist, Chicago Tribune. •sports and games: Baseball (U.S.)

      Vinton, Louisa. Editor in Chief, Economist Intelligence Unit, Vienna. • world affairs: Poland

      Walker, Thomas W. Professor of Political Science, Ohio University. •world affairs: Nicaragua

      Wallenfeldt, Jeff. Senior Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. •performing arts: Music: Sidebar

      Wanninger, Richard S. • sports and games: Volleyball

      Watson, Rory. European Correspondent, The Herald. Coauthor of American Express Guide to Brussels. • world affairs: Belgium

      Weber, Amy. Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. • biographies (in part)

      Wechsler, Helen J. Senior Manager, International Programs, American Association of Museums. • libraries and museums: Museums (international)

      Weil, Eric. Sports Editor, Buenos Aires Herald; South American Correspondent for World Soccer magazine. • sports and games: Football: Association Football (Soccer): Latin America

      Whitney, Barbara. Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. • biographies (in part); mathematics and physical sciences: Sidebar; obituaries (in part)

      Whitten, Phillip. Editor in Chief, Swimming World and Swim magazines. Author of The Complete Book of Swimming. •sports and games: Swimming

      Wilkinson, John R. Sportswriter, Coventry Newspapers. • sports and games: Cycling

      Wilson, Derek. Correspondent, BBC, Rome. Author of Rome, Umbria and Tuscany. • world affairs: Italy

      Wise, Larry. Golden Eagle Archery Staff. Author of Tuning Your Compound Bow and others. • sports and games: Archery

      Woodrow, Robert. Formerly Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • world affairs: Laos; Thailand

      Woods, Elizabeth. Writer. Author of If Only Things Were Different (I): A Model for a Sustainable Society; Bird Salad; and others. • literature: English: Canada

      Woods, Michael. Science Editor, The Toledo Blade and Pittsburgh Post Gazette. • mathematics and physical sciences: Chemistry; nobel prizes (in part)

      Woodward, Ralph Lee, Jr. Neville G. Penrose Professor of Latin American Studies, Texas Christian University. •world affairs: El Salvador; Guatemala

      Wyllie, Peter John. Professor, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. Author of The Dynamic Earth; The Way the Earth Works. • earth sciences: Geology and Geochemistry

      Yang, Dali L. Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Committee on International Relations, University of Chicago. •world affairs: Special Report: Asia's Emerging Superpower

      Zegura, Stephen L. Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona. • anthropology and archaeology: Anthropology: Physical


      Adams, Andy.— Editor and Publisher, Sumo World. Author of Sumo; Sumo World Record Book.SPORTS AND GAMES: Judo; Wrestling: Sumo

      Ajello, Robin Paul.— Associate Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Cambodia

      Alder, Phillip. —Syndicated Bridge Columnist. Author of Get Smarter at Bridge. SPORTS AND GAMES: Contract Bridge

      Alexander, Steve. —Freelance. • COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS

      Allaby, Michael.— Writer and Lecturer. Author of Basic Environmental Science; Facing the Future.THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Issues; International Environmental Activities

      Allan, J.A.— Professor of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Water and Peace in the Middle East.WORLD AFFAIRS: Libya

      Andrades, Jorge Adrián.— • SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Polo

      Andrejevich, Milan.— U.S.-based Writer and ConsultantWORLD AFFAIRS: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Yugoslavia

      Archibald, John J.— Retired Feature Writer, St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch; Adjunct Professor, Washington University, St. Louis. Member of the American Bowling Congress Hall of Fame. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: U.S. Tenpins

      Arnold, Guy.— Freelance Writer. Author of South Africa: Crossing the Rubicon; Modern Nigeria; and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Botswana; Burundi; Cape Verde; Chad; Comoros; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Gambia, The; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Maldives; Mauritius; Nigeria; Rwanda; São Tomé and Príncipe; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Swaziland

      Arnold, Mavis.— Freelance Journalist, Dublin. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Ireland

      Arrington, Leonard J. —Formerly Church Historian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Coauthor of The Mormon Experience and others. • RELIGION: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Aurora, Vincent. —Preceptor of French Literature, Columbia University, New York City. • LITERATURE: French: France

      Baber, Bonnie. —Senior Editor, Footwear News magazine. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Footwear

      Backe, Everett E. —Senior Scientist and Professor, Institute of Textile Technology. Author of Cotton Ginners Handbook. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Cotton; Wool

      Bahry, Louay. —Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Washington, D.C. Author of The Baghdad Bahn. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bahrain; Iraq

      Bailey, George. —Author of Galileo's Children; Germans. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines: Sidebar; WORLD AFFAIRS: Germany

      Bakker, Martinus A.— Professor of Germanic Languages, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. Editor of Studies in Netherlandic Culture and Literature. • LITERATURE: Netherlandic

      Balaban, Avraham.— Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature, University of Florida. Author of A Different Wave of Hebrew Fiction: Postmodernist Israel. • LITERATURE: Jewish: Hebrew

      Balmforth, Dennis.— Visiting Professor Emeritus, Institute of Textile Technology. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Introduction; Man-made Fibres

      Barrett, David B.— Research Professor of Missiometrics, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of World Christian Encyclopedia; Schism and Renewal in Africa.RELIGION: Tables (in part)

      Barrett, John C.A.— Headmaster, the Leys School; Secretary, British Committee, World Methodist Council. Author of Family Worship in Theory and Practice.RELIGION: Methodist Churches

      Bass, Howard.— Journalist and Author; formerly Editor, Winter Sports; Ice Hockey Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Skiing and Skating Correspondent, Daily Mail. Author of 19 books on winter sports. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: International; Ice Skating; Skiing

      Bauer, Steven.— Professor of English, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Author of Daylight Savings, winner of the Peregrine Smith Poetry Prize. • LITERATURE: Introduction

      Beckwith, David C.— Director of Government Relations, Electronic Data Systems, Inc., Washington, D.C. • WORLD AFFAIRS: United States: State and Local Affairs

      Belaski, Ann M.— Multimedia Content Editor, McDougal Littel. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Bell, Tom. —Classifier, Encyclopædia BritannicaOBITUARIES (in part)

      Berfield, Susan.— Senior Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Indonesia

      Bickelhaupt, David L.— Professor Emeritus, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Insurance

      Binczewski, George J.— Principal Technical Adviser, S.C. Systems, Moraga, Calif. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Light Metals

      Bird, Thomas E. —Co-director of the Jewish Studies Program and the Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College, City University of New York. • LITERATURE: Jewish: Yiddish

      Blackmore, Heather. —Editorial Assistant, Encyclopædia BritannicaBIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Boddy, William C.— Founder and Editor, Motor Sport, London. Author of Aero-Engined Racing Cars, etc., and MBE. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: Grand Prix Racing

      Bodeker, Gerard C. —Member, Health Services Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, Eng. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Special Report: Alternative Medicine (in part)

      Boden, Edward. —Publications Adviser, British Veterinary Association. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Veterinary Medicine

      Boggan, Tim.— Historian, U.S.A. Table Tennis Association (USATT). Author of Winning Table Tennis. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Table Tennis

      Bonds, John B. —Adjunct Professor, The Citadel. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Sailing

      Booth, John Nicholls. —Lecturer and Writer. Author of The Quest for Preaching Power; Psychic Paradoxes; and others. • RELIGION: Unitarian (Universalist) Churches

      Boswall, Jeffery.— Freelance Lecturer on Wildlife Television. • LIFE SCIENCES: Ornithology

      Box, Ben.— Editor, Footprint Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Costa Rica; Honduras; Panama; Uruguay

      Boye, Roger. —Formerly Coin Columnist, Chicago Tribune. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Numismatics

      Bradsher, Henry S.— Foreign Affairs Writer. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Philippines

      Brazee, Rutlage J.— Geophysical Consultant. • EARTH SCIENCES: Geophysics

      Brecher, Kenneth. —Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University. • MATHEMATICS AND EARTH SCIENCES: Astronomy

      Brockmann, Stephen. —Assistant Professor of German Studies, Carnegie Mellon UniversityLITERATURE: German

      Brokopp, John G. —Specialist in publicity, public relations, and writing about equestrian racing. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Thoroughbred Racing: United States

      Brown, Bess. —Human Dimensions Specialist, OSCE Liaison Office for Central Asia. Author of Authoritarianism in the New States of Central Asia. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Kazakstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

      Brundtland, Gro Harlem. —Physician and Former Prime Minister of Norway. • COMMENTARY: Shifting Attitudes in a Changing World

      Buchan, David. —Correspondent, Financial Times, Paris. • WORLD AFFAIRS: France; SPOTLIGHT: France's New African Policy

      Burks, Ardath W. —Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Author of Japan: A Postindustrial Power. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Japan

      Burns, Erik. —Bureau Chief, AP-Dow Jones News Services, Lisbon. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Portugal

      Butler, Frank.— Formerly Sports Editor, News of the World. Author of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Story of Boxing. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Boxing

      Cafferty, Bernard.— Associate Editor, British Chess Magazine.SPORTS AND GAMES: Chess

      Cameron, Sarah. —Freelance Writer and Editor, Footprint Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Cuba; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Nicaragua

      Campbell, Paul J. —Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Mathematics

      Campbell, Robert. —Architect and Architecture Critic. Author of Cityscapes of Boston; Coauthor of American Architecture of the 1980s. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Architecture

      Carter, Robert W.— Journalist, London. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Show Jumping and Dressage; Steeplechasing; Thoroughbred Racing: International

      Chappell, Duncan.— Deputy President, Federal Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney, Australia. • LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Crime; Law Enforcement

      Chapple, Abby.— Writer and Consultant, Consumer Communications, Largent, W.Va. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Furniture

      Cheadle, Bruce. —Reporter, The Canadian Press. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Curling

      Cheuse, Alan.— Writing Faculty, English Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.; Book Commentator, National Public Radio. Author of The Light Possessed and others. • LITERATURE: English: United States

      Choong Tet Sieu. —Associate Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Malaysia

      Cioroslan, Dragomir. —National Coach for U.S.A. Weightlifting, Inc. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Weight Lifting

      Clark, David D.— Managing Editor, World Literature Today. • LITERATURE: English: Other Literature in English

      Clarke, Douglas L.— Captain, U.S. Navy (ret.); Military Analyst. Author of The Missing Man: Politics and the MIA. • MILITARY AFFAIRS

      Clarke, R.O.— Lecturer and Consultant on Industrial Relations, London. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Labour-Management Relations

      Cogle, T.C.J.— Consultant, Electrical Review. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Electrical

      Colvin, David. —Managing Editor, The Middle East Journal. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Oman; Qatar

      Corzine, Robert.— Energy Correspondent, Financial Times. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Alternative Energy; Natural Gas; Petroleum

      Cosgrave, Bronwyn.— Health and Beauty Editor, U.K. Cosmopolitan. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); FASHIONS; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Coveney, Michael.— Theatre Critic, The Daily Mail. Author of The World According to Mike Leigh and others. • PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre: Great Britain and Ireland

      Craine, Anthony G.— Associate Editor, Inside Sports magazine. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Sidebar; Introduction

      Crampton, Richard J.— Professor of East European History and Fellow of St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford, Eng. Author of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bulgaria

      Crowell, George T.— Senior Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of

      Crowley, Edward.— Editor, Baltic Magazine Supplements; Director, Technical Writing Services. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Shipbuilding; TRANSPORTATION: Shipping and Ports

      Cunningham, Susan M.— Economic and Political Analyst; Freelance Writer. Author of Latin America Since 1945. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Argentina; Brazil; Mexico

      Curwen, Peter J.— Professor of Business, Sheffield (Eng.) Business School. Author of The U.K. Publishing Industry and others. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Book Publishing (international)

      Deam, John B.— Retired Technical Director, AMTThe Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Machinery and Machine Tools

      Deanin, Rudolph D.— Professor, Department of Plastics Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Author of Plastics Additives. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Plastics

      Deeb, Marius K.— Professor, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. Author of Political Parties and Democracy in Egypt. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Egypt

      de la Barre, Kenneth.— Director, the Bridge Group. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Arctic Regions

      Denselow, Robin.— Rock Music Critic, The Guardian; Current Affairs Reporter, BBC Television. Author of When the Music's Over: The Politics of Pop. • PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Popular (international)

      de Puy, Norman R.— Minister, American Baptist Churches; Editor and Publisher, Cabbages and Kings newsletter. • RELIGION: Baptist Churches

      Dicks, Geoffrey R. —U.K. Economist, NatWest Markets. Author of Sources of World Financial and Banking Information. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Introduction

      Dixon, Bernard.— Science Writer; Consultant; Editor, Medical Science Research. Author of Power Unseen: How Microbes Rule the World and others. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (international); Mental Health

      Doll, Susan. —Freelance Writer, Instructor of Film History, School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Oakton Community College. Author of Best of Elvis and others.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Housewares; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Dooling, Dave.— Freelance Aerospace Writer, D2 Associates. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Space Exploration

      Dowd, Siobhan.— Columnist, Literary Review (London); Glimmer Train (U.S.). Author of This Prison Where I Live. • LITERATURE: English: United Kingdom

      Eadington, William R. —Professor of Economics, Director, Institute for Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming, University of Nevada, Reno. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Special Report: Gambling

      Earp, John H.— Director, Halcrow Fox and Associates. • TRANSPORTATION: Introduction; Freight and Pipelines; Intercity Rail; Roads and Traffic; Urban Mass Transit

      Edmondson, Lesley.— Freelance Writer. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Ehringer, Gavin Forbes.— Rodeo Columnist, Western Horseman. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Rodeo

      Ellis, Roger.— Editor, Mining Journal, London. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Mining: Sidebar

      Eron, Carol L. —Director, Editorial Concepts. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Ceramics (in part)

      Fagan, Brian.— Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Author of Time Detectives. • ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeology: Western Hemisphere

      Farr, D.M.L.— Professor Emeritus of History, Carleton University, Ottawa. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Canada

      Fendell, Robert J.— Board Member, Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance. Columnist, Sport Scene Florida. Author of Encyclopedia of Motor Racing Greats and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: U.S. Auto Racing

      Finch, Andrew.— Assistant Director, Government and Public Affairs, American Association of Museums. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (United States)

      Fischer, Adelheid. —Associate Editor, Yearbook of Science and the Future, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Fisher, Sharon. —Central European Specialist, London. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Czech Republic; Slovakia

      Flagg, Gordon. —Managing Editor, American Libraries. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Libraries (United States)

      Flanders, Douglas L.— Development Officer, The United Church Observer. • RELIGION: The United Church of Canada

      Fletcher, Charmaine.— Media and Press Officer, the Salvation Army. • RELIGION: Salvation Army

      Flink, Steve. —Senior Correspondent, Tennis Week magazine; formerly Editor, World Tennis magazine. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Tennis

      Flores, Ramona Monette S.— Professor, University of the Philippines; Editorial Consultant, Masks and Voices; Editor-in-Chief, Pahinungód Annual Journal. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio (international); Television (international)

      Fogle, Douglas. —Curatorial Assistant, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minn. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Paintings and Sculpture

      Follett, Christopher.— Denmark Correspondent, The Times; Danish Correspondent, Radio Sweden; Newscaster, Radio Denmark, affiliated to Reuters News Agency, Copenhagen. Author of Fodspor paa Cypern. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Denmark

      Forrest, Brett. —Reporter, Men's JournalSPORTS AND GAMES: Special Report: Alternative Sports

      Foster, David William.— Chair, Regents' Professor of Spanish, Humanities, and Women's Studies, Arizona State University. Author of Violence in Argentine Literature and others. • LITERATURE: Spanish: Latin America

      Frank, Stephen E.— Staff Reporter, The Wall Street Journal. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Banking: United States

      Freeman, Laurie. —Freelance Writer and Editor. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Advertising

      Fridovich, Irwin.— James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. • LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Fridovich-Keil, Judith L.— Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga. • LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Japan: Sidebar

      Friedrich, Mary Jane. —Life Sciences Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Friskin, Sydney E.— Hockey Correspondent, The Times. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Snooker; Field Hockey

      Fuller, Elizabeth.— Editor, Newsline, Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Prague. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia

      Gaddum, Anthony H.— Chairman, H.T. Gaddum and Co.; Vice President, International Silk Association. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Silk

      Ganado, Albert. —Lawyer. Coauthor of A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Malta

      Garrod, Mark.— Golf Correspondent, PA Sport, U.K. Contributor to Golf World and Amateur Golf magazines. Secretary of the Association of Golf Writers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Golf

      Gaughan, Thomas. —Associate Director of Libraries, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Libraries (international)

      Gibbons, Anne R. —Freelance Writer. • LIFE SCIENCES: Entomology

      Gibbons, J. Whitfield. —Professor of Ecology, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia. Author of Keeping All the Pieces and others. • LIFE SCIENCES: Zoology

      Gill, Martin J. — Information and Computer Expert, F.A.O. EASTFISH. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Fisheries

      Girnius, Saulius A.— State Consultant, Republic of Lithuania GovernmentWORLD AFFAIRS: Lithuania

      Gobbie, Donn. —Director of Publicity and Media Relations, U.S. Badminton Association. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Badminton

      Goldsmith, Arthur. —Freelance Writer. Author of The Camera and Its Images. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Photography; BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Photography

      Gottlieb, Jean S.— Freelance Editor; Bibliographer. Author of A Checklist of the Newberry Library's Printed Books in Science, Medicine, Technology, and the Pseudosciences, ca. 1460-1750. • BIBLIOGRAPHY

      Greeman, Adrian Lee. —Editor, Civil Engineer International. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Bridges

      Green, Anthony L. —Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Green, Theresa. —Information Officer. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Glass

      Greskovic, Robert. —Dance Reviewer, A&E Entertainment Almanac; Freelance Writer. • PERFORMING ARTS: Dance: North America

      Griffiths, A.R.G. —Associate Professor in History, Flinders University of South Australia. Author of Contemporary Australia; Beautiful Lies. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Australia; Nauru; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Spotlight: Racial Integration in Australia and New Zealand

      Grumet, Robert S. —Anthropologist, New Hope, Pa. Author of Historic Contact and others. • ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Anthropology: Cultural

      Gutek, Gerald Lee.— Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Loyola University, Chicago. Author of A History of the Western Educational Experience and others. • EDUCATION (U.S.); EDUCATION: Sidebar

      Guthridge, Guy G.— Manager, Polar Information Program, U.S. National Science Foundation. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Antarctica

      Halman, Talat S.— Distinguished Visiting Professor, Bilkent University, Ankara. Author of Poetry of Ancient Anatolia and Near East. • LITERATURE: Turkish

      Hamilton, Andrea. —Staff Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Singapore

      Hammer, William R. —Professor and Chair, Department of Geology, Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill. Author of contributions to Dinofest II International Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia; Antarctic Paleobiology.LIFE SCIENCES: Paleontology

      Hannen, Mark.— Competitions Officer, English Basket Ball Association. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball: International

      Harakas, Stanley S. —Emeritus Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Author of Health and Medicine in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition and others. • RELIGION: Oriental Orthodox Church; The Orthodox Church

      Haub, Carl V.— Demographer, Population Reference Bureau. Author of Population Change in the Former Soviet Union and others. • POPULATION TRENDS: Demography

      Hawkland, William D.— Chancellor Emeritus of Law and Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University. • LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Court Decisions

      Healy, Tim. —General Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Brunei; Dependent States: East Asia

      Heim, Chris. —Music Director and Freelance Writer, WBEZ Radio, Chicago. • PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Special Report: Listening to the Music of the World

      Heinzl, John. —Business Reporter, Toronto Globe and Mail. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Retailing

      Helgadottir, Birna. —Senior Reporter, The European.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Europe's Crumbling Social Network

      Hendershott, Myrl C. —Professor of Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. • EARTH SCIENCES: Oceanography

      Hennelly, James. —Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Labour-Management Relations: Sidebar; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Henschel, Milton.— President, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. • RELIGION: Jehovah's Witnesses

      Hering, Howard.— Administrative Manager, Frederick Wildman and Sons. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Wine

      Higgs, Kimball. —Assistant Vice President, Sotheby's Book Department. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Antiquarian Books

      Hobbs, Greg. —Chief Writer, Australian Football League. Author of books on Australian Football. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Australian

      Hoeksema, Klaas J.— Staff Member, Institute for Polytechnics, Amsterdam. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Netherlands, The; Suriname

      Hoffman, Dean A. —Executive Editor, Hoof Beats magazine. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Harness Racing

      Hoke, John. —Publisher, Amateur Wrestling News. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Wrestling

      Hollar, Sherman. —Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); disasters

      Homel, David. —Author of Rat Palms and others. • LITERATURE: French: Canada

      Hope, Thomas W. —Chairman/CEO, Hope Reports, Inc. Author of America's Top 100 Contract Producers. • PERFORMING ARTS: Motion Pictures: Nontheatrical Films

      Hunnings, Neville March. — Editor, Encyclopedia of European Union LawConstitutional Texts. • LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT (international)

      IEIS. —International Economic Information Services. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: World Economy; Stock Exchanges (international)

      Ingham, Kenneth.— Emeritus Professor of History, University of Bristol, Eng. Author of Politics in Modern Africa: The Uneven Tribal Dimension and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Angola; Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire); Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Sudan, The; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe

      Ingram, Derek. —Consultant Editor, Gemini News Service. Author of Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World; The Imperfect Commonwealth. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Nations

      Ionescu, Dan. —Journalist, Radio Free Europe, Romanian/Moldovan Desk. Former Senior Research Analyst with Open Media Research Institute, Prague. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Moldova; Romania

      Jackson, Peter S. Wyse. —Secretary-General, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, U.K. •THE ENVIRONMENT: Botanical Gardens

      Jamail, Milton. —Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Latin America

      Jessell, Harry A. —Executive Editor, Broadcasting & Cable. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio: (U.S., in part); Radio: Amateur Radio (in part); Television (U.S., in part)

      Joffé, George. —Journalist and Writer on North African and Middle Eastern Affairs. Deputy Director, RIIA, London. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

      Johnson, Todd M.— Senior Researcher, World Evangelization Research Center. Coauthor of World Christian Encyclopedia. • RELIGION: Tables (in part)

      Johnsson, William G.— Editor, Adventist Review. Author of Behold His Glory and others. • RELIGION: Seventh-day Adventist Church

      Jones, David G.C. —Honorary Lecturer in Physics, University of Sussex, Brighton, Eng. Author of Atomic Physics. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Physics

      Jones, W. Glyn. —Professor Emeritus of Scandinavian Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Eng. Author of Colloquial Danish and others. • LITERATURE: Danish

      Jotischky, Helma. —Head of Business Intelligence, Paint Research Association. Author of The Americas and others. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Paints and Varnishes

      Kang, Taehi. —Associate Professor of Art Theory, The Korean National University of Arts, Seoul. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad. —Associate Professor of Persian Languages and Literature, University of Washington. • LITERATURE: Persian

      Kelleher, John A. —Journalist, New Zealand. Formerly Editor, Dominion and Dominion Sunday Times (Wellington). • WORLD AFFAIRS: New Zealand

      Keller, Edmond J. —Professor, Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Eritrea; Ethiopia

      Kelling, George H. —Historian, Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center. Author of Countdown to Rebellion: British Policy in Cyprus 1939-1955. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Cyprus

      Kellner, Peter. —Political Commentator, BBC Television; Columnist, The Observer, London. Author of The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class and others. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: United Kingdom; Sidebar

      Knapp, Rebecca. —Managing Editor, Art & Antiques. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Introduction

      Knowles, Gerald. —Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, Eng. Author of A Cultural History of the English Language.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: English Language Imperialism

      Knox, Richard A.— Specialist Energy Writer, Technical Press Services. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Nuclear

      Koberstein, Wayne. —Editor, Pharmaceutical Executive magazine. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Pharmaceuticals

      Koelsch, James R. —Freelance Journalist, Discrete Parts Manufacturing Industry. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Metalworking

      Kovel, Ralph and Terry. —Authors; Publishers. Authors of Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 1996. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Collectibles

      Kowalski, Lawrence. —Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • OBITUARIES (in part)

      Krause, Stefan. —Historian and Balkan Specialist, London. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Greece; Macedonia

      Kroll, Thomas E. —Lecturer, Roosevelt University and Northwestern University, Chicago; President, Thomas Kroll Associates. Author of Introduction to Data Processing; C Language Programming. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Microelectronics; Telecommunications

      Kuiper, Kathleen. —Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. Editor, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Kuptsch, Christiane. —Research Officer, ISSA. • SOCIAL PROTECTION (international)

      Lamb, Kevin M. —Special Projects Writer, Dayton (Ohio) Daily News. Author of Quarterbacks, Nickelbacks & Other Loose Change. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Canadian, U.S.

      Lamb, Robert E. —Executive Director, American Philatelic Society. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Philately

      Langeneckert, Sandra. —Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Laqueur, Walter. —Chairman, International Research Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C. Author of Europe in Our Time and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Introduction

      Latham, Arthur.— Freelance Writer. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Lavallée, H.-Claude. — Director of Graduate Studies, Pulp and Paper Research Centre, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Paper and Pulp

      Lawler, Nancy Ellen. —Professor Emeritus, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Ill. Author of Soldiers of Misfortune and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire; Gabon; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo

      Lawson, Fred H. —James Irvine Professor of Government, Mills College, Oakland, Calif. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Syria

      Lawson, Richard L. —General, USAF (retired). President and Chief Executive Officer, National Mining Association. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Coal

      Lee, Jungbock. —Professor, Department of Political Science, Seoul National University. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Legassick, Martin. —Professor, History Department, University of Western Cape, Bellville, S.Af. • WORLD AFFAIRS: South Africa

      Lehman, Richard L.— Professor, College of Engineering, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Author of Handbook on Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Ceramics (in part)

      Levine, Beth. —Freelance Writer. Author of Divorce: Young People Caught in the Middle and others. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Book Publishing (United States)

      Levine, Steven I.— Senior Research Associate, Boulder Run Research. • WORLD AFFAIRS: China; Spotlight: Hong Kong's Return to China; Taiwan

      Lindstrom, Sieg. —Managing Editor, Track & Field News. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Track and Field Sports

      Litweiler, John. —Jazz Critic; Contributor to Down Beat, Chicago Tribune, and others. Author of Ornette Coleman: A Harmolodic Life. •OBITUARIES (in part); PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Jazz

      Logan, Robert G. —Sportswriter, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Ill.). Author of Cubs Win and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball: United States

      Longmore, Andrew. —Chief Sports Feature Writer, The Independent; formerly Assistant Editor, The Cricketer. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Cricket

      Luling, Virginia R.— Social Anthropologist. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Somalia

      Macdonald, Barrie.— Professor of History, Massey University, Palmerston, N.Z. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States: Pacific; Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu

      McElroy, John. —Editorial Director, Automotive Industries. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Automobiles

      McGregor, Alan.— Freelance Contributor, The Times; The Lancet; Swiss Radio International; CBS Radio. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Switzerland; Switzerland: Sidebar

      McIvor, Greg. —Stockholm Correspondent, Financial Times. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Sweden

      McLachlan, Keith S. —Professor Emeritus, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Boundaries of Modern Iran. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Iran

      Mango, Andrew.— Foreign Affairs Analyst. Author of Turkey: The Challenge of a New Role. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Turkey

      Mantzavrakos, Afrodite. —Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Marples, David R.— Professor of History, University of Alberta. Author of Belarus: From Soviet Rule to Nuclear Catastrophe and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Belarus; Ukraine

      Marty, Martin E. —Professor, University of Chicago. Director, Public Religion Project. Author of The One and the Many; Under God, Indivisible; and others. • RELIGION: Special Report: Doomsday Cults

      Mathews, John H. —Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Matthíasson, Björn.— Economist, Ministry of Finance, Iceland. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Iceland

      Maughan, Shannon. —Freelance Writer and Editor, Publishers Weekly; Crayola Kids.LITERATURE: Special Report: English-Language Children's Literature

      Mazie, David M.— Staff Writer, Reader's Digest; Freelance Writer. • SOCIAL PROTECTION (U.S.)

      Meisner, Nadine. —Freelance Dance Critic. • PERFORMING ARTS: Dance: European

      Mermel, T.W. —Consulting Engineer; formerly Chairman, Committee on World Register of Dams, International Commission on Large Dams. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Dams

      Mesa-Lago, Carmelo. —Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Latin America's New Investors

      Michael, Tom.— Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); NOBEL PRIZES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Mihalisko, Kathleen. —Network Administrator for Calibre Systems, Inc. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Independent States

      Millikin, Sandra. —Freelance Art Historian. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Art Exhibitions

      Monti, Steven.— Senior Information Manager, Encyclopædia Britannica. • COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Sidebar

      Morgan, Paul. —Deputy Editor, Rugby World. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Rugby Football

      Morris, Jacqui M. —Editor, Oryx. • THE ENVIRONMENT: Wildlife Conservation

      Morrison, Graham.— Press Officer, British Fencing Federation; Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Country Life; Déléqué de Presse, Fédération Internationale D'Escrime.SPORTS AND GAMES: Fencing

      Mullen, Fiona.— Editor, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Austria

      Munns, Thomas E. —Senior Program Officer, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Murphy, Alan.— Associate Editor, Footprint Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bolivia; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela

      Naylor, Ernest. —Professor Emeritus, University of Wales, Bangor. • LIFE SCIENCES: Marine Biology

      Neher, Stephen. —Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • WORLD AFFAIRS: World Legislative Election Results (in part)

      Newby, Donald J.— Formerly Bowls Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; formerly Editor, World Bowls. Author of various bowls publications. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Lawn Bowls

      Noble, Thomas F.X. —Professor of History, University of Virginia. Author of Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints' Lives. • RELIGION: Roman Catholic Church

      Nurse, Charlie.— Lecturer, Politics Department, Anglia Polytechnic University, England. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Chile; Paraguay

      O'Donoghue, Michael. — Lecturer in Gemology, London Guildhall University. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Gemstones

      Ogden, Shepherd. —President, The Cook's Garden. Author of Step by Step Organic Flower Gardening and others. • THE ENVIRONMENT: Gardening; Gardening: Sidebar

      O'Quinn, Jim. —Editor in Chief, American Theatre magazine. • PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre: U.S. and Canada

      Orihill, Jackie. —Index Editor and Freelance Writer, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Television and Radio: Sidebar

      Orr, Jay. —Music Writer, Nashville (Tenn.) Banner. • PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Popular (U.S.)

      Osborne, K.L. —Editor, British Rowing Almanack. Author of Boat Racing in Britain, 1715-1975 and One Man Went to Row.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rowing

      Oster, Rose-Marie G. —Professor, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Maryland. • LITERATURE: Swedish

      Palmer, John.— European Editor, The Guardian. Author of Europe Without America: The Crisis in Atlantic Relations. • WORLD AFFAIRS: European Union

      Parker, Ines.— Freelance Writer. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Belize

      Parker, Sandy.— Publisher, fur industry newsletter; Co-publisher, Fur World. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Furs

      Parming, Tönu.— President, Estonian Publishing Co. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Estonia

      Pertile, Lino. —Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Harvard University. Author of Cambridge History of Italian Literature. • LITERATURE: Italian

      Peszek, Luan. —Publications Director, U.S.A. Gymnastics; Editor, U.S.A. Gymnastics magazine; Technique magazine. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Gymnastics

      Pfeffer, Irving. —Attorney. Author of The Financing of Small Business. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Stock Exchanges (North America)

      Pollack, Benny. —Professor of Iberian and Latin American Politics, University of Liverpool. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spain

      Pollard, Peter.— Associate Editor, Footprint Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Colombia

      Prasad, H.Y. Sharada.— Formerly Information Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. • WORLD AFFAIRS: India; Spotlight: Poverty in South Asia

      Primorac, Max. —President, Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, Washington, D.C. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Croatia

      Prince, Greg W. —Executive Editor, Beverage World. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Beer; Soft Drinks; Spirits

      Qian Zhongwen. —Senior Research Fellow, Literature Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. • LITERATURE: Chinese

      Rakisits, Claude.— International Affairs Consultant. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Sri Lanka

      Rauch, Robert. —Freelance Editor and Writer. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Réamonn, Páraic.— Communications Director, World Alliance of Reformed Churches. • RELIGION: Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches

      Rebelo, L.S. —Reader Emeritus; Visiting Professor, Department of Portuguese Studies, King's College, University of London. • LITERATURE: Portuguese: Portugal

      Reed, Arthur. —Senior Editor, Europe, Air Transport World. Author of Britain's Aircraft Industry; Coauthor of RAE Farnborough. • TRANSPORTATION: Aviation

      Reid, Ron. —Staff Sportswriter, Philadelphia Inquirer.SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: North America

      Rengers, Maria Ottolino. — Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Renwick, David. —Freelance Journalist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, The; Barbados; Dependent States: Caribbean and Bermuda; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago

      Reyes, Alejandro. —Senior Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Vietnam

      Richards, Denby. —Editor, Musical Opinion.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Classical

      Ridgway, Laurence. —Consultant, Contributor, and Producer of Symposia, World Tobacco magazine. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tobacco

      Robinson, David. —Film Critic and Historian. Author of A History of World Cinema; Chaplin: His Life and Art. • PERFORMING ARTS: Motion Pictures

      Roby, Anne. —Freelance Writer and Editor. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines; Newspapers; WORLD AFFAIRS: Andorra; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Monaco

      Rogers, Peter. —Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Engineering and Professor of City Planning, Harvard University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The Water Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa

      Rollin, Jack.— Executive Editor, Rothmans Football Yearbook. Compiler of Playfair Football Who's Who. Author of World Cup 1930-1990 and others. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Association Football (Soccer): Europe

      Romano, Frank J. —Professor of Graphic Arts, School of Printing Management and Sciences, Rochester (N.Y.) Institute of Technology. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Printing

      Rugh, William A.— President, AMIDEAST. • WORLD AFFAIRS: United Arab Emirates; Yemen

      Rundall, Rebecca. —Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Rusch, William G. —Director, Commission on Faith and Order, National Council of Churches of Christ. • RELIGION: Lutheran Communion

      Russell, Cristine.— Freelance Science Writer and Special Health Correspondent, Washington Post. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (U.S.)

      Russell, George.— International Editor, Time magazine. Author of Eyewitness: A History of Photojournalism. • WORLD AFFAIRS: United States

      Russell, James S. —Managing Senior Editor, Architectural Record magazine. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Buildings

      Rutherford, Andrew. —Professor, University of Southampton, Eng. Author of Transforming Criminal Policy and others. • LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Prisons and Penology

      Saeki, Shoichi.— Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University. Author of Japanese Autobiographies. • LITERATURE: Japanese

      Sanders, Alan J.K.— Lecturer in Mongolian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Historical Dictionary of Mongolia and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Mongolia

      Sandvik, Gudmund. —Professor Emeritus of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Norway

      Sarahete, Yrjö.— General Secretary, Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: World Tenpins

      Saunders, Christopher. —Associate Professor, History Department, University of Cape Town, S.Af. Author of The Making of the South African Past. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Namibia

      Schafrik, Robert E. —Director, Division of Materials, Mechanics, and Manufacturing, National Research Council. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Schalet, Benjamin. —Classifier, Information Management & Retrieval, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Sego, Stephen.— Freelance Journalist; formerly Director, Radio Free Afghanistan. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Afghanistan

      Shackleford, Peter.— Chief of Environment, Planning, and Finance, World Tourism Organization. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tourism

      Shallcross, Bo"ena. — Assistant Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington. Author of Homes of the Romantic Artists and others. • LITERATURE: Eastern European

      Shameen, Assif A. —Regional Correspondent for Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Pakistan

      Sharma, Hari. —Professor Emeritus and Former Director, Cancer Prevention and Natural Products Research, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus. Fellow, National Academy of Ayurveda, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Author of Freedom from Disease; Contemporary Ayurveda: Medicine and Research in Maharishi Ayur-Veda.HEALTH AND DISEASE: Special Report: Alternative Medicine (in part)

      Sharples, Jerry A.— Private Consultant. Coauthor of Imperfect Competition and Political Economy. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: International Issues; Agricultural Commodities

      Shelley, Andrew. —Chairman, JSM, London. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Squash Rackets

      Shepherd, Melinda C. —Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. •ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Banking; International; OBITUARIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States: Europe and the Atlantic; World Legislative Election Results (in part)

      Sherry, Paul H. —President, United Church of Christ. • RELIGION: United Church of Christ

      Shimizu, Teiji. —Freelance Reporter. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Shoemaker, Alan H. —Collection Manager, Riverbanks Zoological Park. • THE ENVIRONMENT: Zoos

      Shubinsky, Valery. —Literary Columnist, Vechernyi Peterburg. •LITERATURE: Russian

      Simon, Reeva S.— Assistant Director, Middle East Institute, Columbia University, New York City. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Lebanon; Saudi Arabia

      Simons, Paul. —Writer; Television Producer. Author of Weird Weather. • LIFE SCIENCES: Botany

      Sklar, Morton. —Director, World Organization Against Torture; Judge, Administrative Tribunal for OAS. Editor, The Status of Human Rights in the United States and Torture in the U.S. Author of The Right to Travel and others. • SOCIAL PROTECTION: Human Rights

      Slayman, Andrew. —Associate Editor, Archaeology magazine. • ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeology: Eastern Hemisphere

      Smith, Donald. —Editor, Rubber World. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Rubber

      Smith, Gregory O. —Dean of Academic Affairs, Rome International University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: San Marino; Vatican City State

      Smith, Reuben W.— Emeritus Professor of History, University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. • RELIGION: Islam

      Solomon, Norman. —Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Oxford, Eng. Author of The Analytic Movement. • RELIGION: Judaism

      Sparks, Karen J. —Managing Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • OBITUARIES (in part)

      Spence, Jonathan. —Sterling Professor of History, Yale University. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Dams: Sidebar

      Spencer, Peter L.— Editor, Consumers' Research magazine. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Consumer Affairs (U.S.)

      Stern, Irwin. —Former Senior Lecturer in Portuguese, Columbia University, New York City. • LITERATURE: Portuguese: Brazil

      Støverud, Torbjørn. — Honorary Research Fellow, University College, London. • LITERATURE: Norwegian

      Sullivan, H. Patrick.— Dean and Professor Emeritus of Religion, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. • RELIGION: Hinduism

      Summerhill, Edward M. —Part-Time Staff Member, Reuters; Freelance Writer, Finnish News Agency. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Finland

      Sumner, David E. —Journalism Professor; Contributor to Episcopal Church periodicals. Author of The Episcopal Church's History: 1945-1985 and others. • RELIGION: Anglican Communion

      Susel, Rudolph M. —Editor, American Home; Our Voice. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Slovenia

      Susser, Leslie D.— Diplomatic Correspondent, The Jerusalem Report. Coauthor of Shalom Friend: The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Israel

      Suzuki, Toshihiko. —Communication Officer, the Delegation of the European Commission, Japan. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Japan

      Swan, Russ. —Editor-in-Chief, World Highways. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Roads

      Swift, Richard N.— Professor Emeritus of Politics, New York University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Multinational and Regional Organizations; United Nations

      Synan, Vinson. —Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition; Pentecostal Churches. • RELIGION: Pentecostal Churches

      Szilagyi, Zsofia. —Freelance Writer, UNHCR, Budapest Office. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Hungary

      Taishoff, Lawrence B. —Chairman Emeritus, Broadcasting & Cable. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio (U.S., in part); Radio: Amateur Radio (in part); Television (U.S., in part)

      Tanner, Wendy. —Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Taylor, Thomas F. —General Secretary, Friends World Committee for Consultation. • RELIGION: Religious Society of Friends

      Teague, Elizabeth. —Senior Analyst, Jamestown, United Kingdom. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Russia

      Tesoro, José Manuel. — Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Cambodia

      Tétreault, Mary Ann. — Professor of Political Science, Iowa State University. Author of The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and the Economics of the New World Order and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Kuwait

      Thomas, Robert Murray.— Professor Emeritus of Education and Head, Program in International Education, University of California, Santa Barbara. • EDUCATION (international)

      Tikkanen, Amy.— Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Todd, Amy. —Manager, Sotheby's; Freelance Journalist. • ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Art Auctions and Sales

      Trickett, Anthony. —General Manager, Economic Affairs, International Iron and Steel Institute. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Iron and Steel

      Tugend, Alina.— Press and Publications Officer, Consumers International. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Consumer Affairs (international)

      Turner, Darrell J. —Religion Writer, Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Ind.). • RELIGION: Introduction

      Tutunji, Jenab.— Assistant Professorial Lecturer, Political Science, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Jordan

      Ulak, James T. —Curator of Japanese Art, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sakler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Coauthor of Asian Art in the Art Institute of Chicago and Reflections of Reality in Japanese Art.MACROPæDIA: East Asian Arts

      UNHCR. —The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. • POPULATION TRENDS: Refugees and International Migration

      Utt, Roger L. —Editor, Puerta del Sol; formerly Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. • LITERATURE: Spanish: Spain

      Venzke, Bruce H.— Associate Editor, Pool & Billiard Magazine; Past President, Billiard Congress of Wisconsin. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Carom Billiards; Pocket Billiards

      Verdi, Robert William. —Sports Columnist, Chicago Tribune. Coauthor of Once a Bum, Always a Dodger; Holy Cow!; and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball (U.S.)

      Vinton, Louisa. —Editor-in-Chief, Economist Intelligence Unit, Vienna. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Poland

      Wallenfeldt, Jeff. —Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Wallis, Shani. —Independent Technical Journalist. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Tunnels

      Walters, Jonathan S.— Assistant Professor of Religion and Asian Studies, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. Author of History of Kelaniya. • RELIGION: Buddhism

      Wandycz, Piotr S. —Bradford Durfee Professor of History, Yale University. Author of The Lands of Partitioned Poland, 1795-1918 and others. • MACROPæDIA: Poland

      Wanninger, Richard S.— • SPORTS AND GAMES: Volleyball

      Warren, J. Robert. —Editor, Asia-Pacific Report, Chemical Market Reporter. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Chemicals

      Watson, Rory.— Deputy Editor, European Voice. Coauthor of American Express Guide to Brussels. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Belgium

      Way, Diane Lois. —Lawyer; Historical Researcher. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Wechsler, Helen J. —Senior Manager, International Programs, American Association of Museums. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (international)

      Weil, Eric. —Sports Editor, Buenos Aires Herald; South American Correspondent for World Soccer magazine. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Association Football (Soccer): Latin America

      Westberg, M. Victor.— Manager of Committees on Publication, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. • RELIGION: Church of Christ, Scientist

      Whitney, Barbara. —Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Games and Toys; Games and Toys: Sidebar; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Whitten, Phillip. —Editor-in-Chief, Swimming World magazine. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Swimming

      Wilkinson, Clive R. —Coordinator, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. Author of Global Climate Change and Coral Reefs. THE ENVIRONMENT: Special Report: Coral Reefs: The Forgotten Rain Forests of the Sea

      Wilkinson, John R. —Sportswriter, Coventry Newspapers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Cycling

      Willis, Clifford L.— Director of News and Information, Office of Communication, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). • RELIGION: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

      Wilmut, Ian. —Doctor, Principal Investigator, Roslin Institute. • LIFE SCIENCES: Zoology: Special Report: The Uses and Ethics of Cloning

      Wilson, Derek.— Correspondent, BBC, Rome. Author of Rome, Umbria and Tuscany. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Italy

      Wilson, Michael.— Freelance Aviation Writer and Consultant. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Aerospace

      Winokur, Robert S. —Acting Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. • EARTH SCIENCES: Meteorology and Climate

      Wise, Larry. —Golden Eagle Archery Staff. Author of Tuning Your Compound Bow and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Archery

      Wolf, Allison Wheeler. —Freelance Writer. Formerly Director of Communications, American Apparel Manufacturers Association. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Clothing

      Woodrow, Robert. —Formerly Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Laos; Thailand

      Woods, Elizabeth. —Writer. Author of If Only Things Were Different (I): A Model for a Sustainable Society; Bird Salad; and others. • LITERATURE: English: Canada

      Woods, Michael. —Science Editor, Block News Alliance. Author of Science on Ice: Research in Antarctica. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Chemistry; NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Woollen, Anthony. —Former Editor, Food Manufacture. Former Editor, Food Industries Manual. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Food Processing

      World Forest Institute. —Information Specialists. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Wood

      Wright, Andrew G.— Associate Editor, Engineering News-Record. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Building and Construction

      Wyllie, Peter John. —Professor, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology. Author of The Dynamic Earth; The Way the Earth Works. • EARTH SCIENCES: Geology and Geochemistry

      Young, M. Norvel. —Chancellor Emeritus, Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif. Author of Preachers of Today. • RELIGION: Churches of Christ

      Zanga, Louis. —Freelance Journalist. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Albania

      Zegura, Stephen L. —Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona. • ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Anthropology: Physical


      Abramson, Gary.

      Reporter on Spain for Business Week, the Chicago Tribune, and the Associated Press. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spain

      Adams, Andy.

      Editor and Publisher, Sumo World. Author of Sumo; Sumo World Record Book.SPORTS AND GAMES: Judo; Wrestling: Sumo

      Alder, Phillip.

      Syndicated Bridge Columnist. Author of Get Smarter at Bridger.SPORTS AND GAMES: Contract Bridge

      Alexander, Steve.


      Allaby, Michael.

      Writer and Lecturer. Author of Basic Environmental Science; Facing the Future.THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Issues; International Environmental Activities

      Allan, J.A.

      Professor of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Water and Peace in the Middle East.WORLD AFFAIRS: Libya

      Andrades, Jorge Adrián.

      •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Polo

      Andrejevich, Milan.

      Writer and Journalist, Washington, D.C. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Yugoslavia

      Archibald, John J.

      Retired Feature Writer, St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch; Adjunct Professor, Washington University, St. Louis. Member of the American Bowling Congress Hall of Fame. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: U.S. Tenpins

      Arnold, Guy.

      Freelance Writer. Author of South Africa: Crossing the Rubicon; Modern Nigeria; and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Botswana; Burundi; Cape Verde; Chad; Comoros; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Gambia, The; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Maldives; Mauritius; Nigeria; Rwanda; São Tomé and Príncipe; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Swaziland

      Arnold, Mavis.

      Freelance Journalist, Dublin. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Ireland

      Arrington, Leonard J.

      Formerly Church Historian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Coauthor of The Mormon Experience and others. •RELIGION: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Aurora, Vincent.

      Preceptor of French Literature, Columbia University, New York City. •LITERATURE: French: France

      Baber, Bonnie.

      Senior Editor, Footwear News magazine. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Footwear

      Backe, Everett E.

      Senior Scientist and Professor, Institute of Textile Technology. Author of Cotton Ginners Handbook.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Cotton; Wool

      Bahry, Louay.

      Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Washington, D.C. Author of The Baghdad Bahn.WORLD AFFAIRS: Bahrain; Iraq

      Bailey, George.

      Author of Galileo's Children; Germans.WORLD AFFAIRS: Germany

      Bakker, Martinus A.

      Professor of Germanic Languages, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. Editor of Studies in Netherlandic Culture and Literature.LITERATURE: Netherlandic

      Balaban, Avraham.

      Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature, University of Florida. Author of A Different Wave of Hebrew Fiction: Postmodernist Israel.LITERATURE: Jewish: Hebrew

      Barford, Michael F.

      Editor and Director, Tabacosmos.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tobacco

      Barrett, David B.

      Research Professor of Missiometrics, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of World Christian Encyclopedia; Schism and Renewal in Africa.RELIGION: Tables (in part)

      Barrett, John C.A.

      Headmaster, the Leys School; Secretary, British Committee, World Methodist Council. Author of Family Worship in Theory and Practice.RELIGION: Methodist Churches

      Bass, Howard.

      Journalist and Author; formerly Editor, Winter Sports; Ice Hockey Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Skiing and Skating Correspondent, Daily Mail. Author of 17 books on winter sports. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: International; Ice Skating; Skiing

      Bauer, Stephen.

      Professor of English Literature, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Author of Daylight Savings, winner of the Peregrine Smith Poetry Prize. •LITERATURE: Introduction

      Beckwith, David C.

      Freelance Journalist, Washington, D.C. • WORLD AFFAIRS: United States: State and Local Affairs

      Belaski, Ann M.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Berfield, Susan.

      Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Indonesia

      Bickelhaupt, David L.

      Professor Emeritus, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Insurance

      Binczewski, George J.

      Principal Technical Adviser, S.C. Systems, Moraga, Calif. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Light Metals

      Bird, Thomas E.

      Co-director of the Jewish Studies Program and the Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College, City University of New York. •LITERATURE: Jewish: Yiddish

      Bisman, Ronald W.

      North Island Editor, New Zealand Harness Racing Weekly. Author of Cardigan Bay; Salute to Trotting.SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Harness Racing

      Bleibtreu, Hermann K.

      Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona. • ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Anthropology: Physical

      Blum, Charlotte.

      Staff Writer, Middle East Economic Digest, London. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Sidebar

      Boddy, William C.

      Founder and Editor, Motor Sport, London. Author of Aero-Engined Racing Cars. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: Grand Prix Racing

      Boden, Edward.

      Publications Adviser, British Veterinary Association. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Veterinary Medicine

      Boggan, Tim.

      Historian, U.S.A. Table Tennis Association (USATT). Author of Winning Table Tennis.SPORTS AND GAMES: Table Tennis

      Booth, John Nicholls.

      Lecturer and Writer. Author of The Quest for Preaching Power; Psychic Paradoxes; and others. • RELIGION: Unitarian (Universalist) Churches

      Borth, David E.

      Manager, Communication Systems Research Laboratory, Corporate Research Laboratories, Motorola Inc. Coauthor of Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communications.MACROPÆDIA: Telecommunications Systems

      Boswall, Jeffery.

      Senior Lecturer in Biological Imaging, University of Derby, Eng. •LIFE SCIENCES: Ornithology

      Box, Ben.

      Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Costa Rica; Guatemala; Panama; Uruguay

      Boye, Roger.

      Formerly Coin Columnist, Chicago Tribune.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Numismatics

      Boylan, Patrick J.

      Professor and Head, Department of Arts Policy and Management, City University, London. Author of Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit and others. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (international)

      Bradsher, Henry S.

      Foreign Affairs Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Philippines

      Braidwood, Robert J.

      Professor Emeritus of Old World Prehistory, Oriental Institute and Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Author of Prehistoric Men.ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeology: Eastern Hemisphere

      Brant, Sara.

      Yearbooks Assistant, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Brazee, Rutlage J.

      Geophysical Consultant. •EARTH SCIENCES: Geophysics

      Brecher, Kenneth.

      Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Astronomy

      Brokopp, John G.

      Specialist in publicity, public relations, and writing about equestrian racing. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Thoroughbred Racing (U.S. and Canada)

      Brown, Bess.

      Human Dimensions Specialist, Europe's Liaison Office for Central Asia. Author of Authoritarianism in the New States of Central Asia. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Central Asia's Next "Great Game"; Kazakstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

      Buchan, David.

      Correspondent, Financial Times, Paris. • WORLD AFFAIRS: France

      Burks, Ardath W.

      Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Author of Japan: A Postindustrial Power. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Japan

      Burns, Erik.

      Bureau Chief, AP-Dow Jones News Services, Lisbon. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Portugal

      Butler, Frank.

      Formerly Sports Editor, News of the World. Author of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Story of Boxing.SPORTS AND GAMES: Boxing

      Cafferty, Bernard.

      Associate Editor, British Chess Magazine; Chess Columnist, the Sunday Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Chess

      Calvert, Michael T.

      Freelance Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Austria: Sidebar

      Cameron, Sarah.

      Freelance Writer and Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The Japanese in Latin America; Cuba; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Haiti; Honduras; Nicaragua

      Campbell, Robert.

      Architect and Architecture Critic. Author of Cityscapes of Boston; Coauthor of American Architecture of the 1980s.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Architecture

      Carter, Robert W.

      Journalist, London. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Show Jumping and Dressage; Steeplechasing; Thoroughbred Racing (Europe and Australia)

      Chapman, Kenneth F.

      Formerly Editor, Stamp Collecting and Philatelic Magazine.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Philately

      Chappell, Duncan.

      Deputy President, Federal Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney, Australia. •LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Crime; Law Enforcement

      Chapple, Abby.

      Writer and Consultant, Consumer Communications, Largent, W.Va. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Furniture

      Cheuse, Alan.

      Writing Faculty, English Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.; Book Commentator, National Public Radio. Author of The Light Possessed and others. • LITERATURE: English: United States

      Clapham, Christopher S.

      Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Lancaster, Eng. Author of Africa and the International System: The Politics of State Survival and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Eritrea; Ethiopia

      Clark, David D.

      Managing Editor, World Literature Today.LITERATURE: English: Other Literature in English

      Clarke, Douglas L.

      Captain, U.S. Navy (ret.); Military Analyst. Author of The Missing Man: Politics and the MIA.MILITARY AFFAIRS; MILITARY AFFAIRS: Special Report: Combating the Land Mine Scourge

      Clarke, R.O.

      Lecturer and Consultant on Industrial Relations, London. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Labour-Management Relations

      Cogle, T.C.J.

      Consultant, Electrical Review.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Electrical

      Corzine, Robert.

      Oil and Gas Correspondent, Financial Times.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Alternative Energy; Natural Gas; Petroleum

      Cosgrave, Bronwyn.

      Freelance Fashion Writer; Features Editor, Zest magazine. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); FASHIONS

      Coveney, Michael.

      Theatre Critic, The Observer. Author of The World According to Mike Leigh and others. • PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre: Great Britain and Ireland

      Craine, Anthony G.

      Associate Editor, Inside Sports magazine. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Crampton, Richard J.

      Fellow, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Author of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bulgaria

      Crowell, George T.

      Senior Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of

      Crowley, Edward.

      Editor, Baltic Magazine Supplements; Director, Technical Writing Services. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Shipbuilding; TRANSPORTATION: Shipping and Ports

      Cunningham, Susan M.

      Economic and Political Analyst; Freelance Writer. Author of Latin America Since 1945. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Argentina; Brazil; Mexico

      Curwen, Peter J.

      Professor of Business, Sheffield (Eng.) Business School. Author of The U.K. Publishing Industry and others. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Book Publishing (international)

      Deam, John B.

      Retired Technical Director, AMTThe Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Machinery and Machine Tools

      Deanin, Rudolph D.

      Professor, Department of Plastics Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Author of Plastics Additives.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Plastics

      de la Barre, Kenneth.

      Director, the Bridge Group. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Arctic Regions

      Deeb, Marius K.

      Professor, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Author of Political Parties and Democracy in Egypt.WORLD AFFAIRS: Egypt

      Denselow, Robin.

      Rock Music Critic, The Guardian; Current Affairs Reporter, BBC Television. Author of When the Music's Over: The Politics of Pop.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Popular (international)

      de Puy, Norman R.

      Minister, American Baptist Churches; Editor and Publisher, Cabbages and Kings newsletter. • RELIGION: Baptist Churches

      Dicks, Geoffrey R.

      U.K. Economist, NatWest Markets. Author of Sources of World Financial and Banking Information.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Introduction

      Dixon, Bernard.

      Science Writer; Consultant; Editor, Medical Science Research. Author of Power Unseen: How Microbes Rule the World and others. •HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (international); Mental Health

      Dooling, Dave.

      Consultant and Writer, D2 Associates. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Space Exploration

      Dowd, Siobhan.

      Director, PEN American Center Program; Columnist, Literary Review (London). Author of This Prison Where I Live.LITERATURE: English: United Kingdom

      Dunford, David J.

      Retired U.S. Ambassador; Adjunct Instructor, University of Arizona. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Oman; Qatar

      Earp, John H.

      Director, Halcrow Fox and Associates. • TRANSPORTATION: Introduction; Freight and Pipelines; Intercity Rail; Roads and Traffic; Urban Mass Transit

      Edmondson, Lesley.

      Freelance Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Ehringer, Gavin Forbes.

      Rodeo Columnist, Western Horseman.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rodeo

      Ellis, Roger.

      Editor, Mining Journal, London. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Mining

      Epstein, Thomas.

      Visiting Scholar, Brown University, Providence, R.I. Author of Russian Postmodernism.LITERATURE: Russian

      Fagan, Brian.

      Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Author of Time Detectives.ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeology: Western Hemisphere

      Farr, D.M.L.

      Professor Emeritus of History, Carleton University, Ottawa. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Canada

      Fendell, Robert J.

      Columnist, Sport Scene Florida. Author of Encyclopedia of Motor Racing Greats and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: U.S. Racing

      Finch, Andrew.

      Assistant Director, Government and Public Affairs, American Association of Museums. •LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (U.S.)

      Flagg, Gordon.

      Managing Editor, American Libraries.LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Libraries (U.S.)

      Flanders, Douglas L.

      Development Officer, The United Church Observer.RELIGION: The United Church of Canada

      Fletcher, Charmaine.

      Media and Press Officer, the Salvation Army. • RELIGION: Salvation Army

      Fletcher, Matthew.

      Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Singapore

      Flink, Steve.

      Senior Correspondent, Tennis Week magazine; Formerly Editor, World Tennis magazine. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Tennis

      Flores, Ramona Monette S.

      Professor, University of the Philippines; Editorial Consultant, Masks and Voices; Editor, Pahinungód Newsletter.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio (international); Television (international)

      Follett, Christopher.

      Denmark Correspondent, The Times; Danish Correspondent, Radio Sweden; Newscaster, Radio Denmark. Author of Fodspor paa Cypern.WORLD AFFAIRS: Denmark

      Fossli, Karen L.

      Oslo Correspondent, Financial Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Norway

      Foster, David William.

      Regents' Professor of Spanish and Women's Studies, Arizona State University. Author of Violence in Argentine Literature and others. •LITERATURE: Spanish: Latin America

      Frank, Stephen E.

      Staff Reporter, The Wall Street Journal.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Banking

      Frank, Steven.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Malaysia

      Freeman, Laurie.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Advertising

      Friday, Elbert W., Jr.

      Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. • EARTH SCIENCES: Meteorology and Climate

      Fridovich, Irwin.

      James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. •LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Fridovich-Keil, Judith L.

      Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga. • LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Friedrich, Mary Jane.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); THE ENVIRONMENT: Zoos; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Friskin, Sydney E.

      Hockey Correspondent, The Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Snooker; Field Hockey

      Fuller, Amanda E.

      Assistant Editor, The Great Ideas Today, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Television and Radio: Sidebar

      Fuller, Elizabeth.

      Senior Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute, Prague. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia

      Gaddum, Anthony H.

      Chairman, H.T. Gaddum and Co.; Vice President, International Silk Association. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Silk

      Ganado, Albert.

      Lawyer. Coauthor of A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Malta

      Garrod, Mark.

      Golf Correspondent, PA Sport, U.K. Contributor to Golf World and Amateur Golf magazines. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Golf

      Gaughan, Thomas.

      Associate Director of Libraries, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. •LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Libraries (international)

      Gibbons, Anne R.

      Freelance Writer. •LIFE SCIENCES: Entomology

      Gibbons, J. Whitfield.

      Professor of Ecology, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia. Author of Keeping All the Pieces and others. •LIFE SCIENCES: Zoology

      Gibney, Frank B.

      President, Pacific Basin Institute, Santa Barbara, Calif.; Chairman, TBS Britannica Yearbook, Tokyo; Acting Chairman, Encyclopædia Britannica Board of Editors, Chicago. Author of Senso: The Japanese Remember the Pacific War.Feature (interviewer): A Conversation with Lee Teng-hui.

      Gill, Martin J.

      Editor, World Fishing magazine. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Fisheries

      Girnius, Saulius A.

      Senior Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute, Prague. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Latvia; Lithuania

      Goldsmith, Arthur.

      Freelance Writer. Author of The Camera and Its Images.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Photography; BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Photography

      Gordon, Katherine I.

      Editorial Coordinator, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Gottlieb, Jean S.

      Freelance Editor; Historian of Science. Author of A Checklist of the Newberry Library's Printed Books in Science, Medicine, Technology, and the Pseudosciences, ca. 1460-1750.BIBLIOGRAPHY

      Gould, Kira.

      Managing Editor, Metropolis.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Housewares

      Greeman, Adrian Lee.

      Editor, Civil Engineer International.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Bridges

      Green, Anthony L.

      Copy Product Coordinator, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Green, Theresa.

      Information Officer. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Glass

      Greskovic, Robert.

      Dance Reviewer, Arts & Entertainment Monthly; Freelance Writer. •PERFORMING ARTS: Dance: North America

      Griffiths, A.R.G.

      Associate Professor in History, Flinders University of South Australia. Author of Contemporary Australia; Beautiful Lies.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Australia; Nauru; Palau; Papua New Guinea

      Griggs, Richard A.

      Political Geographer, Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town, S.Af. Author of State Breakdown: The Role of Fourth World Nations.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Fourth World Resurgence in Europe (in part)

      Grumet, Robert S.

      Anthropologist, New Hope, Pa. •ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Anthropology: Cultural

      Gutek, Gerald Lee.

      Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Loyola University, Chicago. Author of A History of the Western Educational Experience and others. •EDUCATION (U.S.)

      Guthridge, Guy G.

      Manager, Polar Information Program, U.S. National Science Foundation. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Antarctica

      Hafez, Sabry.

      Professor of Modern Arabic, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse; Arabic Cinema.LITERATURE: Arabic

      Halman, Talat S.

      Research Professor; Chairman, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, New York University. Author of Poetry of Ancient Anatolia and Near East.LITERATURE: Turkish

      Hannen, Mark.

      Competitions Officer, English Basket Ball Association. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (international)

      Harakas, Stanley S.

      Emeritus Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Author of Health and Medicine in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition and others. •RELIGION: Oriental Orthodox Church; The Orthodox Church

      Haub, Carl V.

      Demographer, Population Reference Bureau. Author of Population Change in the Former Soviet Union and others. • POPULATION TRENDS: Demography

      Hawkland, William D.

      Chancellor Emeritus of Law and Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University. •LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Court Decisions

      Healy, Tim.

      Writer, Asiaweek magazine; Seattle (Wash.) Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Brunei; Dependent States (East Asia)

      Heinzl, John.

      Business Reporter, Toronto Globe and Mail.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Retailing

      Hendershott, Myrl C.

      Professor of Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. •EARTH SCIENCES: Oceanography

      Hennelly, James.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Henschel, Milton.

      President, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. • RELIGION: Jehovah's Witnesses

      Hering, Howard.

      Administrative Manager, Frederick Wildman and Sons. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Wine

      Hobbs, Greg.

      Chief Writer, Australian Football League. Author of 12 books on Australian Football. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Australian

      Hocknell, Peter R.

      Research Officer, International Boundaries Research Unit, University of Durham, Eng. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Fourth World Resurgence in Europe (in part)

      Hoeksema, Klaas J.

      Staff Member, Institute for Polytechnics, Amsterdam. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Netherlands, The; Suriname

      Hoke, John.

      Publisher, Amateur Wrestling News.SPORTS AND GAMES: Wrestling

      Hollar, Sherman.

      Researcher, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Homel, David.

      Author of Rat Palms and others. • LITERATURE: French: Canada

      Hope, Thomas W.

      Chairman/CEO, Hope Reports, Inc. Author of America's Top 100 Contract Producers.PERFORMING ARTS: Motion Pictures: Nontheatrical Films

      Hoyt, Mike.

      Senior Editor, Columbia Journalism Review.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Newspapers (U.S.)

      Hunnings, Neville March.

      Editor, Encyclopedia of European Union LawsConstitutional Texts.LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT (international)


      International Economic Information Services. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: World Economy; Stock Exchanges (international)

      Ingham, Kenneth.

      Emeritus Professor of History, University of Bristol, Eng. Author of Politics in Modern Africa: The Uneven Tribal Dimension and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Signs of Hope in Africa; Angola; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Sudan, The; Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe

      Ingram, Derek.

      Consultant Editor, Gemini News Service. Author of Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World; The Imperfect Commonwealth.WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Nations

      Ionescu, Dan.

      Senior Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute, Prague. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Moldova; Romania

      Jackson, Peter S. Wyse.

      Secretary-General, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, U.K. •THE ENVIRONMENT: Botanical Gardens

      Jamail, Milton.

      Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Latin America

      Jardine, Adrian.

      Member, Guild of Yachting Writers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Sailing

      Jessell, Harry A.

      Executive Editor, Broadcasting & Cable.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio: (U.S., in part); Radio: Amateur Radio (in part); Television (U.S., in part)

      Joffé, George.

      Journalist and Writer on North African and Middle Eastern Affairs. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

      Johnson, Todd M.

      Senior Researcher, World Evangelization Research Center. Coauthor of World Christian Encyclopedia.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); RELIGION: Sidebar; Tables (in part)

      Johnsson, William G.

      Editor, Adventist Review. Author of Behold His Glory and others. •RELIGION: Seventh-day Adventist Church

      Jones, David G.C.

      Honorary Lecturer in Physics, University of Sussex, Brighton, Eng. Author of Atomic Physics.MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Physics; Physics: Sidebar

      Jones, W. Glyn.

      Professor Emeritus of Scandinavian Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Eng. Author of Colloquial Danish and others. •LITERATURE: Danish

      Jotischky, Helma.

      Head of Business Intelligence, Paint Research Association. Author of The Americas and others. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Paints and Varnishes

      Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad.

      Associate Professor of Persian Languages and Literature, University of Washington. •LITERATURE: Persian

      Katz, William A.

      Professor, School of Information Science and Policy, State University of New York at Albany. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines (U.S.)

      Kelleher, John A.

      Journalist, New Zealand. Formerly Editor, the Dominion and Dominion Sunday Times (Wellington). • WORLD AFFAIRS: New Zealand

      Kelling, George H.

      Historian and Media Relations Officer, Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center. Author of Countdown to Rebellion: British Policy in Cyprus 1939-1955.WORLD AFFAIRS: Cyprus

      Kellner, Peter.

      Political Commentator, BBC Television; Columnist, The Observer, London. Author of The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class and others. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: United Kingdom

      Kemp, Peter.

      Fiction Editor, Sunday Times, London. Author of H.G. Wells and the Culminating Ape and others. • MACROPÆDIA: English Literature

      Knapp, Rebecca.

      Managing Editor, Art & Antiques.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Introduction

      Knox, Richard A.

      Editor, Power Supply World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Nuclear

      Koberstein, Wayne.

      Editor, Pharmaceutical Executive magazine. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Pharmaceuticals

      Kolbe, Regina Galgano.

      Arts and Antiques Marketing Consultant, Regina Kolbe Promotions, New Orleans. •ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Antiquarian Books; Art Auctions and Sales

      Kovel, Ralph and Terry.

      Authors; Publishers. Authors of Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 1996.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Collectibles

      Kraar, Louis.

      Board of Editors, Fortune magazine. Coauthor of Japanese Maverick.BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Krause, Stefan.

      Assistant Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute, Prague. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Greece; Macedonia

      Kroll, Thomas E.

      Lecturer, Roosevelt University and Northwestern University, Chicago; President, Thomas Kroll Associates. Author of Introduction to Data Processing; C Language Programming.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Microelectronics; Telecommunications

      Kuhn, Howard A.

      Vice President; Chief Technical Officer, Concurrent Technologies Corp. Author of Powder Forging; Powder Processing.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Metalworking

      Kuptsch, Christiane.

      Research Officer, ISSA. •SOCIAL PROTECTION (international)

      Lamb, Kevin M.

      Special Projects Writer, Dayton (Ohio) Daily News. Author of Quarterbacks, Nickelbacks & Other Loose Change.SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Canadian, U.S.

      Lambert, Philip.

      Associate Professor of Music, Baruch College, City University of New York. Author of The Music of Charles Ives.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Classical

      Langeneckert, Sandra.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Laqueur, Walter.

      Chairman, International Research Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C. Author of Europe in Our Time and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Introduction

      Latham, Arthur.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • CHRONOLOGY OF 1996

      Lavallée, H.-Claude.

      Director, Pulp and Paper Research Centre, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Paper and Pulp

      Lawler, Nancy Ellen.

      Professor of Economics, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Ill. Author of Soldiers of Misfortune and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire; Gabon; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo

      Lawson, Fred H.

      James Irvine Professor of Government, Mills College, Oakland, Calif. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Syria

      Lee Jai Seong.

      Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Legassick, Martin.

      Professor, History Department, University of Western Cape, Bellville, S.Af. •WORLD AFFAIRS: South Africa

      Lehman, Richard L.

      Professor, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Author of Handbook on Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Ceramics

      Levine, Beth.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Divorce: Young People Caught in the Middle and others. •MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Book Publishing (U.S.)

      Levine, Steven I.

      Senior Research Associate, Boulder Run Research. • WORLD AFFAIRS: China; Taiwan

      Lindstrom, Sieg.

      Managing Editor, Track & Field News.SPORTS AND GAMES: Track and Field Sports

      Litsky, Frank.

      Sportswriter, New York Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: North America

      Litweiler, John.

      Jazz Critic; Contributor to Down Beat, Chicago Tribune, and others. Author of Ornette Coleman: A Harmolodic Life.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part); PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Jazz

      Logan, Robert G.

      Sportswriter, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Ill.). Author of Cubs Win! and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (U.S.)

      Longmore, Andrew.

      Chief Sports Feature Writer, The Times; Formerly Assistant Editor, The Cricketer.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Cricket; Cricket: Sidebar

      Loy, Dennis.

      Senior Editor, Textile Technology Digest.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Introduction; Man-Made Fibres

      Luling, Virginia R.

      Social Anthropologist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Somalia

      Macdonald, Barrie.

      Professor of History, Massey University, Palmerston, N.Z. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: A Postnuclear Era in the Pacific; Dependent States (Pacific); Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Western Samoa

      McElroy, John.

      Editorial Director, Automotive Industries.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Automobiles

      McGregor, Alan.

      Freelance Contributor, The Times; The Lancet; Swiss Radio International; CBS Radio. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Switzerland

      McIvor, Greg.

      Stockholm Correspondent, Financial Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Sweden.

      McLachlan, Keith S.

      Professor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Boundaries of Modern Iran.WORLD AFFAIRS: Iran

      Mango, Andrew.

      Foreign Affairs Analyst. Author of Turkey: The Challenge of a New Role.WORLD AFFAIRS: Turkey

      Marples, David R.

      Professor of History, University of Alberta. Author of Belarus: From Soviet Rule to Nuclear Catastrophe and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Belarus; Ukraine

      Mathews, John H.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Banking: Sidebar

      Matthíasson, Björn.

      Economist, Ministry of Finance, Iceland. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Iceland

      Mazie, David M.

      Staff Writer, Reader's Digest; Freelance Writer. • SOCIAL PROTECTION (U.S.)

      Mermel, T.W.

      Consulting Engineer; formerly Chairman, Committee on World Register of Dams, International Commission on Large Dams. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Dams

      Michael, Tom.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); NOBEL PRIZES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Mihalisko, Kathleen.

      Government Marketing Analyst, Integrated Systems Group, Inc. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Independent States

      Millikin, Sandra.

      Freelance Art Historian. •ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Special Report: Blockbuster Art Exhibitions; Art Exhibitions

      Monti, Steven.

      Senior Index Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Sidebar

      Morgan, Paul.

      Writer, Rugby World.SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Rugby Football

      Morris, Jacqui M.

      Editor, Oryx.THE ENVIRONMENT: Wildlife Conservation

      Morris, James.

      Calgary (Alta.) Staff Correspondent, The Canadian Press.SPORTS AND GAMES: Curling

      Morrison, Graham.

      Press Officer, British Fencing Federation; Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Country Life.SPORTS AND GAMES: Fencing

      Mullen, Fiona.

      Deputy Editor, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Austria

      Munns, Thomas E.

      Senior Program Officer, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Murphy, Alan.

      Associate Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bolivia; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela

      Naylor, Ernest.

      Lloyd Roberts Professor of Marine Zoology, University College of North Wales. •LIFE SCIENCES: Marine Biology

      Neher, Stephen.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Political Parties Table (in part)

      Newby, Donald J.

      Formerly Bowls Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; formerly Editor, World Bowls. Author of various bowls publications. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Lawn Bowls

      Noble, Thomas F.X.

      Professor of History, University of Virginia. Author of Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints' Lives.RELIGION: Roman Catholic Church

      Nugent, Ann.

      Writer, Critic, and Editor, Dance Theatre Journal. Author of Swan Lake: Stories of the Ballets.PERFORMING ARTS: Dance: Europe

      Nurse, Charlie.

      Lecturer, Politics Department, Anglia Polytechnic University, England. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Chile; Paraguay

      O'Donoghue, Michael.

      Lecturer in Gemology, London Guildhall University. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Gemstones

      Ogden, Shepherd.

      President, The Cook's Garden. Author of Step by Step Organic Flower Gardening and others. • THE ENVIRONMENT: Gardening

      O'Quinn, Jim.

      Editor in Chief, American Theatre magazine. • PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre: U.S. and Canada

      Orr, Jay.

      Music Writer, Nashville (Tenn.) Banner.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Popular (U.S.)

      Osborne, K.L.

      Editor, British Rowing Almanack. Author of Boat Racing in Britain, 1715-1975.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rowing

      Palmer, John.

      European Editor, The Guardian. Author of Europe Without America: The Crisis in Atlantic Relations.WORLD AFFAIRS: European Union

      Park Chang Seok.

      Editor, Political-Economic Desk, Korea Times. Author of A Ung San Report.BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Parker, Ines.

      Freelance Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Belize

      Parker, Sandy.

      Publisher, newsletter on fur industry; Co-publisher, Fur World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Furs

      Parming, Tönu.

      President, Estonian Publishing Co. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Estonia

      Paul, Charles Robert, Jr.

      Consultant, U.S. Olympic Committee. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Gymnastics; Weight Lifting

      Pawlaczyk, Paul.

      Communications Director, United States Badminton Association. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Badminton

      Pertile, Lino.

      Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Harvard University. Author of Cambridge History of Italian Literature.LITERATURE: Italian

      Pfeffer, Irving.

      Attorney. Author of The Financing of Small Business.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Stock Exchanges (North America)

      Pinfold, Geoffrey M.

      Director, NCL Stewart Scott. Author of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Buildings

      Pojeta, John, Jr.

      Research Associate in Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. •LIFE SCIENCES: Paleontology

      Pollard, Peter.

      Associate Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Colombia

      Prasad, H.Y. Sharada.

      Formerly Information Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. •WORLD AFFAIRS: India

      Primorac, Max.

      President, Center for Civil Society in Southeast Europe, Washington, D.C. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Croatia

      Prince, Greg W.

      Executive Editor, Beverage World. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Beer; Soft Drinks; Spirits

      Qian Zhongwen.

      Senior Research Fellow, Literature Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. •LITERATURE: Chinese

      Rakisits, Claude.

      International Affairs Consultant. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Sri Lanka

      Rauch, Robert.

      Freelance Editor and Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MUSIC: Classical: Sidebar

      Réamonn, Páraic.

      Communications Director, World Alliance of Reformed Churches. •RELIGION: Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches

      Rebelo, L.S.

      Reader Emeritus; Visiting Professor, Department of Portuguese Studies, King's College, University of London. • LITERATURE: Portuguese: Portugal

      Reed, Arthur.

      Senior Editor, Europe, Air Transport World. Author of Britain's Aircraft Industry; coauthor of RAE Farnborough.TRANSPORTATION: Aviation

      Rengers, Maria Ottolino.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Renwick, David.

      Freelance Journalist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Rocky Road to Caribbean Unity; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, The; Barbados; Dependent States (Caribbean and Bermuda); Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago

      Reyes, Alejandro.

      Senior Correspondent, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Vietnam

      Rhodes, Leara D.

      Assistant Professor, College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia. •MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines (international); Newspapers (international)

      Robinson, David.

      Film Critic and Historian. Author of A History of World Cinema; Chaplin: His Life and Art.PERFORMING ARTS: Motion Pictures

      Roby, Anne.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Andorra; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Monaco

      Rollin, Jack.

      Association Football Columnist, Sunday Telegraph. Executive Editor, Rothmans Football Yearbook. Author of World Cup 1930-1990 and others. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Association (Soccer)

      Romano, Frank J.

      Professor of Graphic Arts, School of Printing Management and Sciences, Rochester (N.Y.) Institute of Technology. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Printing

      Rugh, William A.

      President, AMIDEAST. •WORLD AFFAIRS: United Arab Emirates; Yemen

      Rusch, William G.

      Director, Department for Ecumenical Affairs, ELCA. Author of Reception: An Ecumenical Opportunity.RELIGION: Lutheran Communion

      Russell, Cristine.

      Freelance Science Writer and Special Health Correspondent, Washington Post.HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (U.S.)

      Russell, George.

      Senior Editor, Time International. Author of Eyewitness: A History of Photojournalism.WORLD AFFAIRS: Special Report: The U.S. Presidential Election; United States

      Rutherford, Andrew.

      Professor, University of Southampton, Eng. Author of Transforming Criminal Policy and others. • LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Prisons and Penology

      Saeki, Shoichi.

      Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University. Author of Japanese Autobiographies.LITERATURE: Japanese

      Saludo, Ricardo L.

      Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Democracy and Development in Asia

      Sanders, Alan J.K.

      Lecturer in Mongolian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Historical Dictionary of Mongolia and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Mongolia

      Sarahete, Yrjö.

      General Secretary, Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: World Tenpins

      Saunders, Christopher.

      Associate Professor, History Department, University of Cape Town, S.Af. Author of The Making of the South African Past.WORLD AFFAIRS: Namibia

      Schafrik, Robert E.

      Director, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Schoenfield, Albert.

      Formerly Member, U.S. Swimming Olympic International Committee. Formerly Publisher, Swimming World. Honouree, International Swimming Hall of Fame. Author of The Saga of the Exterminators Squadron.SPORTS AND GAMES: Swimming

      Sego, Stephen.

      Freelance Journalist; formerly Director, Radio Free Afghanistan. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Afghanistan

      Shackleford, Peter.

      Chief of Environment, Planning, and Finance, World Tourism Organization. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tourism

      Shallcross, Bozena.

      Assistant Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington. Author of Homes of the Romantic Artists and others. • LITERATURE: Eastern European

      Shameen, Assif A.

      Correspondent for Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Pakistan

      Sharples, Jerry A.

      Private Consultant. Coauthor of Imperfect Competition and Political Economy.AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: International Issues; Agricultural Commodities

      Shelley, Andrew.

      Chairman, JSM, London. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Squash Rackets

      Shepherd, Melinda C.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Special Report: The Centennial Olympic Games; Introduction; OBITUARIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (Europe and the Atlantic); Political Parties Table (in part)

      Sherry, Paul H.

      President, United Church of Christ. • RELIGION: United Church of Christ

      Shimizu, Teiji.

      Freelance Reporter. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Simon, Alissa.

      Associate Director for Programming, The Film Center, Chicago. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Simon, Reeva S.

      Assistant Director, Middle East Institute, Columbia University, New York City. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Lebanon; Saudi Arabia

      Simons, Paul.

      Writer; Television Producer. Author of Weird Weather.LIFE SCIENCES: Botany

      Simpson, Patricia A.

      Independent Scholar. •LITERATURE: German

      Sklar, Morton.

      Director, World Organization Against Torture; Judge, Administrative Tribunal for OAS. Author of Torture in the United States and others. •SOCIAL PROTECTION: Human Rights

      Smith, Donald.

      Editor, Rubber World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Rubber

      Smith, Gregory O.

      Dean of Academic Affairs, American University of Rome. • WORLD AFFAIRS: San Marino; Vatican City State

      Smith, Reuben W.

      Emeritus Professor of History, University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. •RELIGION: Islam

      Solomon, Norman.

      Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Author of The Analytic Movement.RELIGION: Judaism

      Sparks, Karen J.

      Managing Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • DISASTERS; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Spencer, Peter L.

      Editor, Consumers' Research.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Consumer Affairs (U.S.)

      Steele, Bruce C.

      Executive Editor, Out magazine. • PERFORMING ARTS: Special Report: Computer Animation

      Stern, Irwin.

      Senior Lecturer in Portuguese, Columbia University, New York City. •LITERATURE: Portuguese: Brazil

      Stewart, Ian.

      Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick, Coventry, Eng. •MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Mathematics

      Stoffels, Robert E.

      Consultant. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Special Report: Satellite TV

      Støverud, Torbjørn.

      Honorary Research Fellow, University College, London. • LITERATURE: Norwegian

      Styles, Margretta Madden.

      President, International Council of Nurses; President, American Nurses Credentialing Center. •HEALTH AND DISEASE: Special Report: For Nursing, New Responsibilities, New Respect

      Sullivan, H. Patrick.

      Dean and Professor Emeritus of the College of Religion, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. •RELIGION: Hinduism

      Summerhill, Edward M.

      Part-Time Staff Member, Reuters; Freelance Writer, Finnish News Agency. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Finland

      Sumner, David E.

      Journalism Professor; Contributor to Episcopal Church periodicals. Author of The Episcopal Church's History: 1945-1985 and others. •RELIGION: Anglican Communion

      Susel, Rudolph M.

      Editor, American Home; Our Voice.WORLD AFFAIRS: Slovenia

      Susser, Leslie D.

      Diplomatic Correspondent, The Jerusalem Report. Coauthor of Shalom Friend: The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin.WORLD AFFAIRS: Israel

      Suzuki, Toshihiko.

      Communication Officer, the Delegation of the European Commission, Japan. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Japan.

      Swan, Russ.

      Editor, World Highways.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Roads

      Swift, Richard N.

      Professor Emeritus of Politics, New York University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Multinational and Regional Organizations; United Nations

      Synan, Vinson.

      Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of In the Latter Days; Pentecostal Churches.RELIGION: Pentecostal Churches

      Taishoff, Lawrence B.

      Chairman Emeritus, Broadcasting & Cable.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio (U.S., in part); Radio: Amateur Radio (in part); Television (U.S., in part)

      Taylor, Thomas F.

      General Secretary, Friends World Committee for Consultation. Formerly Editor, Friends World News.RELIGION: Religious Society of Friends

      Teague, Elizabeth.

      Senior Analyst, Jamestown Foundation, The Netherlands. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Russia; Russia: Sidebar

      Tesoro, José Manuel.

      Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Cambodia

      Tétreault, Mary Ann.

      Professor of Political Science, Iowa State University. Author of The Economics of the New World Order and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Kuwait

      Thomas, Robert Murray.

      Professor Emeritus of Education and Head, Program in International Education, University of California, Santa Barbara. • EDUCATION (international)

      Tikkanen, Amy.

      Editorial Assistant, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Trickett, Anthony.

      General Manager, Economic Affairs, International Iron and Steel Institute. Author of Indirect Trade in Steel.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Iron and Steel

      Tugend, Alina.

      Press and Publications Officer, Consumers International. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Consumer Affairs (international)

      Turner, Darrell J.

      Religion Writer, Journal Gazette, (Fort Wayne, Ind.). •RELIGION: Introduction

      Tutunji, Jenab.

      Assistant Professorial Lecturer, Political Science, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Jordan


      The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. •POPULATION TRENDS: Refugees and International Migration

      Utt, Roger L.

      Editor, Puerta del Sol; formerly Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. •LITERATURE: Spanish: Spain

      Venzke, Bruce H.

      Associate Editor, Pool & Billiard Magazine; Past President, Billiard Congress of Wisconsin. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Carom Billiards; Pocket Billiards

      Verdi, Robert William.

      Sports Columnist, Chicago Tribune. Coauthor of Once a Bum, Always a Dodger; Holy Cow!; and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: U.S.

      Vinton, Louisa.

      Specialist and Writer on Poland, Vienna. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Poland

      Wallenfeldt, Jeff.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Wallis, Shani.

      Independent Technical Journalist. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Tunnels

      Walters, Jonathan S.

      Assistant Professor of Religion and Asian Studies, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. Author of History of Kelaniya.RELIGION: Buddhism

      Wanninger, Richard S.

      •SPORTS AND GAMES: Volleyball

      Warren, J. Robert.

      Editor, Asia-Pacific Report, Chemical Market Reporter.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Chemicals

      Watson, Rory.

      Deputy Editor, European Voice. Coauthor of American Express Guide to Brussels.WORLD AFFAIRS: Belgium

      Way, Diane Lois.

      Lawyer; Historical Researcher. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Wechsler, Helen J.

      Program Manager, International Programs, American Association of Museums. •LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (international)

      Weil, Eric.

      Sports Editor, Buenos Aires Herald.SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Association (Soccer): Latin America

      Westberg, M. Victor.

      Manager of Committees on Publication, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. •RELIGION: Church of Christ, Scientist

      Whitney, Barbara.

      Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Games and Toys; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Wiggins, Lee Anne.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Wilkinson, John R.

      Sportswriter, Coventry Newspapers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Cycling

      Willis, Clifford L.

      Director of News and Information, Office of Communication, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). • RELIGION: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

      Wilson, Derek.

      Correspondent, BBC, Rome. Author of Rome, Umbria and Tuscany.WORLD AFFAIRS: Italy

      Wilson, Michael.

      Freelance Aviation Writer and Consultant; Managing Editor, Testimony.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Aerospace

      Wise, Larry.

      Tournament Staff Director, Indian Industries. Author of Tuning Your 3-D Bow and others. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Archery

      Wolf, Allison Wheeler.

      Director of Communications, American Apparel Manufacturers Association. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Clothing

      Woodrow, Robert.

      Formerly Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine.WORLD AFFAIRS: Laos; Thailand

      Woods, Elizabeth.

      Writer. Author of If Only Things Were Different (I): A Model for a Sustainable Society; Bird Salad; and others. • LITERATURE: English: Canada

      Woods, Michael.

      Science Editor, Block News Alliance. Author of Science on Ice: Research in Antarctica.MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Chemistry; NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Woollen, Anthony.

      Former Editor, Food Manufacture. Former Editor, Food Industries Manual.AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Food Processing

      World Forest Institute.

      Information Specialists. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Wood

      Wright, Andrew G.

      Associate Editor, Engineering News-Record.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Building and Construction

      Wyllie, Peter John.

      Professor, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology. Author of The Dynamic Earth; The Way the Earth Works.EARTH SCIENCES: Geology and Geochemistry

      Wyllie, Robert J.M.

      Editor, Engineering & Mining Journal.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Coal

      Yapp, Malcolm Edward.

      Emeritus Professor of the Modern History of Western Asia, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Near East Since the First World War and others. •MACROPÆDIA: Turkey and Ancient Anatolia

      Young, M. Norvel.

      Chancellor Emeritus, Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif. Author of Preachers of Today.RELIGION: Churches of Christ

      Zanga, Louis.

      Freelance Journalist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Albania


      Abramson, Gary.

      Reporter on Spain for Business Week, the Chicago Tribune, and the Associated Press. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spain

      Adams, Andy.

      Editor and Publisher, Sumo World. Author of Sumo and Sumo World Record Book.SPORTS AND GAMES: Judo; Wrestling: Sumo

      Alder, Phillip.

      Syndicated Bridge Columnist. Author of Get Smarter at Bridge; Contributor to the Daily Bridge Calendar.SPORTS AND GAMES: Contract Bridge

      Allaby, Michael.

      Writer and Lecturer. Author of Ecology Facts; A Guide to Gaia; Facing the Future.THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Issues; International Environmental Activities; Sidebar

      Allan, J.A.

      Professor of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Coauthor of The Nile: Sharing a Scarce Resource.WORLD AFFAIRS: Libya

      Amirouche, Hamou.

      Former Consultant, the Algerian Institute for Strategic Studies. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The Berbers of North Africa

      Andrades, Jorge Adrián.

      •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Polo

      Archibald, John J.

      Retired Feature Writer, St. Louis (Mo.) Post Dispatch; Adjunct Professor, Washington University, St. Louis. Member of the American Bowling Congress Hall of Fame. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: U.S. Tenpins

      Arnold, Guy.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Modern Nigeria; Aid in Africa; and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Botswana; Burundi; Cape Verde; Chad; Comoros; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Gambia, The; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Maldives; Mauritius; Nigeria; Rwanda; São Tomé and Príncipe; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Swaziland

      Arnold, Mavis.

      Freelance Journalist, Dublin. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Ireland

      Arrington, Leonard J.

      Formerly Church Historian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. •RELIGION: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Atkinson, Peter J.

      Conservation Information Officer. • THE ENVIRONMENT: Botanical Gardens

      Austin, Cherry.

      Associate Editor, The Brazil Handbook; South American Handbook.WORLD AFFAIRS: Uruguay

      Bacani, Cesar.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Malaysia

      Bahry, Louay.

      Adjunct Professor of Political Science. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Iraq

      Bakker, Martinus A.

      Professor of Germanic Languages, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. Editor of Studies in Netherlandic Culture and Literature.LITERATURE: Netherlandic

      Balaban, Avraham.

      Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature, University of Florida. Author of Between God and Beast: An Examination of Amos Oz's Prose.LITERATURE: Jewish: Hebrew

      Ballentine, Jane Coyle.

      Director of Public Affairs, American Zoo and Aquarium Association. •THE ENVIRONMENT: Zoos

      Barford, Michael F.

      Editor and Director, Tabacosmos.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tobacco

      Barlow, Margaret.

      Freelance Writer. Associate Editor, Woman's Art Journal; Editor, Florida Architect.NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Barrett, David B.

      Research Professor of Missiometrics, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of World Christian Encyclopedia; Schism and Renewal in Africa.RELIGION: Tables

      Barrett, John C.A.

      Headmaster, the Leys School; Secretary, British Committee, World Methodist Council. Author of Family Worship in Theory and Practice.RELIGION: Methodist Churches

      Bass, Howard.

      Journalist and Author; formerly Editor, Winter Sports; Ice Hockey Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Skiing and Skating Correspondent, Daily Mail. Author of 17 books on winter sports. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: International; Ice Skating; Skiing

      Beckwith, David C.

      Director, Government Affairs, EDS Corp. • WORLD AFFAIRS: United States: State and Local Affairs

      Belaski, Ann M.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Berfield, Susan.

      Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Indonesia

      Bernstein, Barton J.

      Professor of History, Stanford University. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Sidebar

      Bickelhaupt, David L.

      Professor Emeritus, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Insurance

      Bilgrami, Akeel.

      Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University. Author of Belief and Meaning.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Secularism in South Asia

      Binczewski, George J.

      Principal Technical Adviser, S.C. Systems, Moraga, Calif. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Light Metals

      Bird, Thomas E.

      Director, Council for the Study of Ethics and Public Policy, Queens College, City University of New York. • LITERATURE: Jewish: Yiddish

      Bisman, Ronald W.

      North Island Editor, New Zealand Harness Racing Weekly. Author of Cardigan Bay; Salute to Trotting.SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Harness Racing

      Bleibtreu, Hermann K.

      Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona. • ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Anthropology: Physical

      Boddy, William C.

      Founder and Editor, Motor Sport. Full Member, Guild of Motoring Writers. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: Grand Prix Racing

      Boden, Edward.

      Publications Adviser, British Veterinary Association; formerly Editor, Veterinary Record.HEALTH AND DISEASE: Veterinary Medicine

      Booth, John Nicholls.

      Lecturer and Writer. Author of The Quest for Preaching Power; Psychic Paradoxes.RELIGION: Unitarian (Universalist) Churches

      Boswall, Jeffery.

      Senior Lecturer in Biological Imaging, University of Derby, Delaware. •LIFE SCIENCES: Ornithology

      Box, Ben.

      Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks (South American Handbook and others). •WORLD AFFAIRS: Peru

      Boye, Roger.

      Formerly Coin Columnist, Chicago Tribune.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Numismatics

      Boylan, Patrick J.

      Professor and Head, Department of Arts Policy and Management, City University, London. Author of Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit and others. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (international)

      Bradsher, Henry S.

      Foreign Affairs Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Philippines

      Braidwood, Robert J.

      Professor Emeritus of Old World Prehistory, Oriental Institute and Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Author of Prehistoric Men.ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeology: Eastern Hemisphere

      Brant, Sara N.

      Yearbooks Assistant, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Games and Toys: Sidebar

      Brazee, Rutlage J.

      Geophysical Consultant. •EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Geophysics

      Brecher, Kenneth.

      Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University. Coauthor and coeditor of Astronomy of the Ancients.EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Astronomy

      Brokopp, John G.

      Specialist in publicity, public relations, and writing about equestrian racing. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Thoroughbred Racing (U.S. and Canada)

      Brooks, Tony.

      Retired Secretary-General, International Table Tennis Federation. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Table Tennis

      Brown, Bess.

      Journalist; Formerly Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

      Brown, Maggie.

      Media Editor, the Independent Newspapers. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines (international); Newspapers (international)

      Brown-Humes, Christopher.

      Stockholm Correspondent, Financial Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Sweden

      Burdin, Joel L.

      Director, Florida Institute of Education. Author of Diversity and Leadership in Education. • EDUCATION (U.S.)

      Burks, Ardath W.

      Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Author of Japan: A Postindustrial Power. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Japan

      Burns, Erik.

      Freelance Writer; Correspondent. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Portugal

      Butler, Frank.

      Formerly Sports Editor, News of the World. Author of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Story of Boxing.SPORTS AND GAMES: Boxing

      Cafferty, Bernard.

      Associate Editor, British Chess Magazine; Chess Columnist, the Sunday Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Chess

      Cameron, Sarah.

      Freelance Writer and Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bolivia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Nicaragua; Panama

      Campbell, Robert.

      Architect and Architecture Critic. Author of Cityscapes of Boston; Coauthor of American Architecture of the 1980s.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Architecture

      Carter, Robert W.

      Journalist, London. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Show Jumping and Dressage; Steeplechasing; Thoroughbred Racing (Europe and Australia)

      Chapman, Kenneth F.

      Formerly Editor, Stamp Collecting and Philatelic Magazine.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Philately

      Chappell, Duncan.

      Research Fellow, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute. •LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Crime; Law Enforcement

      Chapple, Abby.

      Writer and Consultant, Consumer Communications (Largent, W.Va.) •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Furniture

      Cheuse, Alan.

      Writing Faculty, English Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.; Book Commentator, National Public Radio. Author of The Light Possessed and others. • LITERATURE: English: United States

      Chinnery, John.

      Supervising Copy Editor, Springer International, Berlin. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Clapham, Christopher S.

      Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Lancaster, England. Author of Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia.WORLD AFFAIRS: Eritrea; Ethiopia

      Clark, David D.

      Managing Editor, World Literature Today.LITERATURE: English: Other Literature in English

      Clark, Martin.

      Reader in Politics, University of Edinburgh. Author of Modern Italy, 1871-1982 and others. • MACROPÆDIA: Italy: History, Italy Since 1870

      Clarke, Douglas L.

      Captain, U.S. Navy (ret.). Military Analyst. Author of The Missing Man: Politics and the MIA.MILITARY AFFAIRS

      Clarke, R.O.

      Lecturer and Consultant on Industrial Relations, London. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Labour-Management Relations

      Coates, James.

      Computer Writer, Chicago Tribune. Author of Armed and Dangerous.COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS

      Cogle, T.C.J.

      Consultant, Electrical Review.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Electrical

      Cooper, Melanie Anne.

      Senior Editorial Assistant, Newsweek.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Newspapers (U.S.)

      Corzine, Robert.

      Oil and Gas Correspondent, the Financial Times.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Alternative Energy; Natural Gas; Petroleum

      Cosgrave, Bronwyn.

      Freelance Fashion Writer; Fashion Editor, The European.FASHIONS

      Coveney, Michael.

      Theatre Critic, The Observer. Author of The Aisle Is Full of Noises and others. • PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre: Great Britain and Ireland

      Craine, Anthony G.

      Researcher, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Crampton, Richard J.

      Fellow, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; formerly Professor of East European History, University of Kent at Canterbury, England. Author of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Bulgaria

      Crisp, Jeff.

      Senior Research Officer, UNHCR, Geneva. Author of The State of the World's Refugees: In Search of Solutions.POPULATIONS AND HUMAN RELATIONS: International Migration

      Crowell, George T.

      Senior Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of

      Crowley, Edward.

      Journalist; Director, Technical Writing Services. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Shipbuilding; TRANSPORTATION: Shipping and Ports

      Cunningham, Susan M.

      Economic and Political Analyst; Freelance Writer. Author of Latin America Since 1945 (in preparation). • WORLD AFFAIRS: Argentina; Brazil; Mexico

      Curwen, Peter J.

      Reader in Business Policy, Sheffield (England) Business School. Author of The U.K. Publishing Industry and others. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Book Publishing (international)

      Cviic, K.F.

      East European Specialist, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Macedonia; Slovenia; Yugoslavia

      Czerwinski, Edward J.

      Professor Emeritus of Slavic and Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Author of A Dictionary of Polish Literature and others. Area Editor, Theater Companies of the World.LITERATURE: Eastern European (in part); Russian (in part)

      Deeb, Marius K.

      Professor, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Author of Political Parties and Democracy in Egypt.WORLD AFFAIRS: Egypt

      Deeb, Mary-Jane.

      Editor, The Middle East Journal. Author of Libya's Foreign Policy.WORLD AFFAIRS: Bahrain

      Deam, John B.

      Retired Technical Director, AMTThe Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Machinery and Machine Tools

      de la Barre, Kenneth.

      Director, the Bridge Group. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Arctic Regions

      Deletant, Dennis J.

      Senior Lecturer in Romanian Studies, University of London. Author of Studies in Romanian History; Colloquial Romanian; and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Moldova; Romania

      Denselow, Robin.

      Rock Music Critic, The Guardian; Current Affairs Reporter, BBC Television. Author of When the Music's Over: The Politics of Pop.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Popular (international)

      de Puy, Norman R.

      Minister, American Baptist Churches; Editor and Publisher, Cabbages and Kings newsletter. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); RELIGION: Baptist Churches

      Dicks, Geoffrey R.

      U.K. Economist, NatWest Markets. Author of Sources of World Financial and Banking Information.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Introduction

      Dirnbacher, Elfriede.

      Austrian Civil Servant. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Austria

      Dixon, Bernard.

      Science Writer; Consultant. European Editor, Bio/Technology; Editor, Medical Science Research. Author of Health and the Human Body and others. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (international); Mental Health; HEALTH AND DISEASE: Sidebar

      Dizard, John W.

      Columnist, National Review.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Banking (in part)

      Dooling, Dave.

      Consultant and Writer, D2 Associates. • EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Space Exploration

      Earp, John H.

      Director, Halcrow Fox and Associates. • TRANSPORTATION: Introduction; Freight and Pipelines; Intercity Rail; Roads and Traffic; Urban Mass Transit

      Ehringer, Gavin Forbes.

      Rodeo Columnist, Western Horseman.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rodeo

      Ellis, Roger.

      Editor, Mining Journal, London. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Mining

      Everett-Green, Robert.

      Senior Features Writer, the Globe and Mail.SPECIAL REPORT: Cyberspace

      Fagan, Brian.

      Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Author of Time Detectives.ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeology: Western Hemisphere

      Farr, D.M.L.

      Professor Emeritus of History, Carleton University, Ottawa. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Canada

      Fendell, Robert J.

      Columnist, Sport Scene Florida. Author of How to Make Your Car Last and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: U.S. Racing

      Finkelstein, Ellen.

      Copy Supervisor, Electronic Products, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Flagg, Gordon.

      Senior Editor, American Libraries.LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Libraries (U.S.)

      Flanders, Douglas L.

      Director of Education and Information, the United Church of Canada. •RELIGION: The United Church of Canada

      Fletcher, Charmaine.

      Media and Press Officer, the Salvation Army. • RELIGION: Salvation Army

      Fletcher, Matthew.

      Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Brunei

      Flores, Ramona Monette S.

      Professor, University of the Philippines; Editorial Consultant, Masks and Voices.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio (international); Television (international)

      Follett, Christopher.

      Denmark Correspondent, The Times; Danish Correspondent, Radio Sweden; Newscaster, Radio Denmark; Freelance Correspondent, Reuters. Author of Fodspor paa Cypern.WORLD AFFAIRS: Denmark

      Forsås-Scott, Helena.

      Lecturer in Swedish, University College, London. Editor of Textual Liberation.LITERATURE: Swedish

      Fossli, Karen L.

      Oslo Correspondent, Financial Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Norway

      Foye, Stephen.

      Project Coordinator, Center for Strategic and International Studies. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Frank, Steven.

      General Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Vietnam

      Freeman, Laurie.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Advertising

      Friday, Elbert W., Jr.

      Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. • EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Meteorology and Climate

      Fridovich, Irwin.

      James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. •LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Fridovich-Keil, Judith L.

      Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine. • LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Friedrich, Mary Jane.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Friskin, Sydney E.

      Hockey Correspondent, The Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Snooker; Field Hockey

      Fuller, Amanda E.

      Assistant Editor, The Great Ideas Today, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Advertising: Sidebar

      Fuller, Elizabeth.

      Senior Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia

      Gaddum, Anthony H.

      Chairman, H.T. Gaddum and Co.; Deputy Vice President, International Silk Association. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Silk

      Galbraith, John Kenneth.

      Emeritus Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University. Author of Journey Through Economic Time; and others. •COMMENTARY: The Outlines of an Emerging World

      Ganado, Albert.

      Lawyer. Coauthor of Malta in British and French Caricature 1798-1815.WORLD AFFAIRS: Malta

      Garrod, Mark.

      Golf Correspondent, PA Sport, Britain. Contributor to Golf World and Amateur Golf magazines. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Golf

      Gaughan, Thomas.

      Former Editor, American Libraries.LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Libraries (international)

      Gibbons, Anne R.

      Freelance Writer. •LIFE SCIENCES: Entomology

      Gibbons, J. Whitfield.

      Professor of Zoology, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia. Author of Keeping All the Pieces.LIFE SCIENCES: Zoology

      Gill, Martin J.

      Editor, World Fishing magazine. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Fisheries

      Girnius, Saulius A.

      Senior Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Latvia; Lithuania

      Glickman, Harvey.

      Professor of Political Science, Haverford (Pa.) College. • POPULATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS: Race and Ethnic Relations

      Goldsmith, Arthur.

      Contributing Editor, National Geographic Traveler.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Photography; BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Photography

      Gottlieb, Jean S.

      Freelance Editor; Historian of Science. Author of A Checklist of the Newberry Library's Printed Books in Science, Medicine, Technology, and the Pseudosciences, ca. 1460-1750.BIBLIOGRAPHY

      Gould, Kira.

      Metro Editor, Metropolis.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Housewares

      Greeman, Adrian Lee.

      Editor, Civil Engineer International.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Bridges

      Green, Anthony L.

      Senior Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines: Sidebar

      Green, Theresa.

      Information Officer. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Glass

      Greskovic, Robert J.

      Dance Reviewer, Arts & Entertainment Monthly; Freelance Writer. •PERFORMING ARTS: Dance: North America

      Gribbin, John.

      Visiting Fellow in Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, England. Author of In the Beginning: The Birth of the Living Universe; In Search of the Edge of Time; and others. • MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Physics

      Griffiths, A.R.G.

      Senior Lecturer in History, Flinders University of South Australia. Author of Contemporary Australia; Beautiful Lies.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Australia; Nauru; Palau; Papua New Guinea

      Grumet, Robert S.

      Anthropologist, New Hope, Pa. Author of Northeastern Indian Lives and others. •ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Anthropology: Cultural

      Guthridge, Guy G.

      Manager, Polar Information Program, U.S. National Science Foundation. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Antarctica

      Hafez, Sabry.

      Professor of Modern Arabic, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse; Arabic Cinema.LITERATURE: Arabic

      Halman, Talat S.

      Research Professor; Chairman, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, New York University. • LITERATURE: Turkish

      Hanlon, John.

      Art Marketing Consultant. •ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Antiquarian Books; Art Auctions and Sales

      Hannen, Mark.

      Competitions Officer, English Basket Ball Association. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (international)

      Harakas, Stanley S.

      Emeritus Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Author of Health and Medicine in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition and others. •RELIGION: Oriental Orthodox Church; The Orthodox Church

      Haub, Carl V.

      Demographer, Population Reference Bureau. Author of Population Change in the Former Soviet Union and others. • POPULATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS: Demography

      Haufler, Daniel A.

      Journalist, Die Zeit.LITERATURE: German

      Hawkland, William D.

      Chancellor Emeritus of Law and Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University. •LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Court Decisions

      Heiderstadt, Donna.

      Editor, Footwear News.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Footwear

      Heinzl, John.

      Business Reporter, the Globe and Mail.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Retailing

      Hendershott, Jon.

      Associate Editor, Track & Field News. Author of Track's Greatest Women.SPORTS AND GAMES: Track and Field Sports

      Hendershott, Myrl C.

      Professor of Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. •EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Oceanography

      Hennelly, James.

      Researcher, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Vietnam: Sidebar

      Henschel, Milton.

      President, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. • RELIGION: Jehovah's Witnesses

      Hering, Howard.

      Administrative Manager, Frederick Wildman and Sons. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Wine

      Hobbs, Greg.

      Editor, The Football Record. Author of 12 books on Australian Football. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Australian

      Hoeksema, Klaas J.

      Staff Member, Institute for Polytechnics, Amsterdam. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Netherlands, The; Suriname

      Hollar, Sherman.

      Researcher, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Hope, Thomas W.

      Chairman/CEO, Hope Reports, Inc. • PERFORMING ARTS: Motion Pictures: Nontheatrical Films

      Hunnings, Neville March.

      Editor, Encyclopedia of European Union LawsConstitutional Texts.LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT (international)


      International Economic Information Services. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: World Economy; Stock Exchanges (international)

      Ingham, Kenneth.

      Professor Emeritus of History, University of Bristol, England. Author of Politics in Modern Africa: The Uneven Tribal Dimension and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Angola; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Sudan, The; Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe

      Ingram, Derek.

      Consultant Editor, Gemini News Service. Author of Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World; The Imperfect Commonwealth.WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Nations

      Jardine, Adrian.

      Member, Guild of Yachting Writers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Sailing

      Jessell, Harry A.

      Executive Editor, Broadcasting and Cable.MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio: (U.S., in part); Radio: Amateur Radio (in part); Television (U.S., in part)

      Joffé, George.

      Journalist and Writer on North African and Middle Eastern Affairs. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

      Johnsson, William G.

      Editor, Adventist Review. Author of Behold His Glory and others. •RELIGION: Seventh-day Adventist Church

      Jones, D.A.N.

      Novelist and Critic. Author of Parade in Pairs; Never Had It So Good.LITERATURE: Introduction; English: United Kingdom

      Jones, W. Glyn.

      Professor Emeritus of Scandinavian Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. Author of Colloquial Danish and others. •LITERATURE: Danish

      Jotischky, Helma.

      Principal Research Officer, Paint Research Association. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Paints and Varnishes

      Kang, Suk-kyu.

      President of Hoseo University, Chonan City, South Korea. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad.

      Associate Professor of Persian Languages and Literature, University of Washington. Author of Recasting Persian Poetry: Scenarios of Poetic Modernity in Iran.LITERATURE: Persian

      Katz, William A.

      Professor, School of Information Science and Policy, State University of New York at Albany. • MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Magazines (U.S.)

      Kelleher, John A.

      Journalist, New Zealand. Formerly Editor, the Dominion and Dominion Sunday Times (Wellington). • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: New Zealand

      Kelling, George H.

      Historian and Media Relations Officer, Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center. Author of Countdown to Rebellion: British Policy in Cyprus 1939-1955.WORLD AFFAIRS: Cyprus

      Kellner, Peter.

      Political Commentator, BBC Television; Columnist, the Sunday Times, London. Author of The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class and others. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: United Kingdom

      Kind, Joshua B.

      Professor of Art History, Northern Illinois University. Author of Rouault; Geometry as Abstract Art; and others. • LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS: Museums (U.S.)

      Kitts, David B.

      Professor Emeritus of the History of Science, University of Oklahoma. •LIFE SCIENCES: Paleontology

      Knapp, Rebecca.

      Senior Editor, Art and Antiques.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Introduction

      Knox, Richard A.

      Editor, Power Technology InternationalBUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Nuclear

      Koberstein, Wayne.

      Editor, Pharmaceutical Executive magazine. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Pharmaceuticals

      Kolankiewicz, George.

      Lecturer in Sociology, University of Essex, Colchester, England; Research Director, Research Programme on East-West Studies, U.K. Economic and Social Research Council. Coauthor of Social Groups in Polish Society and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Poland

      Kovel, Ralph and Terry.

      Authors; Publishers. Authors of Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 1995.ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Collectibles

      Kroll, Thomas E.

      Lecturer, Roosevelt University and Northwestern University, Chicago; President, Thomas Kroll Associates. Author of Introduction to Data Processing; C Language Programming.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Microelectronics; Telecommunications

      Kuhn, Howard A.

      Vice President; Chief Technical Officer, Concurrent Technologies Corp. Author of Powder Forging; Powder Processing.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Metalworking

      Kuiper, Kathleen.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica; Editor, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature.BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Kuptsch, Christiane.

      Research Officer, ISSA. •POPULATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS: Social Protection (international)

      Lamb, Kevin M.

      Special Projects Writer, Dayton (Ohio) Daily News. Author of Quarterbacks, Nickelbacks & Other Loose Change.SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Canadian, U.S.

      Lambert, Philip.

      Associate Professor of Music, Baruch College, City University of New York. Author of The Music of Charles Ives.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Classical

      Laqueur, Walter.

      Chairman, International Research Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C. Author of Europe in Our Time and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Introduction

      Larsson, Gerd.

      Japan Correspondent, Dagens Industri.BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Latham, Daniel.

      Freelance Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Latham, Arthur.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • CHRONICLE OF 1995

      Lau, Joseph S.M.

      Dean of Arts Faculty; Professor of Translation, the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Coeditor, The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature.LITERATURE: Chinese

      Lavallée, H.-Claude.

      Director, Pulp and Paper Research Centre, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Paper and Pulp

      Lawler, Nancy Ellen.

      Professor of Economics, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Ill. Author of Soldiers of Misfortune and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire; Gabon; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo

      Lawrenson, David.

      Deputy Editor, Rugby World magazine. Author of Blaze of Glory.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Rugby

      Lawson, Fred H.

      James Irvine Professor of Government, Mills College, Oakland, Calif. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Syria

      Legassick, Martin.

      Professor, History Department, University of Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Namibia; South Africa

      Legum, Colin.

      Consulting Editor, Africa Contemporary Record; Editor, Third World Reports. Author of more than 20 books, mainly on Africa. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Sub-Saharan Africa in a New Era

      Lennox-Kerr, Peter.

      Editor, High Performance Textiles and OE Report & Fibre News; European Editor, Textile World. Author of World Fibres Book.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Introduction; Cotton; Man-Made Fibres

      Levine, Beth S.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Divorce: Young People Caught in the Middle and others. •MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Book Publishing (U.S.)

      Levine, Steven I.

      Director, Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina. Author of Anvil of Victory: The Communist Revolution in Manchuria and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: China; Taiwan

      Litsky, Frank.

      Sportswriter, New York Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: North America

      Litweiler, John.

      Jazz Critic; Contributor to Down Beat, Chicago Tribune, and others. Author of Ornette Coleman: A Harmolodic Life.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Jazz

      Logan, Robert G.

      Sportswriter, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Ill.). Author of Cubs Win! and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (U.S.)

      Longmore, Andrew.

      Freelance Sportswriter, The Times; formerly Assistant Editor, The Cricketer.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Introduction; Cricket; Sidebar

      Luling, Virginia R.

      Social Anthropologist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Somalia

      McCauley, Martin.

      Senior Lecturer in Politics, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Independent States; Russia

      McCoy, Ron.

      Director, Center for Great Plains Studies, Emporia (Kan.) State University. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Native American Cultural Ferment

      Macdonald, Barrie.

      Professor of History, Massey University, Palmerston, N.Z. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (Pacific); Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Western Samoa

      McElroy, John.

      Editorial Director, Automotive Industries.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Automobiles

      McGregor, Alan.

      Freelance Contributor, The Times; The Lancet; Swiss Radio International; CBS Radio. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Switzerland

      McLachlan, Keith S.

      Professor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Boundaries of Modern Iran.WORLD AFFAIRS: Iran

      Malcolm, Noel R.

      Historian and Writer. Author of Bosnia: A Short History.MACROPÆDIA: Balkan States: Bosnia and Herzegovina: History

      Mallett, H.M.F.

      Editor, Wool Record Weekly Market Report.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Wool

      Mango, Andrew.

      Foreign Affairs Analyst. Author of Turkey: The Challenge of a New Role.WORLD AFFAIRS: Turkey

      Marples, David R.

      Professor of History, University of Alberta. Author of Stalinism in Ukraine and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Belarus; Ukraine

      Massen, Nina.

      Attorney and Author. •SPECIAL REPORT: The "Contract" with America

      Mathews, John H.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Sidebar

      Matthíasson, Björn.

      Economist, Ministry of Finance, Iceland. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Iceland

      Mazie, David M.

      Staff Writer, Reader's Digest; Freelance Writer. • POPULATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS: Social Protection (U.S.)

      Mermel, T.W.

      Consulting Engineer; formerly Chairman, Committee on World Register of Dams, International Commission on Large Dams. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Dams

      Michael, Tom.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Millikin, Sandra.

      Architectural Historian. •ART, ANTIQUES, AND COLLECTIONS: Art Exhibitions

      Modiano, Mario.

      Formerly Athens Correspondent, The Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Greece

      Morris, Jacqui M.

      Editor, Oryx.THE ENVIRONMENT: Wildlife Conservation

      Morris, James.

      Calgary (Alta.) Staff Correspondent, The Canadian Press.SPORTS AND GAMES: Curling

      Morrison, Graham.

      Press Officer, British Fencing Federation; Correspondent, the Daily Telegraph.SPORTS AND GAMES: Fencing

      Moutet, Anne-Elisabeth.

      Journalist, The Europe- an.WORLD AFFAIRS: France; Sidebar

      Munns, Thomas E.

      Senior Program Officer, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Murphy, Alan.

      Associate Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Venezuela

      Myers, Norman.

      Science Consultant; Visiting Fellow, the University of Oxford. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Pollution in Eastern Europe

      Naylor, Ernest.

      Lloyd Roberts Professor of Marine Zoology, University College of North Wales. •LIFE SCIENCES: Marine Biology

      Neher, Stephen.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Political Parties (in part)

      Newby, Donald J.

      Bowls Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; formerly Editor, World Bowls. Author of various bowls publications. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Lawn Bowls

      Nicol, Patrick.

      Professor, College de Sherbrooke, Que. • LITERATURE: French: Canada

      Niesz, Dale E.

      Director, Center for Ceramic Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Ceramics

      Noble, Thomas F.X.

      Associate Professor of History, University of Virginia. Author of Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints' Lives.RELIGION: Roman Catholic Church

      Nugent, Ann.

      Editor, Dance Theatre Journal. Dance Critic, The Stage. Author of Swan Lake: Stories of the Ballets.PERFORMING ARTS: Dance: Europe

      Nurse, Charlie.

      Associate Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Chile; Paraguay

      O'Donoghue, Michael.

      Lecturer in Gemmology, London Guildhall University. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Gemstones

      Ogden, Shepherd.

      President, the Cook's Garden. Author of Step by Step Organic Vegetable Gardening and others. • THE ENVIRONMENT: Gardening (international)

      Olson, Kay Melchisedech.

      Executive Editor, Flower & Garden.THE ENVIRONMENT: Gardening (U.S.)

      O'Quinn, Jim.

      Editor in Chief, American Theatre magazine. • PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre: U.S. and Canada

      Orr, Jay.

      Entertainment Writer, Nashville (Tenn.) Banner.PERFORMING ARTS: Music: Popular (U.S.)

      Osborne, K.L.

      Editor, British Rowing Almanack. Author of Boat Racing in Britain, 1715-1975.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rowing

      Palmer, John.

      European Editor, The Guardian. Author of Europe Without America?WORLD AFFAIRS: European Union

      Parker, Ines.

      Freelance Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Belize

      Parker, Sandy.

      Publisher, newsletter on fur industry; Copublisher, Fur World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Furs

      Parming, Tönu.

      President, Estonian Publishing Co. Author of A Case Study of a Soviet Republic: The Estonian SSR.WORLD AFFAIRS: Estonia

      Paul, Charles Robert, Jr.

      Consultant, U.S. Olympic Committee. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Gymnastics; Weight Lifting

      Pawlaczyk, Paul.

      Communications Director, United States Badminton Association. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Badminton

      Penfold, Robin C.

      Freelance Writer on industrial topics. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Plastics

      Perlinska, Agnieszka.

      Adjunct Professor, Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. • LITERA- TURE: Eastern European (in part); Russian (in part)

      Pertile, Lino.

      Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Harvard University. •LITERATURE: Italian

      Pfeffer, Irving.

      Attorney. Author of The Financing of Small Business.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Stock Exchanges (North America)

      Pinfold, Geoffrey M.

      Director, NCL Stewart Scott. Author of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Buildings

      Poirié, François.

      Writer and Critic. Author of La Passade légendaire; Ils dansent.LITERATURE: French: France

      Pollard, Peter.

      Associate Editor, Trade and Travel Handbooks. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Colombia

      Prasad, H.Y. Sharada.

      Formerly Information Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. •WORLD AFFAIRS: India

      Prince, Greg W.

      Senior Editor, Beverage World. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Beer; Soft Drinks; Spirits

      Rakisits, Claude.

      International Affairs Consultant. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Sri Lanka

      Rauch, Robert.

      Editor; Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Réamonn, Páraic.

      Communications Director, World Alliance of Reformed Churches. •RELIGION: Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches

      Rebelo, L.S.

      Reader Emeritus; Visiting Professor, Department of Portuguese Studies, King's College, University of London. • LITERATURE: Portuguese: Portugal

      Reed, Arthur.

      Senior Editor, Europe, Air Transport World. Author of Britain's Aircraft Industry; coauthor of RAE Farnborough.TRANSPORTATION: Aviation

      Reid, Philip D.

      Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. •LIFE SCIENCES: Botany

      Rengers, Maria Ottolino.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Renwick, David.

      Editorial Director, Daily News (Trinidad). • WORLD AFFAIRS: Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, The; Barbados; Dependent States (Caribbean and Bermuda); Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago

      Reyes, Alejandro.

      Correspondent. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (East Asia); Singapore

      Roberts, John.

      Tennis Correspondent, the Independent. Author of The Team That Wouldn't Die.SPORTS AND GAMES: Tennis

      Robinson, David.

      Film Critic and Historian. Author of A History of World Cinema; Chaplin: His Life and Art.MOTION PICTURES

      Roby, Anne.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Andorra; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Monaco

      Rollin, Jack.

      Association Football Columnist, Sunday Telegraph. Editor, Rothmans Football Yearbook. Author of World Cup 1930-1990 and others. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Association (Soccer)

      Romano, Frank J.

      Professor. Author of Pocket Guide to Digital Prepress.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Printing

      Rusch, William G.

      Director, Department for Ecumenical Affairs, ELCA. Author of Reception: An Ecumenical Opportunity.RELIGION: Lutheran Communion

      Russell, Cristine.

      Freelance Science Writer and Special Health Correspondent, the Washington Post.HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (U.S.)

      Russell, George.

      Senior Editor, Time International. Author of Eyewitness: A History of Photojournalism.WORLD AFFAIRS: United States

      Rutherford, Andrew.

      Professor, University of Southampton, England. Author of Criminal Justice and the Pursuit of Decency and others. • LAW, CRIME, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Prisons and Penology

      Sa'd Jamal A.

      Visiting Professor, Arabian Peninsula and Gulf Studies, University of Virginia. •WORLD AFFAIRS: United Arab Emirates; Yemen

      Saeki, Shoichi.

      Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University. Author of Japanese Autobiographies.LITERATURE: Japanese

      Salisbury, Jonathan M.

      Publisher, World Toy News.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Games and Toys

      Saludo, Ricardo L.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek magazine. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The Spat over the Spratleys

      Sanders, Alan J.K.

      Lecturer in Mongolian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Mongolia: Politics, Economics and Society.WORLD AFFAIRS: Mongolia

      Sarahete, Yrjö.

      General Secretary, Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: World Tenpins

      Sarmiento, Sergio.

      Newspaper Columnist; Vice President for News Operations at Televisión Azteca, Mexico. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Latin America; Football: Association (Soccer): Latin America; WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Accelerating Changes in Mexico

      Schafrik, Robert E.

      Director, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Schneider, Johanna.

      Assistant Editor, Amateur Wrestling News.SPORTS AND GAMES: Wrestling

      Schoenfield, Albert.

      Formerly Member, U.S. Swimming Olympic International Committee. Formerly Publisher, Swimming World. Honouree, International Swimming Hall of Fame. Author of The Saga of the Exterminators Squadron.SPORTS AND GAMES: Swimming

      Schöpflin, George.

      Lecturer in East European Political Institutions, London School of Economics and School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Czech Republic; Hungary; Slovakia

      Sego, Steven.

      Formerly Director, Radio Free Afghanistan; Freelance Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Afghanistan

      Seidensticker, Edward George.

      Emeritus Professor of Japanese, Columbia University, New York City. Author of Tokyo Rising: The City Since the Great Earthquake and many others. •MACROPÆDIA: Tokyo-Yokohama Metropolitan Area

      Shackleford, Peter.

      Chief of Environment, Planning, and Finance, World Tourism Organization. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tourism

      Shameen, Assif A.

      Correspondent for Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Pakistan

      Sharples, Jerry A.

      Visiting Professor, Ohio State University. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: International Issues; Agricultural Commodities

      Shelley, Andrew.

      Chairman, JSM, London. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Squash Rackets

      Shepherd, Melinda C.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Banking (in part); OBITUARIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (Europe and the Atlantic); Political Parties (in part)

      Sherry, Paul H.

      President, United Church of Christ. • RELIGION: United Church of Christ

      Sigel, Robert.

      Author of several books in German. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Germany

      Simon, Reeva S.

      Assistant Director, Middle East Institute, Columbia University, New York City. Author of The Middle East in Crime Fiction.WORLD AFFAIRS: Lebanon; Saudi Arabia

      Smith, Donald.

      Editor, Rubber World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Rubber

      Smith, Gregory O.

      Dean of Academic Affairs, American University of Rome. • WORLD AFFAIRS: San Marino; Vatican City State

      Smith, Reuben W.

      Emeritus Professor of History, University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. •RELIGION: Islam

      Solomon, Norman.

      Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Author of The Analytic Movement.RELIGION: Judaism

      Spangenberg, N. Earl.

      Professor, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. Editor, HYDATANews and Views.EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Hydrology

      Sparks, Karen J.

      Senior Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • DISASTERS; OBITUARIES (in part); POPULATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS: Social Protection: Sidebar

      Spencer, Peter L.

      Editor, Consumers' Research.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Consumer Affairs (U.S.)

      Stern, Irwin.

      Senior Lecturer in Portuguese, Columbia University, New York City. •LITERATURE: Portuguese: Brazil

      Sterner, Michael.

      Partner, the IRC Group, Inc. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Oman; Qatar

      Stewart, Ian.

      Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick, Coventry, England. Author of Does God Play Dice?; The Collapse of Chaos.MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Mathematics

      Støverud, Torbjørn.

      Honorary Research Fellow, University College, London. • LITERATURE: Germanic: Norwegian

      Suh, Ji-moon.

      Professor of English, Korea University, Seoul. Author of Faces in the Well.BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Sullivan, H. Patrick.

      Dean Emeritus of the College and Professor of Religion, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. •RELIGION: Hinduism

      Summerhill, Edward M.

      Part-Time Staff Member, Reuters; Freelance Writer, Finnish News Agency. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Finland

      Sumner, David E.

      Journalism Professor; Contributor to Episcopal Church periodicals. Author of The Episcopal Church's History: 1945-1985.RELIGION: Anglican Communion

      Susser, Leslie D.

      Diplomatic Correspondent, The Jerusalem Report.WORLD AFFAIRS: Israel

      Suzuki, Toshihiko.

      Communication Officer, the Delegation of the European Commission, Japan. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Japan

      Swan, Russ.

      Editor, World Highways.ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Roads

      Swift, Richard N.

      Professor Emeritus of Politics, New York University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Multinational and Regional Organizations; United Nations; United Nations: Sidebar

      Synan, Vinson.

      Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va. Author of In the Latter Days; Pentecostal Churches.RELIGION: Pentecostal Churches

      Taishoff, Lawrence B.

      Chairman, Broadcasting and Cable; Adviser, Cahners Consumer/Entertainment Publishing Division. •MEDIA AND PUBLISHING: Radio (U.S., in part); Radio: Amateur Radio (in part); Television (U.S., in part)

      Tateishi, Kay K.

      Freelance Writer and Translator, Tokyo. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Taylor, Thomas F.

      General Secretary, Friends World Committee for Consultation. Formerly Editor, Friends World News.RELIGION: Religious Society of Friends

      Tehan, Patricia.

      Banking Correspondent, The Times.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Special Report: The Concern over Derivatives

      Tesoro, Jose Manuel.

      Staff Writer, Asiaweek magazine. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Cambodia

      Tétreault, Mary Ann.

      Professor of Political Science, Iowa State University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Kuwait

      Thomas, Robert Murray.

      Professor Emeritus of Education and Head, Program in International Education, University of California, Santa Barbara. Author of International Comparative Education and others. • EDUCATION (international)

      Tobis, David.

      Director of Social Welfare Research and Planning, Center for Study of Family Policy, Hunter College, City University of New York. Consultant, UNICEF and The World Bank. • SOCIAL PROTECTION: Special Report: Child Welfare Crisis

      Trenberth, Kevin E.

      Head, Climate Analysis Section, National Center for Atmospheric Research. Editor of Climate System Modeling.EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Sidebar

      Trickett, Anthony.

      General Manager, Economic Affairs, International Iron and Steel Institute. Author of Indirect Trade in Steel.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Materials and Metals: Iron and Steel

      Tugend, Alina.

      Press Officer, Consumers International. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Consumer Affairs (international)

      Turner, Darrell J.

      Religion Writer, Journal Gazette, (Fort Wayne, Ind). •RELIGION: Introduction

      Tutunji, Jenab.

      Assistant Professorial Lecturer, Political Science, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Jordan


      The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. •POPULATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS: Refugees

      Utt, Roger L.

      Editor, Puerta del Sol; formerly Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. •LITERATURE: Spanish: Spain

      Venzke, Bruce H.

      Associate Editor, Pool & Billiard Magazine; Past President, Billiard Congress of Wisconsin. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Carom Billiards; Pocket Billiards

      Verdi, Robert William.

      Sports Columnist, Chicago Tribune. Author of Once a Dodger, Always a Bum and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: U.S.

      Wachtel, Andrew B.

      Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Author of The Battle for Childhood: Creation of a Russian Myth.MACROPÆDIA: Russia: Cultural Life

      Wallenfeldt, Jeff.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Golf: Sidebar

      Wallis, Shani.

      Independent Technical Journalist. • ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING: Tunnels

      Walters, Jonathan S.

      Assistant Professor of Religion, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. •RELIGION: Buddhism

      Wanninger, Richard S.

      •SPORTS AND GAMES: Volleyball

      Warren, J. Robert.

      Editor, Asia-Pacific Report, Chemical Marketing Reporter.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Chemicals

      Watson, Rory.

      Deputy Editor, European Voice.WORLD AFFAIRS: Belgium

      Way, Diane Lois.

      Historical Researcher. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Westberg, M. Victor.

      Manager of Committees on Publication, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. •RELIGION: Church of Christ, Scientist

      Whitney, Barbara.

      Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); OBITUARIES (in part)

      Wilkinson, John R.

      Sportswriter, Coventry Newspapers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Cycling

      Williams, Raymond Leslie.

      Professor of Spanish, University of Colorado. Author of The Colombian Novel, 1844-1987.LITERATURE: Spanish: Latin America; Special Report: Postmodern Literature in Latin America

      Willis, Clifford L.

      Director of News and Information, Office of Communication, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). • RELIGION: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

      Wilson, Derek.

      Correspondent, BBC, Rome. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Italy

      Wilson, Michael.

      Freelance Aviation Writer and Consultant; Managing Editor, Testimony.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Aerospace

      Wise, Larry.

      Tournament Staff Director, Indian Industries. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Archery

      Wolf, Allison Wheeler.

      Director of Communications, American Apparel Manufacturers Association. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Clothing

      Wolff, Anita.

      Managing Editor, Print, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Woodrow, Robert.

      Former Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine.WORLD AFFAIRS: Laos; Thailand

      Woods, Elizabeth.

      Writer. Author of If Only Things Were Different (I): A Model for a Sustainable Society; Bird Salad; and others. • LITERATURE: English: Canada

      Woods, Michael.

      Science Editor, Toledo (Ohio) Blade. Author of Science in Antarctica.MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Chemistry; NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Woollen, Anthony.

      Former Editor, Food Manufacture. Former Editor, Food Industries Manual.AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Food Processing

      World Forest Institute.

      Information Specialists. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Wood

      Wright, Andrew G.

      Associate Editor, Engineering News-Record.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Building and Construction

      Wyllie, Peter John.

      Professor, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology. Author of The Dynamic Earth; The Way the Earth Works.EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES: Geology and Geochemistry

      Wyllie, Robert J.M.

      Editor, Engineering & Mining Journal.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Energy: Coal

      Young, M. Norvel.

      Chancellor Emeritus, Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif. Author of Preachers of Today.RELIGION: Churches of Christ

      Zanga, Louis.

      Freelance Journalist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Albania


      Abramson, Gary.

      Reporter on Spain for Businessweek, the Chicago Tribune, and the Associated Press.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spain

      Adams, Andy.

      Editor and Publisher, Sumo World. Author of Sumo and Sumo World Record Book.SPORTS AND GAMES: Judo; Wrestling: Sumo

      Allaby, Michael.

      Writer and Lecturer. Author of Ecology Facts; A Guide to Gaia.ENVIRONMENT: International and National Activities; Issues of Concern

      Allan, J.A.

      Professor of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Libya

      Anderson, D.F.

      Director, Department of Economic Affairs, International Iron & Steel Institute. Author of Steel Demand Forecasting and others. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Metals and Materials: Iron and Steel

      Archibald, John J.

      Retired Feature Writer, St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Adjunct Professor, Washington University; Member of Professional Bowlers Association Hall of Fame. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: U.S. Tenpins

      Arnold, Guy.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Modern Nigeria; Aid in Africa; and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Botswana; Burundi; Cape Verde; Chad; Comoros; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Gambia, The; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Maldives; Mauritius; Nigeria; Rwanda; São Tomé and Príncipe; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Swaziland

      Arnold, Mavis.

      Freelance Journalist, Dublin. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Ireland

      Arrington, Leonard J.

      Formerly Church Historian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. •RELIGION: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Bacani, Cesar.

      Associate Editor, Asiaweek.WORLD AFFAIRS: Cambodia; Malaysia

      Bakker, Martinus A.

      Professor of Germanic Languages, Calvin College. Editor of Studies in Netherlandic Culture and Literature.LITERATURE: Netherlandic

      Balaban, Avraham.

      Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature, University of Florida. Author of Between God and Beast: An Examination of Amos Oz's Prose.LITERATURE: Jewish: Hebrew

      Baptist, Ines T.

      Freelance Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Belize

      Barford, Michael F.

      Editor and Director, Tabacosmos.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tobacco; Tobacco: Sidebar

      Barlow, Margaret.

      Freelance Writer. Associate Editor, Women's Art Journal.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Barrett, David B.

      Hon. Research Adviser, United Bible Societies; Church Missionary Society, Church of England. Author of Schism and Renewal in Africa.RELIGION: Tables

      Barrett, John C.A.

      Headmaster, The Leys School; Secretary, British Committee, World Methodist Council. Author of Family Worship in Theory and Practice.RELIGION: Methodist Churches

      Bass, Howard.

      Journalist and Broadcaster; formerly Editor, Winter Sports; Ice Hockey Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; Skiing and Skating Correspondent, Daily Mail. Author of 16 books on winter sports. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: International; Ice Skating; Skiing

      Battistella, Alexandre.

      Information Specialist, World Forest Institute. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Wood

      Bickelhaupt, David L.

      Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Finance, College of Business, Ohio State University. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Insurance

      Bird, Thomas E.

      Director, Council for the Study of Ethics and Public Policy, Queens College, City University of New York. • LITERATURE: Jewish: Yiddish

      Bisman, Ronald W.

      North Island Editor, New Zealand Harness Racing Weekly. Author of Cardigan Bay; Salute to Trotting.SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Harness Racing

      Blair, Walter.

      Professor Emeritus of English, University of Chicago. Author of Mark Twain; Coauthor of America's Humor: Poor Richard to Doonesbury.MACROPÆDIA: American Literature (in part)

      Bleibtreu, Hermann K.

      Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona. • ANTHROPOLOGY

      Boddy, William C.

      Founder and Editor, Motor Sport. Full Member, Guild of Motoring Writers. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: Grand Prix Racing

      Boden, Edward.

      Publications Adviser, British Veterinary Association; formerly Editor, Veterinary Record.HEALTH AND DISEASE: Veterinary Medicine

      Booth, John Nicholls.

      Lecturer and Writer. Author of The Quest for Preaching Power.RELIGION: Unitarian (Universalist) Churches

      Bossler, John D.

      Director and Professor at the Center for Mapping, Ohio State University. •EARTH SCIENCES: Sidebar

      Boswall, Jeffery.

      Senior Lecturer in Biological Imaging, University of Derby. •LIFE SCIENCES: Ornithology

      Box, Ben.

      Editor, Trade and Travel Publications (South American Handbook and others). •WORLD AFFAIRS: Bolivia; Chile; Colombia; Panama; Peru; Venezuela

      Boye, Roger.

      Formerly Coin Columnist, Chicago Tribune.AUCTIONS AND COLLECTIONS: Numismatics

      Boylan, Patrick J.

      Professor and Head, Department of Arts Policy and Management, City University, London. Author of Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit and others. • MUSEUMS (international)

      Bradsher, Henry S.

      Foreign Affairs Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Philippines

      Braidwood, Robert J.

      Professor Emeritus of Old World Prehistory, Oriental Institute and Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Author of Prehistoric Men.ARCHAEOLOGY: Eastern Hemisphere

      Brazee, Rutlage J.

      Geophysical Consultant. •EARTH SCIENCES: Geophysics

      Brecher, Kenneth.

      Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University. Coauthor and coeditor of Astronomy of the Ancients.ASTRONOMY; ASTRONOMY: Sidebar

      Brokopp, John G.

      Specialist in publicity, public relations, and writing about horse racing. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Thoroughbred Racing (U.S. and Canada)

      Brooks, Tony.

      Retired Secretary-General, International Table Tennis Federation. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Table Tennis

      Brown, Bess.

      Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Insti- tute. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Kazakhstan; Kyrgyz- stan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

      Brown, Maggie.

      Media Editor, The Independent Newspapers. • PUBLISHING: Magazines (international); Newspapers (international)

      Brown-Humes, Christopher.

      Stockholm Correspondent, Financial Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Sweden

      Burdin, Joel L.

      Coordinator of Educational Administration, Frostburg State University. Author of Diversity and Leadership in Education. •EDUCATION (U.S.)

      Burks, Ardath W.

      Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies, Rutgers University. Author of Japan: A Postindustrial Power. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Japan

      Burns, Erik.

      Freelance Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Portugal

      Butler, Frank.

      Formerly Sports Editor, News of the World. Author of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Story of Boxing.SPORTS AND GAMES: Boxing

      Cafferty, Bernard.

      Associate Editor, British Chess Magazine; Chess Columnist, The Sunday Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Chess

      Calder, Nigel.

      Independent Science Writer. Author of Spaceship Earth; Giotto to the Comets.SPECIAL REPORT: Seafaring and History in the English Channel

      Cameron, Sarah.

      Freelance Writer and Editor, Trade and Travel Publications. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Nicaragua

      Campbell, Robert.

      Architect and Architecture Critic. Author of Cityscapes of Boston; Coauthor of American Architecture of the 1980s.ARCHITECTURE

      Cantrell, Scott.

      Classical Music Editor, Kansas City Star.MUSIC: Classical

      Carter, Robert W.

      Journalist, London. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Show Jumping and Dressage; Steeplechasing; Thoroughbred Racing (Europe and Australia)

      Chapman, Kenneth F.

      Formerly Editor, Stamp Collecting and Philatelic Magazine.AUCTIONS AND COLLECTIONS: Philately

      Chappell, Duncan.

      Research Fellow, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute. •CRIME, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND PENOLOGY: Crime; Law Enforcement

      Chapple, Abby.

      Writer and Consultant, Consumer Communications (Annapolis, Md.) •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Home Furnishings: Furniture

      Cheuse, Alan.

      Writing Faculty, English Department, George Mason University; Book Commentator, National Public Radio. Author of The Light Possessed and others. •LITERATURE: English: United States

      Clapham, Christopher S.

      Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Lancaster. Author of Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia.WORLD AFFAIRS: Eritrea; Ethiopia

      Clark, David D.

      Managing Editor, World Literature Today.LITERATURE: English: Other

      Clarke, Douglas L.

      Captain, U.S. Navy (ret.). Military Analyst. Author of The Missing Man: Politics and the MIA.MILITARY AFFAIRS

      Clarke, R.O.

      Lecturer and Consultant on Industrial Relations, London. • LABOUR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS

      Cogle, T.C.J.

      Consultant, Electrical Review.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Electrical

      Collins, Cheryl L.

      Freelance Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Cooper, Melanie Anne.

      Senior Editorial Assistant, Newsweek.PUBLISHING: Newspapers (U.S.); WORLD AFFAIRS: United States: State and Local Affairs; United States: Sidebar

      Corzine, Robert.

      Oil and Gas Correspondent, Financial Times.ENERGY: Natural Gas; Petroleum

      Cosgrave, Bronwyn.

      Fashion Editor, The European.FASHION AND DRESS

      Coveney, Michael.

      Theatre Critic, The Observer. Author of The Aisle Is Full of Noises and others. • THEATRE: Great Britain and Ireland

      Craine, Anthony G.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Crampton, Richard J.

      Fellow, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, England; formerly Professor of East European History, University of Kent at Canterbury. Author of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Bulgaria

      Crist, Raymond E.

      Formerly Research Professor of Geography, University of Florida. Author of The Cauca Valley, Colombia.MACROPÆDIA: South America (in part)

      Crowley, Edward.

      Journalist; Director, Technical Writing Services, Maritime Monitor.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Shipbuilding; TRANSPORTATION: Shipping and Ports

      Cunningham, Susan M.

      Economic and Political Analyst; Freelance Writer. Author of Latin America Since 1945 (in preparation). • WORLD AFFAIRS: Argentina; Brazil; Mexico

      Curwen, Peter J.

      Reader in Business Policy, Sheffield Business School. Author of The U.K. Publishing Industry and others. • PUBLISHING: Books (international)

      Cviic, K.F.

      East European Specialist, Royal Institute of International Affairs. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Macedonia; Slovenia; Yugoslavia

      Czerwinski, Edward J.

      Professor Emeritus of Slavic and Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Author of A Dictionary of Polish Literature and others. Area Editor, Theater Companies of the World.LITERATURE: Eastern European (in part); Russian (in part)

      Davis, Donald A.

      Editor, Drug & Cosmetic Industry and Cosmetic Insider's Report.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Pharmaceuticals

      Deam, John B.

      Retired Technical Director, AMTThe Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Machinery and Machine Tools

      de la Barre, Kenneth.

      Director, Katimavik. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Arctic Regions

      Deletant, Dennis J.

      Senior Lecturer in Romanian Studies, University of London. Author of Studies in Romanian History; Colloquial Romanian and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Romania

      Denselow, Robin.

      Rock Music Critic, The Guardian; Current Affairs Reporter, BBC Television. Author of When the Music's Over: The Politics of Pop.MUSIC: Popular (international)

      de Puy, Norman R.

      Minister, American Baptist Churches; Editor and Publisher, Cabbages and Kings newsletter. • RELIGION: Baptist Churches

      Dicks, Geoffrey R.

      U.K. Economist, NatWest Markets. Author of Sources of World Financial and Banking Information.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: (Introduction)

      Dickstein, Morris.

      Director, Center for the Humanities; Professor of English, Queens College and Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York. Author of Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties and others. • : American Literature (in part)

      Dirnbacher, Elfriede.

      Austrian Civil Servant. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Austria

      Dixon, Bernard.

      Science Writer; Consultant. European Editor, Bio/Technology; Editor, Medical Science Research. Author of Health and the Human Body and others. • HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (international); Mental Health

      Dooling, Dave.

      Consultant and Writer, D2 Associates. • SPACE EXPLORATION

      Dormer, Albert G.

      Bridge Correspondent, The Times. Coauthor of Complete Book of Bridge and others. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Contract Bridge

      Dorsey, Learthen.

      Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Nebraska. Author of Historical Dictionary of Rwanda.RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS: Sidebar

      Duke, Michael S.

      Professor of Chinese, University of British Columbia. Author of Blooming and Contending the Iron House.LITERATURE: Chinese

      Earp, John H.

      Director, Halcrow Fox and Associates. • TRANSPORTATION: Introduction; Freight and Pipelines; Intercity Rail; Roads and Traffic; Urban Mass Transit

      Ehringer, Gavin Forbes.

      Rodeo Columnist, Western Horseman.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rodeo

      Eisenhammer, John.

      Chief Correspondent on Germany, The Independent.WORLD AFFAIRS: Germany

      Ellis, Roger.

      Editor, Mining Journal.MINING

      Emerson, Warren K.

      Writer and Photographer. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Badminton

      Engels, Jan R.

      Retired Director, Centre Paul Hymans. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Belgium

      Farr, D.M.L.

      Professor Emeritus of History, Carleton University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Canada

      Fendell, Robert J.

      Columnist, Sport Scene Florida. Author of How to Make Your Car Last and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing: U.S. Racing

      Finkelstein, Ellen.

      Product Coordinator, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Flagg, Gordon.

      Senior Editor, American Libraries.LIBRARIES (U.S.)

      Flanders, Douglas L.

      Director of Education and Information, The United Church of Canada. •RELIGION: The United Church of Canada

      Fleming, Arlene K.

      Cultural Resource Management Consultant. Author of Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-94.ARCHITECTURE: Sidebar

      Fletcher, Charmaine.

      Media and Press Officer, The Salvation Army. • RELIGION: Salvation Army

      Flores, Ramona Monette S.

      Professor, University of the Philippines; Editorial Consultant, Masks and Voices.TELEVISION AND RADIO (international)

      Follett, Christopher.

      Denmark Correspondent, The Times; Danish Correspondent, Radio Sweden; Newscaster, Radio Denmark; Freelance Correspondent, Reuters. Author of Fodspor paa Cypern.WORLD AFFAIRS: Denmark

      Fossli, Karen L.

      Oslo Correspondent, Financial Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Norway

      Freeman, Laurie.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Advertising

      Friday, Elbert W., Jr.

      Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. • EARTH SCIENCES: Meteorology

      Fridovich, Irwin.

      James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center. •LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Fridovich-Keil, Judith L.

      Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine. • LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Friedrich, Mary Jane.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Friskin, Sydney E.

      Hockey Correspondent, The Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games; Field Hockey; Snooker

      Frost, David.

      Formerly Rugby Union Writer, The Guardian.SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Rugby

      Fuller, Amanda E.

      Assistant Editor, The Great Ideas Today, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Fuller, Elizabeth.

      Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia

      Gaddum, Anthony H.

      Chairman, H. T. Gaddum and Company; Deputy Vice President, International Silk Association. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Silk

      Ganado, Albert.

      Lawyer, Malta. Coauthor of Malta in British and French Caricature 1798-1815.WORLD AFFAIRS: Malta

      Ganguly, Dilip.

      Senior Correspondent, The Associated Press, South Asia Bureau (New Delhi). •WORLD AFFAIRS: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Pakistan; Sri Lanka

      Garland, Irene.

      Freelance Writer and Lecturer on Norwegian Matters. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Gibbons, Anne R.

      Freelance Writer. •LIFE SCIENCES: Entomology

      Gibbons, J. Whitfield.

      Professor of Zoology, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia. Author of Keeping All the Pieces.LIFE SCIENCES: Zoology

      Giles, James R.

      Professor of English, Northern Illinois University. Author of Confronting the Horror: The Novels of Nelson Algren and others. •MACROPÆDIA: American Literature (in part)

      Gill, Martin J.

      Editor, World Fishing Magazine.AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Fisheries

      Girnius, Saulius A.

      Senior Research Analyst, Open Media Research Institute. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Latvia; Lithuania

      Goldsmith, Arthur.

      Editor-at-Large, Popular Photography.ART: Photography; BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Photography; Photography: Sidebar

      Gottfried, Martin.

      Drama Critic, New York City. Author of Sondheim; Nobody's Fool: The Lives of Danny Kaye; and others. • THEATRE: U.S. and Canada

      Gottlieb, Jean S.

      Freelance Editor; Historian of Science. Author of A Checklist of the Newberry Library's Printed Books in Science, Medicine, Technology, and the Pseudosciences, ca. 1460-1750.BIBLIOGRAPHY

      Grayson, Kent A.

      Assistant Professor of Marketing, London Business School. • MACROPÆDIA: Marketing and Merchandising (in part)

      Greeman, Adrian Lee.

      Editor, Civil Engineer International.ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Bridges

      Green, Anthony L.

      Senior Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Greskovic, Robert J.

      Dance Reviewer, Arts & Entertainment Monthly; Freelance Writer. •DANCE: North America

      Gribbin, John.

      Visiting Fellow in Astronomy, University of Sussex. Author of In the Beginning; In Search of the Edge of Time.PHYSICS

      Griffiths, A.R.G.

      Senior Lecturer in History, Flinders University of South Australia. Author of Contemporary Australia; Beautiful Lies.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Australia; Nauru; Papua New Guinea

      Grossman, Joel W.

      Archaeologist. •ARCHAEOLOGY: Western Hemisphere

      Guthridge, Guy G.

      Manager, Polar Information Program, U.S. National Science Foundation. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Polar Regions: Antarctica

      Hafez, Sabry.

      Professor of Modern Arabic, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse; Arabic Cinema.LITERATURE: Arabic

      Halman, Talat S.

      Research Professor; Chairman, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, New York University. • LITERATURE: Turkish

      Hanaway, William L.

      Associate Professor of Persian, University of Pennsylvania. Author of Chapbook Publishing in Pakistan.LITERATURE: Persian

      Hannen, Mark.

      Competitions Officer, English Basket Ball Association. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball: International

      Harakas, Stanley S.

      Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Author of Health and Medicine in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition and others. • RELIGION: Oriental Orthodox Church; The Orthodox Church

      Haub, Carl V.

      Demographer, Population Reference Bureau. Author of The U.N. Long-Range Population Prosections: What They Tell Us.POPULATIONS AND POPULA- TION MOVEMENTS: Demography; POPULA- TIONS AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: Sidebar

      Haufler, Daniel A.

      Journalist, Die Zeit.LITERATURE: German

      Havard-Williams, P.

      Professor of Library and Information Studies, University of Botswana. Professor Emeritus, Loughborough University. • LIBRARIES (international)

      Hawkland, William D.

      Chancellor Emeritus of Law and Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University. •LAW: Court Decisions

      Hebblethwaite, Peter.

      Vatican Affairs Writer, National Catholic Reporter. Author of Paul VI, The First Modern Pope.RELIGION: Roman Catholic Church

      Hébert, Pierre.

      Professor titulaire, University of Sherbrooke. • LITERATURE: French: Canada

      Heinzl, John.

      Business Reporter, The Globe and Mail.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Retailing

      Hendershott, Jon.

      Associate Editor, Track & Field News. Author of Track's Greatest Women.SPORTS AND GAMES: Track and Field Sports

      Hendershott, Myrl C.

      Professor of Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. •EARTH SCIENCES: Oceanography

      Hennelly, James.

      Researcher, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Henschel, Milton.

      President, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. • RELIGION: Jehovah's Witnesses

      Hibbard, Jonathan D.

      Assistant Professor of Marketing, Boston University. • MACROPÆDIA: Marketing and Merchandising (in part)

      Hobbs, Greg.

      Editor, The Football Record. Author of 12 books on Australian Football. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Australian

      Hoeksema, Klaas J.

      Staff Member, Institute for Polytechnics, Amsterdam. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Netherlands, The; Suriname

      Hope, Thomas W.

      Chairman, Hope Reports, Inc. •MOTION PICTURES: Nontheatrical Films

      Hunnings, Neville March.

      Editor, Encyclopedia of European Union LawsConstitutional Texts.LAW: International Agreements


      International Economic Information Services. • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: World Economy; Stock Exchanges (international)

      Ingham, Kenneth.

      Professor Emeritus of History, University of Bristol. Author of Politics in Modern Africa: The Uneven Tribal Dimension and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Angola; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Sudan, The; Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe

      Ingram, Derek.

      Consultant Editor, Gemini News Service. Author of Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World; The Imperfect Commonwealth.WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Nations

      Jardine, Adrian.

      Company Director. Member, Guild of Yachting Writers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Sailing

      Jaspert, W. Pincus.

      Technical and Editorial Consultant. International Editor, American Printer and World-Wide Printer. Author of State of the Art and others. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Printing

      Jessell, Harry A.

      Executive Editor, Broadcasting and Cable.TELEVISION AND RADIO (U.S., in part); Amateur Radio (in part)

      Joffé, George.

      Journalist and Writer on North African and Middle Eastern Affairs. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

      Johnsson, William G.

      Editor, Adventist Review. Author of Behold His Glory and others. •RELIGION: Seventh-day Adventist Church

      Jones, D.A.N.

      Novelist and Critic. Author of Parade in Pairs; Never Had It So Good.LITERATURE: Introduction; English: United Kingdom

      Jones, W. Glyn.

      Professor Emeritus of Scandinavian Studies, University of East Anglia. Author of Colloquial Danish and others. • LITERATURE: Danish

      Jotischky, Helma.

      Principal Research Officer, Paint Research Association. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Paints and Varnishes

      Juban, Yann.

      Jurist, International Wine and Vine Office. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Wine

      Kaplan, Robert D.

      Contributing Editor, The Atlantic Monthly. Author of The Arabists; Balkan Ghosts.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The New Middle East

      Karsten, Peter.

      Past President, IUDZGThe World Zoo Organization. • BOTANICAL GARDENS AND ZOOS: Zoos

      Katz, William A.

      Professor, School of Information Science and Policy, State University of New York at Albany. • PUBLISHING: Magazines (U.S.)

      Kelleher, J.A.

      Journalist, New Zealand. Formerly Editor, The Dominion and Dominion Sunday Times (Wellington). • WORLD AFFAIRS: New Zealand

      Kelling, George H.

      Historian and Media Relations Officer, Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center. Author of Countdown to Rebellion: British Policy in Cyprus 1939-1955.WORLD AFFAIRS: Cyprus

      Kellner, Peter.

      Political Commentator, BBC Television. Author of The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class and others. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: United Kingdom

      Kennedy, Richard M.

      Agricultural Economist, Agriculture and Trade Analysis Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. • AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES; International Issues; Agricultural Commodities

      Kind, Joshua B.

      Professor of Art History, Northern Illinois University. Author of Rouault; Geometry as Abstract Art; and others. • MUSEUMS (U.S.)

      Kirchhoff, H.J.

      Theatre Critic, The Globe and Mail.THEATRE: Sidebar

      Knox, Richard A.

      Managing Editor, Power Technology International and Power Generation Technology.ENERGY: Nuclear

      Kolankiewicz, George.

      Lecturer in Sociology, University of Essex; Research Director, Research Programme on East-West Studies, U.K. Economic and Social Research Council. Coauthor of Social Groups in Polish Society and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Poland

      Kotler, Philip.

      S.C. Johnson and Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Northwestern University. Author of Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control and others. • MACROPÆDIA: Marketing and Merchandising (in part)

      Kovel, Ralph and Terry.

      Authors; Publishers. Authors of Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 1995.AUCTIONS AND COLLECTIONS: Antiques and Collectibles

      Krengel, Janet.

      Senior Economist, Kleinwort Benson Securities. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Paraguay; Uruguay

      Kroll, Thomas E.

      Lecturer, Roosevelt University and Northwestern University; President, Thomas Kroll Associates. Author of Introduction to Data Processing; C Language Programming.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Microelectronics; Telecommunications

      Kuhn, Howard A.

      Vice President; Chief Technical Officer, Concurrent Technologies Corporation. Author of Powder Forging; Powder Processing.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Metals and Materials: Metalworking

      Kuptsch, Christiane.

      Research Officer, ISSA. •SOCIAL PROTECTION (international)

      Kushnick, Louis.

      Senior Lecturer, Department of American Studies, University of Manchester, England. •POPULATIONS AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: International Migration; RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS

      Lamb, Kevin M.

      Special Projects Writer, Dayton Daily News. Author of Quarterbacks, Nickelbacks & Other Loose Change.SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Canadian, U.S.

      Laqueur, Walter.

      Chairman, International Research Council, Center for Strategic & International Studies. Author of Europe in Our Time and others. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Introduction

      Larsson, Gerd.

      Japan Correspondent, Dagens Industri.BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Laskey, Elizabeth.

      Formerly Senior Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Last, Geoffrey C.

      Formerly Adviser, Imperial Ethiopian Ministry of Education and Fine Arts. •MACROPÆDIA: Eastern Africa (in part)

      Latham, Arthur.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • CHRONOLOGY OF 1994

      Lavallée, H.-Claude.

      Director, Pulp and Paper Research Centre, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Wood Products: Paper

      Lawler, Nancy Ellen.

      Professor of Economics, Oakton Community College. Author of Soldiers of Misfortune and others. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire; Gabon; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo

      Legassick, Martin.

      Professor, History Department, University of the Western Cape. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Namibia; South Africa; South Africa: Sidebar

      Legum, Colin.

      Formerly Associate Editor, The Observer; Consultant Editor, Africa Contemporary Record; Editor, Third World Reports. Author of more than 20 books, mainly on Africa. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Africa's Second Liberation

      Lennox-Kerr, Peter.

      Editor, High Performance Textiles and OE Report & Fibre News; European Editor, Textile World. Author of World Fibres Book.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Introduction; Cotton; Man-made Fibres

      Lerner, Dietlind.

      Journalist. Author of television documentaries on German culture and politics. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Levine, Beth S.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Divorce: Young People Caught in the Middle and others. •PUBLISHING: Books (U.S.)

      Levine, Steven I.

      Director, Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina. Author of Anvil of Victory: The Communist Revolution in Manchuria and others. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: China; Taiwan

      Litsky, Frank.

      Sportswriter, New York Times.SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey: North America

      Litweiler, John.

      Jazz Critic; Contributor to Down Beat, Chicago Tribune, and others. Author of Ornette Coleman: A Harmolodic Life.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MUSIC: Jazz

      Logan, Robert G.

      Sportswriter, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Ill.). Author of Cubs Win! and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (U.S.)

      Longmore, Andrew.

      Freelance Sportswriter, The Times; formerly Assistant Editor, The Cricketer.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Cricket; Introduction

      Luling, Virginia R.

      Social Anthropologist. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Somalia

      McCauley, Martin.

      Senior Lecturer in Politics, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Independent States; Russia

      Macdonald, Barrie.

      Professor of History, Massey University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The South Pacific Forum; Dependent States (Pacific); Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Western Samoa

      McElroy, John.

      Editor-in-Chief, Automotive Industries.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Automobiles

      McGregor, Alan.

      Freelance Contributor, The Times; The Lancet; Swiss Radio International; CBS Radio. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Switzerland

      McLachlan, Keith S.

      Professor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Boundaries of Modern Iran.WORLD AFFAIRS: Iran

      Mallett, H.M.F.

      Editor, Wool Record Weekly Market Report.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Textiles: Wool

      Mango, Andrew.

      Foreign Affairs Analyst. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Turkey

      Markakis, John.

      Professor of African Studies, University of Crete. Author of Ethiopia: Anatomy of a Traditional Polity and others. •MACROPÆDIA: Eastern Africa (in part)

      Marples, David R.

      Associate Professor of History, University of Alberta. Author of Stalinism in Ukraine and others. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Belarus; Ukraine

      Martin, Marvin.

      Freelance Writer. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Mathews, John H.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Matthíasson, Björn.

      Economist, Ministry of Finance, Iceland. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Iceland

      Maunder, Michael.

      Head of Conservation Unit, Living Collections Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. •BOTANICAL GARDENS AND ZOOS: Botanical Gardens

      Mazie, David M.

      Staff Writer, Reader's Digest; Freelance Writer. • SOCIAL PROTECTION (U.S.)

      Mermel, T.W.

      Consultant; formerly Chairman, Committee on World Register of Dams, International Commission on Large Dams. • ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Dams

      Michael, Tom.

      Writer, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Millikin, Sandra.

      Architectural Historian. •ART: Art Exhibitions

      Miwa, Takuji.

      Associate Professor, Daito College of Medical Technology; Director, International Health Evaluation Association. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Modiano, Mario.

      Formerly Athens Correspondent, The Times.WORLD AFFAIRS: Greece

      Morris, Jacqui M.

      Editor, Oryx.ENVIRONMENT: Wildlife Conservation

      Morrison, Donald.

      Editor, Time Asia.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: East Asia and the Transition in North Korea

      Moutet, Anne-Elisabeth.

      Journalist, The European.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: France

      Mullin, John J.

      Analyst, Smith Barney. Author of Emerging Equity Markets in the Global Economy.SPECIAL REPORT: Emerging Equity Markets

      Munns, Thomas E.

      Senior Program Officer, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Metals and Materials: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Nagy, Joseph L.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek.WORLD AFFAIRS: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of

      Naylor, Ernest.

      Lloyd Roberts Professor of Marine Zoology, University College of North Wales. •LIFE SCIENCES: Marine Biology

      Neher, Stephen.

      Assistant Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Palau; Political Parties (in part)

      Neusner, Noam.

      Reporter, Tampa Tribune. Coauthor of To Grow in Wisdom: An Anthology of Abraham J. Heschel.RELIGION: Judaism

      Newby, Donald J.

      Bowls Correspondent, Daily Telegraph; formerly Editor, World Bowls. Author of various bowls publications. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Lawn Bowls

      Niesz, Dale E.

      Director, Center for Ceramic Research, Rutgers University. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Ceramics

      Nitecki, Matthew H.

      Curator, Fossil Invertebrates, Field Museum of Natural History. Author of Evolutionary Ethics; Evolutionary Innovations.LIFE SCIENCES: Paleontology

      Norman, Geraldine.

      Art Market Correspondent, The Independent. Author of Nineteenth Century Painters and Painting; Coauthor of The Fake's Progress.AUCTIONS AND COLLECTIONS: Art Auctions and Sales; Books; AUCTIONS AND COLLECTIONS: Sidebar

      Nugent, Ann.

      Editor, Dance Now; Dance Critic, The Stage. Author of Swan Lake: Stories of the Ballets.DANCE: Europe

      O'Donoghue, Michael.

      Lecturer in Gemmology, London Guildhall University. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Gemstones

      Ogden, Shepherd.

      President, The Cook's Garden. Author of Step by Step Organic Vegetable Gardening and others. • GARDENING (international); GARDENING: Sidebar

      Olson, Kay Melchisedech.

      Executive Editor, Flower & Garden.GARDENING (U.S.)

      Orr, Jay.

      Entertainment Writer, Nashville Banner.MUSIC: Popular (U.S.)

      Osborne, K.L.

      Editor, British Rowing Almanack. Author of Boat Racing in Britain, 1715-1975.SPORTS AND GAMES: Rowing

      Palmer, John.

      European Editor, The Guardian.WORLD AFFAIRS: European Union

      Parker, Sandy.

      Publisher, newsletter on fur industry; Copublisher, Fur World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Furs

      Parming, Tönu.

      President, Estonian Publishing Co. Author of A Case Study of a Soviet Republic: The Estonian SSR.WORLD AFFAIRS: Estonia

      Parsons, James J.

      Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of California, Berkeley. Author of Antioqueño Colonization in Western Colombia and others. •MACROPÆDIA: South America (in part)

      Paul, Charles Robert, Jr.

      Consultant, U.S. Olympic Committee. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Gymnastics; Weight Lifting

      Penfold, Robin C.

      Freelance Writer on industrial topics. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Plastics

      Perlinska, Agnieszka.

      Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, New York University. • LITERATURE: Eastern European (in part); Russian (in part)

      Pertile, Lino.

      Professor of Italian, University of Edinburgh. • LITERATURE: Italian

      Petherick, Karin.

      Reader Emeritus in Swedish, University of London. • LITERATURE: Swedish

      Pfeffer, Irving.

      Attorney. Author of The Financing of Small Business.ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Stock Exchanges (North America)

      Pinfold, Geoffrey M.

      Director, NCL Stewart Scott. Author of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers.ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Buildings

      Poirié, François.

      Writer and Critic. Author of La Passade légendaire; Ils dansent.LITERATURE: French: France

      Polonsky, Naomi Bernards.

      Freelance Writer; Freelance Editor. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Prasad, H.Y. Sharada.

      Formerly Information Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. •WORLD AFFAIRS: India

      Prince, Greg W.

      Senior Editor, Beverage World. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Beverages: Beer; Soft Drinks; Spirits

      Rapp, Susan.

      Freelance Editor. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Réamonn, Páraic.

      Communications Director, World Alliance of Reformed Churches. •RELIGION: Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches

      Rebelo, L.S.

      Reader Emeritus; Visiting Professor, Department of Portuguese Studies, King's College, University of London. • LITERATURE: Portuguese: Portugal

      Reed, Arthur.

      Senior Editor, Europe, Air Transport World. Author of Britain's Aircraft Industry; Coauthor of RAE Farnborough.TRANSPORTATION: Aviation

      Reid, Philip D.

      Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences, Smith College. •LIFE SCIENCES: Botany

      Renwick, David.

      Editorial Director, Daily News (Trinidad). • WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: The New Caribbean Basin Identity; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, The; Barbados; Dependent States (Caribbean and Bermuda); Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago

      Restak, Richard.

      Clinical Professor of Neurology, George Washington University Medical School. Author of The Modular Brain.SPECIAL REPORT: Prozac

      Reynaud, Bérénice.

      Faculty Member, California Institute of the Arts. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Roach, Suzanne.

      Director, AIUSA Women's Human Rights Program. • SOCIAL PROTECTION: Sidebar

      Roberts, John.

      Tennis Correspondent, The Independent. Author of The Team That Wouldn't Die.SPORTS AND GAMES: Tennis

      Robinson, David.

      Film Critic and Historian. Author of A History of World Cinema; Chaplin: His Life and Art.SPECIAL REPORT: The Hollywood Conquest; MOTION PICTURES: General

      Roby, Anne.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Andorra; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Monaco

      Rocky, Marilyn E.

      Executive Director, CHILDHOPE. •SPECIAL REPORT: Street Children

      Rollin, Jack.

      Association Football Columnist, Sunday Telegraph. Editor, Rothmans Football Yearbook. Author of World Cup 1930-1990 and others. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Football: Association (Soccer); Football: Sidebar

      Rusch, William G.

      Director, Department for Ecumenical Affairs, ELCA. Author of Reception: An Ecumenical Opportunity.RELIGION: Lutheran Communion

      Russell, Cristine.

      Freelance Science Writer and Special Health Correspondent, The Washington Post.HEALTH AND DISEASE: Medicine (U.S.)

      Russell, George.

      Senior Editor, Time International. Author of Eyewitness: A History of Photojournalism.WORLD AFFAIRS: United States

      Rutherford, Andrew.

      Reader, Faculty of Law, University of Southampton. Author of Criminal Justice and the Pursuit of Decency and others. •CRIME, LAW ENFORCE- MENT, AND PENOLOGY: Prisons and Penology

      Saeki, Shoichi.

      Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University. Author of Japanese Autobiographies.LITERATURE: Japanese

      Salisbury, Jonathan M.

      Publisher, World Toy News.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Games and Toys

      Saludo, Ricardo L.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek.BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Indonesia; Vietnam

      Sanders, Alan J.K.

      Lecturer in Mongolian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Mongolia: Politics, Economics and Society.WORLD AFFAIRS: Mongolia

      Sarahete, Yrjö.

      General Secretary, Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs. •SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling: World Tenpins

      Sarmiento, Sergio.

      Editor in Chief, Encyclopædia Britannica Publishers, Inc. (Latin America). •SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Latin America; Football: Association (Soccer): Latin America

      Schafrik, Robert E.

      Director, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Metals and Materials: Advanced Composites (in part)

      Scherer, Allan D.

      Director, United States Polo Association; Editor, Polo Newsletter.SPORTS AND GAMES: Equestrian Sports: Polo

      Schneider, Johanna.

      Assistant Editor, Amateur Wrestling News.SPORTS AND GAMES: Wrestling

      Schoenfield, Albert.

      Formerly Member, U.S. Swimming Olympic International Committee. Formerly Publisher, Swimming World. Honouree, International Swimming Hall of Fame. Author of The Saga of the Exterminators Squadron.SPORTS AND GAMES: Swimming

      Schöpflin, George.

      Lecturer in East European Political Institutions, London School of Economics and School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Perils of Postcommunism in Eastern Europe; Czech Republic; Hungary; Slovakia

      Schultz, Alarich R.

      Professor of Botany, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Author of Estudo Prático da Botânica Geral.MACROPÆDIA: South America (in part)

      Sego, Steve.

      Formerly Director, Radio Free Afghanistan; Freelance Writer. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Afghanistan

      Shackleford, Peter.

      Chief of Environment, Planning, and Finance, World Tourism Organization. •BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Tourism

      Sheahan, John.

      Professor Emeritus of Economics, Williams College. Author of Patterns of Development in Latin America: Poverty, Repression, and Economic Strategy.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Latin America's New Economic Strategy

      Shelley, Andrew.

      Events Manager, Squash Rackets Association (England). • SPORTS AND GAMES: Squash Rackets

      Shepherd, Melinda C.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • SPECIAL REPORT: The XVII Olympic Winter Games; OBITUARIES (in part); SPORTING RECORD; WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (Europe and the Atlantic); Political Parties (in part)

      Sherry, Paul H.

      President, United Church of Christ. • RELIGION: United Church of Christ

      Smith, Donald.

      Editor, Rubber World.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Rubber

      Smith, Gregory O.

      Dean of Academic Affairs, American University of Rome. • WORLD AFFAIRS: San Marino; Vatican City State

      Smith, Peter N.

      Information Officer, British Glass. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Glass

      Smith, Reuben W.

      Professor of History, University of the Pacific. • RELIGION: Islam

      Spangenberg, N. Earl.

      Professor, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. Editor, HYDATANews and Views.EARTH SCIENCES: Hydrology

      Sparks, Karen J.

      Senior Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Apparel: Clothing; Footwear and Leather Goods; Home Furnishings: Housewares; DISASTERS; OBITUARIES (in part)

      Spencer, Peter L.

      Editor, Consumer's Research.CONSUMER AFFAIRS (U.S.)

      Starke, Edgar A., Jr.

      Professor, University of Virginia. • BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Metals and Materials: Light Metals

      Stern, Irwin.

      Senior Lecturer in Portuguese, Columbia University. • LITERATURE: Portuguese: Brazil

      Stewart, Ian.

      Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick. Author of Does God Play Dice?; The Collapse of Chaos.MATHEMATICS

      Støverud, Torbjørn.

      Honorary Research Fellow, University College, London. • LITERATURE: Norwegian

      Sullivan, H. Patrick.

      Dean Emeritus of the College and Professor of Religion, Vassar College. •RELIGION: Hinduism

      Summerhill, Edward M.

      Part-Time Staff Member, Reuters; Freelance Writer, Finnish News Agency. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Finland

      Sumner, David E.

      Columnist; Contributor to Episcopal Church periodicals. Author of The Episcopal Church's History: 1945-1985.RELIGION: Anglican Communion

      Susser, Leslie D.

      Diplomatic Correspondent, The Jerusalem Report.WORLD AFFAIRS: Israel

      Suzuki, Toshihiko.

      Senior Editor, Dobunshoin International. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Japan

      Swan, Russ.

      Editor, World Highways.ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Roads

      Swift, Richard N.

      Professor Emeritus of Politics, New York University. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Multinational and Regional Organizations; United Nations

      Synan, Vinson.

      Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University. Author of In the Latter Days; Pentecostal Churches.RELIGION: Pentecostal Churches

      Taishoff, Lawrence B.

      Chairman, Broadcasting and Cable; Adviser, Cahners Consumer/Entertainment Publishing Division. •TELEVISION AND RADIO (U.S. in part); Amateur Radio (in part)

      Tateishi, Kay K.

      Freelance Writer and Translator, Tokyo. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Taylor, Thomas F.

      General Secretary, Friends World Committee for Consultation. Formerly Editor, Friends World News.RELIGION: Religious Society of Friends

      Thomas, Robert Murray.

      Professor Emeritus of Education and Head, Program in International Education, University of California at Santa Barbara. Author of International Comparative Education and others. •EDUCATION (international)

      Tugend, Alina.

      Press Officer, International Organisation of Consumers Unions. •CONSUMER AFFAIRS (international)

      Turner, Darrell J.

      Writer on Religion; Formerly Editor and Writer, Religious News Service. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part); RELIGION: Introduction


      The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. •POPULATIONS AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: Refugees

      Ustinov, Peter.

      Actor, Director, Author, Playwright, Commentator, and Chancellor of Durham University. •COMMENTARY: Toward the Age of Common Sense

      Utt, Roger L.

      Editor, Puerta del Sol; formerly Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. •LITERATURE: Spanish: Spain

      Venzke, Bruce H.

      Associate Editor, Pool & Billiard Magazine. Member, Statistics and Records Committee, Billiard Congress of America; Past President, Billiard Congress of Wisconsin. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games: Carom Billiards; Pocket Billiards

      Verdi, Robert William.

      Sports Columnist, Chicago Tribune. Author of Once a Dodger, Always a Bum and others. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball: Little League; U.S.; Baseball: Sidebar

      Wallenfeldt, Jeff.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MUSIC: Sidebar

      Wallis, Shani.

      Independent Technical Journalist. • ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Tunnels

      Walters, Jonathan S.

      Assistant Professor of Religion, Whitman College. • RELIGION: Buddhism

      Wanninger, Richard S.

      Director of External Affairs, Colorado Sports Council. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Volleyball

      Warner, Edward S.

      Editor, FCC Report, Telecom Publishing Group. • INFORMATION PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS

      Warren, J. Robert.

      Editor, Asia-Pacific Report, Chemical Marketing Reporter.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Chemicals

      Way, Diane Lois.

      Historical Researcher. •BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Westberg, M. Victor.

      Manager, Committees on Publication, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. •RELIGION: Church of Christ, Scientist

      Whelan, John.

      Editor, Waters Information Services. • WORLD AFFAIRS: Bahrain; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; United Arab Emirates; Yemen

      Whitney, Barbara.

      Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica. • BIOGRAPHIES (in part); ENVIRONMENT: Sidebar

      Wilkinson, John R.

      Sportswriter, Coventry Newspapers. • SPORTS AND GAMES: Cycling

      Williams, Michael.

      Golf Correspondent, Daily Telegraph. Author of Official History of the Ryder Cup.SPORTS AND GAMES: Golf

      Williams, Raymond Leslie.

      Professor of Spanish, University of Colorado. Author of The Colombian Novel, 1844-1987.LITERATURE: Spanish: Latin America

      Willis, Clifford L.

      Director of News and Information, Office of Communication, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). • RELIGION: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

      Wilson, Derek.

      Correspondent, BBC, Rome. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Italy

      Wilson, Michael.

      Freelance Aviation Writer and Consultant; Managing Editor, Testimony.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Aerospace

      Woodrow, Robert.

      Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek.WORLD AFFAIRS: Laos; Thailand

      Woods, Elizabeth.

      Writer. Author of If Only Things Were Different (I): A Model for a Sustainable Society; Bird Salad; and others. • LITERATURE: English: Canada

      Woods, Michael.

      Science Editor, Toledo Blade. Author of Science in Antarctica.CHEMISTRY; NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Woodward, Berton.

      Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek.WORLD AFFAIRS: Spotlight: Asian Values; Brunei; Dependent States (East Asia); Singapore

      Woollen, Anthony.

      Formerly Editor, Food Manufacture. Editor, Food Industries Manual.AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Food Processing

      Wright, Andrew G.

      Associate Editor, Engineering News-Record.BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY REVIEW: Building and Construction

      Wyllie, Peter John.

      Professor, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology. Author of The Dynamic Earth; The Way the Earth Works.EARTH SCIENCES: Geology and Geochemistry

      Wyllie, Robert J.M.

      Editor, Engineering & Mining Journal.ENERGY: Coal

      Yapko, Michael D.

      Clinical Psychologist, private practice. Author of Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis and others. • SPECIAL REPORT: Repressed Memories

      Young, M. Norvel.

      Chancellor Emeritus, Pepperdine University. Author of Preachers of Today.RELIGION: Churches of Christ

      Zanga, Louis.

      Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. •WORLD AFFAIRS: Albania


      Allaby, Michael.

      Writer and Lecturer. Author of Ecology Facts; A Guide to Gaia. ENVIRONMENT (in part)

      Allan, J.A.

      Professor of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Libya

      Amedeo, Michael.

      Writer, Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corp.; Freelance Entertainment Writer, Chicago Sun-Times. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Anderson, D.F.

      Director, Department of Economic Affairs, International Iron & Steel Institute, Brussels. Author of Steel Demand Forecasting and others. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Iron and Steel

      Archibald, John J.

      Retired Feature Writer, St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch; Adjunct Professor, Washington University, St. Louis; Member of Professional Bowlers Association Hall of Fame. SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling (in part)

      Armour, Ian D.

      Freelance Researcher and Writer. Coauthor of Imperial Germany 1890-1918. WORLD AFFAIRS: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Special Report

      Arnold, Guy.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Modern Nigeria; Aid in Africa; and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: Botswana; Burundi; Cape Verde; Chad; Comoros; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Gambia, The; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Maldives; Mauritius; Nigeria; Rwanda; São Tomé and Príncipe; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Swaziland

      Arnold, Mavis.

      Freelance Journalist, Dublin. WORLD AFFAIRS: Ireland

      Arrington, Leonard J.

      Formerly Church Historian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. RELIGION: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Balaban, Avraham.

      Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature, University of Florida, Gainesville. Author of Between God and Beast: An Examination of Amos Oz's Prose. LITERATURE: Hebrew

      Baptist, Ines T.

      Freelance Writer. WORLD AFFAIRS: Belize

      Barford, Michael F.

      Editor and Director, Tabacosmos, London. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Tobacco

      Barrett, David B.

      Hon. Research Adviser, United Bible Societies; Church Missionary Society, Church of England. RELIGION: World Religious Statistics

      Barrett, John C.A.

      Headmaster, The Leys School, Cambridge, England; Secretary, British Committee, World Methodist Council. Author of Family Worship in Theory and Practice. RELIGION: Methodist Churches

      Bass, Howard.

      Journalist and Broadcaster; Ice Hockey Correspondent, Daily Telegraph, London; Skiing and Skating Correspondent, Daily Mail, London. Author of 16 books on winter sports. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey (in part); Ice Skating; Skiing

      Belaski, Ann.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Bernstein, Ellen.

      Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica Yearbooks. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Bickelhaupt, David L.

      Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Finance, College of Business, Ohio State University, Columbus. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Insurance

      Bird, Thomas E.

      Director, Council for the Study of Ethics and Public Policy, Queens College, City University of New York. LITERATURE: Yiddish

      Bisman, Ronald W.

      North Island Editor, New Zealand Harness Racing Weekly. Author of Cardigan Bay; Salute to Trotting. SPORTS AND GAMES: Horse Racing (in part)

      Boddy, William C.

      Founder and Editor, Motor Sport. Full Member, Guild of Motoring Writers. SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing (in part)

      Boden, Edward.

      Publications Adviser, British Veterinary Association; formerly Editor, Veterinary Record. HEALTH AND DISEASE: Veterinary Medicine

      Booth, John Nicholls.

      Lecturer and Writer. Author of The Quest for Preaching Power. RELIGION: Unitarian (Universalist) Churches

      Boothroyd, Andrew T.

      University Lecturer and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, England. PHYSICS

      Boswall, Jeffery.

      Senior Lecturer in Biological Imaging, University of Derby, England. LIFE SCIENCES: Ornithology

      Box, Ben.

      Editor, Trade and Travel Publications (South American Handbook and others). WORLD AFFAIRS: Bolivia; Haiti; Panama; Peru; Venezuela

      Boye, Roger.

      Former Coin Columnist, Chicago Tribune. PHILATELY AND NUMISMATICS: Coins and Paper Money

      Boylan, Patrick J.

      Professor and Head, Department of Arts Policy and Management, City University, London. Author of Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit and others. MUSEUMS (in part)

      Bradsher, Henry S.

      Foreign Affairs Writer. WORLD AFFAIRS: Philippines

      Braidwood, Robert J.

      Professor Emeritus of Old World Prehistory, Oriental Institute and Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Author of Prehistoric Men. ARCHAEOLOGY: Eastern Hemisphere

      Brazee, Rutlage J.

      Geophysical Consultant. EARTH SCIENCES: Geophysics

      Brecher, Kenneth.

      Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University. Coauthor and coeditor of Astronomy of the Ancients. ASTRONOMY; ASTRONOMY: Sidebar

      Brokopp, John G.

      Specialist in publicity, public relations, and writing about horse racing. SPORTS AND GAMES: Horse Racing (in part)

      Brooks, Tony.

      Retired Secretary-General, International Table Tennis Federation. SPORTS AND GAMES: Table Tennis

      Brown, Bess.

      Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. WORLD AFFAIRS: Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

      Brown, Heidi C.D.

      Technical Information Officer, British Glass Manufacturers Confederation, Sheffield, England. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Glass

      Brown, Maggie.

      Media Editor, The Independent Newspapers, London. PUBLISHING: Magazines (in part); Newspapers (in part)

      Brown-Humes, Christopher.

      Stockholm Correspondent, Financial Times. WORLD AFFAIRS: Sweden

      Burdin, Joel L.

      Coordinator of Educational Administration, Frostburg (Md.) State University. EDUCATION (in part)

      Burks, Ardath W.

      Emeritus Professor of Asian Studies, Rutgers University. WORLD AFFAIRS: Japan

      Butler, Frank.

      Former Sports Editor, News of the World, London. Author of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: A Story of Boxing. SPORTS AND GAMES: Boxing

      Buttinger, Joseph.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled. Macropædia: SOUTHEAST ASIA (in part)

      Cafferty, Bernard.

      Associate Editor, British Chess Magazine; Chess Columnist, The Sunday Times, London. SPORTS AND GAMES: Chess

      Cameron, Sarah.

      Freelance Writer and Editor, Trade and Travel Publications. WORLD AFFAIRS: Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua

      Campbell, Robert.

      Architect and Architecture Critic. Author of Cityscapes of Boston; Coauthor of American Architecture of the 1980s. ARCHITECTURE

      Cantrell, Scott.

      Classical Music Editor, Kansas City (Mo.) Star. MUSIC: Classical

      Carter, Robert W.

      Journalist, London. SPORTS AND GAMES: Horse Racing (in part)

      Chandler, David P.

      Associate Professor of History, Monash University, Clayton, Australia. Author of The Tragedy of Cambodian History. Macropædia: SOUTHEAST ASIA (in part)

      Chapman, Kenneth F.

      Former Editor, Stamp Collecting and Philatelic Magazine. PHILATELY AND NUMISMATICS: Stamps

      Chappell, Duncan.

      Director, Australian Institute of Criminology. CRIME, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND PENOLOGY: Crime; Law Enforcement

      Chapple, Abby.

      Writer and Consultant, Consumer Communications, Annapolis, Md. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Furniture

      Cheuse, Alan.

      Writing Faculty, English Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.; Book Commentator, National Public Radio. Author of The Light Possessed and others. LITERATURE: English (in part)

      Clapham, Christopher S.

      Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Lancaster, England. Author of Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia. WORLD AFFAIRS: Eritrea; Ethiopia

      Clark, Janet H.

      Research Manager, Sedgwick Noble Lowndes. Author of Europe's Labour Costs Crisis. ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Special Report

      Clarke, Judith L.

      Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Baptist College, Hong Kong. WORLD AFFAIRS: Cambodia; Vietnam

      Clarke, R.O.

      Lecturer and Consultant on Industrial Relations, London. LABOUR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS

      Clough, Huw.

      Freelance Writer on Iberia and Latin America; Multimedia Editor. WORLD AFFAIRS: Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Mexico

      Cogle, T.C.J.

      Consultant, Electrical Review, London. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Electrical

      Collins, Cheryl L.

      Freelance Writer. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Cook, Kevin G.

      Global Publications Officer, International Organization of Consumers Unions, Santiago, Chile. CONSUMER AFFAIRS (in part)

      Cooper, Mary H.

      Staff Writer, The CQ Researcher, Congressional Quarterly. Author of The Business of Drugs. LABOUR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS: Special Report

      Cooper, Melanie Anne.

      Senior Editorial Assistant, Newsweek magazine. WORLD AFFAIRS: United States: Developments in the States in 1993

      Costin, Stanley H.

      British Correspondent, Nykytekstiili, Finland, and Textilia, The Netherlands. FASHION AND DRESS (in part)

      Coveney, Michael.

      Theatre Critic, The Observer. Author of Maggie Smith: A Bright Particular Star and others. THEATRE (in part)

      Craine, Anthony G.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Crampton, Richard J.

      Fellow, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, England; formerly Professor of East European History, University of Kent at Canterbury. Author of Bulgaria 1878-1918: A History and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: Bulgaria

      Crowley, Edward.

      U.K. Editor, Maritime Monitor, Piraeus, Greece; Technical Journalist; Director, Technical Writing Services. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Shipbuilding; TRANSPORTATION (in part)

      Cunningham, Susan M.

      Economic and Political Analyst; Freelance Writer. Author of Latin America Since 1945 (in preparation). WORLD AFFAIRS: Argentina; Brazil; Latin-American Affairs

      Curwen, Peter J.

      Reader in Business Policy, Sheffield Business School, England. Author of The U.K. Publishing Industry and others. PUBLISHING: Books (in part)

      Cviic, K.F.

      East European Specialist, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Macedonia; Slovenia; Yugoslavia

      Czerwinski, Edward J.

      Professor Emeritus of Slavic and Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Author of Contemporary Polish Theater and Drama (1956-1984); Area Editor, Theater Companies of the World. LITERATURE: Eastern European (in part); Russian (in part)

      Davis, Donald A.

      Editor, Drug & Cosmetic Industry and Cosmetic Insider's Report. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Pharmaceuticals

      Deam, John B.

      Retired Technical Director, AMTThe Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Machinery and Machine Tools

      de la Barre, Kenneth.

      Director, Katimavik, Montreal. WORLD AFFAIRS: Arctic Regions

      Deletant, Dennis J.

      Senior Lecturer in Romanian Studies, University of London. Author of Studies in Romanian History; Colloquial Romanian. WORLD AFFAIRS: Romania

      Denselow, Robin.

      Rock Music Critic, The Guardian, London; Current Affairs Reporter, BBC Television. Author of When the Music's Over: The Politics of Pop. MUSIC: Popular

      de Puy, Norman R.

      Minister, American Baptist Churches; Editor and Publisher, Cabbages and Kings newsletter. RELIGION: Baptist Churches

      Dicks, Geoffrey R.

      U.K. Economist, NatWest Markets. Author of Sources of World Financial and Banking Information. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Introduction

      Dirnbacher, Elfriede.

      Austrian Civil Servant. WORLD AFFAIRS: Austria

      Dixon, Bernard.

      Science Writer; Consultant. European Editor, Bio/Technology; Editor, Medical Science Research. Author of Health and the Human Body and others. HEALTH AND DISEASE: Mental Health; Overview (in part)

      Dooling, Dave.

      Consultant and Writer, D2 Associates, Huntsville, Ala. SPACE EXPLORATION

      Dormer, Albert G.

      Bridge Correspondent, The Times, London. Coauthor of Complete Book of Bridge and others. SPORTS AND GAMES: Contract Bridge

      Dorris, Thomas Hartley.

      Communications Director, Life and Peace Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. RELIGION: Lutheran Communion

      Duiker, William J.

      Professor of East Asian History, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Author of The Communist Road to Power in Vietnam. Macropædia: SOUTHEAST ASIA (in part)

      Earp, John H.

      Director, Halcrow Fox and Associates, Bristol, England. TRANSPORTATION (in part)

      Ehringer, Gavin Forbes.

      Rodeo Columnist, Western Horseman, Colorado Springs, Colo. SPORTS AND GAMES: Rodeo

      Eisenhammer, John.

      Chief Correspondent on Germany, The Independent, London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Germany

      Ellis, Roger.

      Editor, Mining Journal. MINING

      Emerson, Warren K.

      Writer and Photographer. SPORTS AND GAMES: Badminton

      Engels, Jan R.

      Retired Director, Centre Paul Hymans. WORLD AFFAIRS: Belgium

      Esposito, John L.

      Professor of Religion and International Affairs and Director of the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University. Author of Islam: The Straight Path. WORLD AFFAIRS: Middle Eastern Affairs: Special Report

      Farr, D.M.L.

      Professor Emeritus of History, Carleton University, Ottawa. WORLD AFFAIRS: Canada

      Fendell, Robert J.

      Newspaper Writer on automotive topics. Author of How to Make Your Car Last and others. SPORTS AND GAMES: Automobile Racing (in part)

      Finkelstein, Ellen.

      Product Coordinator, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); HEALTH AND DISEASE: Sidebar; POPULATION AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: Sidebar

      Fisher, Lester E.

      Veterinarian and President of L.E.F. Co., Chicago. BOTANICAL GARDENS AND ZOOS: Special Report

      Flagg, Gordon.

      Senior Editor, American Libraries magazine. LIBRARIES (in part)

      Follett, Christopher.

      Denmark Correspondent, The Times, London; Danish Correspondent, Radio Sweden; Newscaster, Radio Denmark; Freelance Correspondent, Reuters. Author of Fodspor paa Cypern. WORLD AFFAIRS: Denmark

      Fornes, Andréa.

      Tokyo Correspondent, Folha de São Paulo. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Fossli, Karen L.

      Oslo Correspondent, Financial Times. WORLD AFFAIRS: Norway

      Friday, Elbert W., Jr.

      Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. EARTH SCIENCES: Meteorology

      Fridovich, Irwin.

      James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Fridovich-Keil, Judith L.

      Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga. LIFE SCIENCES: Molecular Biology (in part)

      Friskin, Sydney E.

      Hockey Correspondent, The Times, London. SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games (in part); Field Hockey

      Frost, David.

      Rugby Union Writer, The Guardian, London. SPORTS AND GAMES: Football (in part)

      Fuller, Elizabeth.

      Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. WORLD AFFAIRS: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia

      Gaddum, Anthony H.

      Chairman, H. T. Gaddum and Company Ltd., Silk Merchants, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England; Deputy Vice President, International Silk Association. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Textiles (in part)

      Ganado, Albert.

      Lawyer, Malta. WORLD AFFAIRS: Malta

      Ganguly, Dilip.

      Senior Correspondent, The Associated Press (USA), South Asia Bureau, New Delhi, India. WORLD AFFAIRS: Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Pakistan; Sri Lanka

      Gibbons, Anne R.

      Freelance Writer. LIFE SCIENCES: Entomology

      Gibbons, J. Whitfield.

      Professor of Zoology, University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, S.C. LIFE SCIENCES: Zoology

      Gill, Martin J.

      Editor, World Fishing Magazine. AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Fisheries

      Girnius, Saulius A.

      Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. WORLD AFFAIRS: Latvia; Lithuania

      Goldblatt, Howard C.

      Professor of Chinese, University of Colorado, Boulder. Author of Chinese Literature for the 1980s and others. LITERATURE: Chinese

      Goldsmith, Arthur.

      Editor-at-Large, Popular Photography, New York City. PHOTOGRAPHY

      Gottfried, Martin.

      Drama Critic, New York City. Author of All His Jazz: The Life and Death of Bob Fosse; More Broadway Musicals. THEATRE (in part)

      Gottlieb, Jean S.

      Freelance Editor. BIBLIOGRAPHY

      Greeman, Adrian Lee.

      Editor, Construction Today. ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Bridges

      Green, Anthony L.

      Senior Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Greskovic, Robert J.

      Dance Reviewer, Arts & Entertainment Monthly; Freelance Writer. DANCE (in part)

      Griffiths, A.R.G.

      Senior Lecturer in History, Flinders University of South Australia. Author of Contemporary Australia. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: Australia; Nauru; Papua New Guinea

      Grossman, Joel W.

      Archaeologist. ARCHAEOLOGY: Western Hemisphere

      Grumet, Robert S.

      Anthropologist, New Hope, Pa. ANTHROPOLOGY

      Guthridge, Guy G.

      Manager, Polar Information Program, U.S. National Science Foundation. WORLD AFFAIRS: Antarctica

      Hands, David.

      Rugby Correspondent, The Times, London. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Hannen, Mark.

      Competitions Officer, English Basket Ball Association. SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (in part)

      Harakas, Stanley S.

      Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, Mass. Author of Living the Faith: The "Praxis" of Eastern Orthodox Ethics. RELIGION: The Orthodox Church; Oriental Orthodox Church

      Haub, Carl V.

      Demographer, Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D.C. POPULATIONS AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: Demography

      Havard-Williams, P.

      Professor of Library and Information Studies, University of Botswana. Emeritus Professor, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, England. LIBRARIES (in part)

      Hawkland, William D.

      Chancellor Emeritus of Law and Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University. LAW: Court Decisions

      Hebblethwaite, Peter.

      Vatican Affairs Writer, National Catholic Reporter, Kansas City, Mo. RELIGION: Roman Catholic Church

      Hébert, Pierre.

      Professor titulaire, University of Sherbrooke, Que. LITERATURE: French (in part)

      Hemenway, Caroline.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      Hendershott, Myrl C.

      Professor of Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. EARTH SCIENCES: Oceanography

      Hennelly, James.

      Researcher, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Henschel, Milton.

      President, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. RELIGION: Jehovah's Witnesses

      Hoeksema, Klaas J.

      Staff Member, Institute for Polytechnics, Amsterdam. WORLD AFFAIRS: Netherlands, The; Suriname

      Hollobaugh, Jeff.

      Managing Editor, Track and Field News. SPORTS AND GAMES: Track and Field Sports

      Hope, Thomas W.

      Chairman, Hope Reports, Inc., Rochester, N.Y. MOTION PICTURES (in part)

      Hunnings, Neville March.

      Editorial Director, European Law Centre, Sweet & Maxwell, London. Editor, Common Market Law Reports. LAW: International Law


      International Economic Information Services, London. ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: World Economy; Stock Exchanges (in part)

      Ingham, Kenneth.

      Emeritus Professor of History, University of Bristol, England. Author of Politics in Modern Africa: The Uneven Tribal Dimension and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: Angola; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Sudan, The; Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe

      Ingram, Derek.

      Editor, Gemini News Service, London. Author of Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World; The Imperfect Commonwealth. WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Nations

      Jackson, Martin.

      Consultant Editor, Broadcast magazine, London. TELEVISION AND RADIO (in part)

      Jardine, Adrian.

      Company Director. Member, Guild of Yachting Writers. SPORTS AND GAMES: Sailing

      Jaspert, W. Pincus.

      Technical and Editorial Consultant. International Editor, American Printer and World-Wide Printer. Author of State of the Art (4th ed.) and others. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Printing

      Jessell, Harry A.

      Executive Editor, Broadcasting and Cable magazine, Washington, D.C. TELEVISION AND RADIO (in part)

      Joffé, George.

      Journalist and Writer on North African and Middle Eastern Affairs. WORLD AFFAIRS: Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

      Johnsson, William G.

      Editor, Adventist Review. Author of Behold His Glory and others. RELIGION: Seventh-day Adventist Church

      Jones, D.A.N.

      Novelist and Critic. Author of Parade in Pairs; Never Had It So Good. LITERATURE: Introduction; United Kingdom

      Jones, W. Glyn.

      Professor of European Literature, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. LITERATURE: Danish

      Joseph, Lou.

      Freelance Science Writer, Chicago. HEALTH AND DISEASE: Dentistry

      Jotischky, Helma.

      Principal Research Officer, Paint Research Association, London. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Paints and Varnishes

      Juban, Yann.

      Jurist. International Wine and Vine Office, Paris. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Beverages (in part)

      Katz, William A.

      Professor, School of Information Science and Policy, State University of New York, Albany. PUBLISHING: Magazines (in part)

      Kelleher, John A.

      New Zealand Journalist. Formerly Editor, The Dominion and Dominion Sunday Times, Wellington, New Zealand. WORLD AFFAIRS: New Zealand

      Kellman, Jerold L.

      President, Gabriel House, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Kellner, Peter.

      Political Commentator, BBC Television. Author of The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class and others. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: United Kingdom

      Kennedy, Richard M.

      Agricultural Economist, Agriculture and Trade Analysis Division of the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES (in part)

      Kilian, Michael D.

      Washington Columnist, Chicago Tribune. Author of Flying Can Be Fun; Heavy Losses. SPORTS AND GAMES: Aerial Sports

      Kimche, Jon.

      Formerly Editor, New Middle East; Afro-Asian Affairs, London. Author of Palestine or Israel and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: Israel

      Kind, Joshua B.

      Professor of Art History, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb. Author of Rouault; Geometry as Abstract Art and others. MUSEUMS (in part)

      Kirk, Margaret.

      United Kingdom Press Officer, Salvation Army. RELIGION: Salvation Army

      Kloos, Jean Clark Cameron.

      Consultant, Timber Research and Development Association. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Wood Products

      Knox, Richard A.

      Managing Editor, Power Technology International and Power Generation Technology. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Nuclear Industry

      Kolankiewicz, George.

      Lecturer in Sociology, University of Essex, England; Research Coordinator, Research Programme on East-West Studies, U.K. Economic and Social Research Council. Coauthor of Social Groups in Polish Society and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: Poland

      Kroll, Thomas E.

      Lecturer, Roosevelt University and Northwestern University; President, Thomas Kroll Associates. Author of Introduction to Telecommunications. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Microelectronics; Telecommunications

      Kushnick, Louis.

      Senior Lecturer, Department of American Studies, University of Manchester, England. POPULATIONS AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: International Migration; RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS

      Lamb, Kevin M.

      Special Projects Writer, Dayton (Ohio) Daily News. Author of Quarterbacks, Nickelbacks & Other Loose Change. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Football (in part)

      Laqueur, Walter.

      Chairman, International Research Council, Center for Strategic & International Studies, Washington, D.C. Author of Europe in Our Time. WORLD AFFAIRS: Introduction

      Larsson, Gerd.

      Japan Correspondent, Dagens Industri. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Laskey, Elizabeth.

      Senior Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Lawler, Nancy Ellen.

      Professor of Economics, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Ill. Author of Soldiers of Misfortune and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire; Gabon; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo

      Legassick, Martin.

      Senior Lecturer, History Department, University of the Western Cape, South Africa. WORLD AFFAIRS: Namibia; South Africa

      Legum, Colin.

      Associate Editor (1947-81), The Observer; Consultant Editor, Africa Contemporary Record; Editor, Third World Reports, London. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: African Affairs

      Lennox-Kerr, Peter.

      Editor, High Performance Textiles and OE Report; European Editor, Textile World. Author of World Fibres Book. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Textiles (in part)

      Levine, Beth S.

      Freelance Writer. Author of Playgroups: A Complete Guide for Parents. PUBLISHING: Books (in part)

      Levine, Lisbeth.

      Section Editor and Former Fashion Editor, Chicago Sun-Times. FASHION AND DRESS (in part); Fashion and Dress: Sidebar

      Levine, Steven I.

      Scholar in Residence, Asian-Pacific Studies Institute, Duke University, Durham, N.C. Author of Anvil of Victory: The Communist Revolution in Manchuria and others. WORLD AFFAIRS: China; Taiwan

      Litsky, Frank.

      Sportswriter, New York Times. SPORTS AND GAMES: Ice Hockey (in part)

      Litweiler, John.

      Jazz Critic; Contributor to Down Beat, Chicago Tribune, and other publications. Author of Ornette Coleman: A Harmolodic Life. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); MUSIC: Jazz

      Logan, Robert G.

      Sportswriter, Daily Herald, Arlington Heights, Ill. Author of Cubs Win! and others. SPORTS AND GAMES: Basketball (in part)

      Longmore, Andrew.

      Freelance Sportswriter, The Times, London; formerly Assistant Editor, The Cricketer. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Cricket

      Luling, Virginia R.

      Social Anthropologist. WORLD AFFAIRS: Somalia

      McBride, Gail W.

      Freelance Medical Writer and Editor; formerly Medical News Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association. HEALTH AND DISEASE: Overview (in part)

      McCauley, Martin.

      Senior Lecturer in Politics, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Commonwealth of Independent States

      Macdonald, Barrie.

      Professor of History, Massey University, Palmerston North, N.Z. WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (in part); Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Oceanian Affairs; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Western Samoa

      McGregor, Alan.

      Freelance Contributor, The Times, London; The Lancet, London; Swiss Radio International, Bern; CBS Radio, New York. WORLD AFFAIRS: Switzerland

      McLachlan, Keith S.

      Professor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Iran

      Mallett, H.M.F.

      Editor, Wool Record Weekly Market Report, Bradford, England. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Textiles (in part)

      Mango, Andrew.

      Foreign Affairs Analyst. WORLD AFFAIRS: Turkey

      Marples, David L.

      Associate Professor of History, University of Alberta, Canada. Author of Ukraine Under Perestroika. WORLD AFFAIRS: Belarus; Ukraine

      Martin, Marvin.

      Freelance Writer. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); CONSUMER AFFAIRS: Sidebar; SOCIAL SECURITY AND WELFARE SERVICES: Sidebar; WORLD AFFAIRS: Canada: Sidebar; United States: Sidebar

      Marty, Martin E.

      Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Modern Christianity, University of Chicago. RELIGION: Special Report

      Mateja, James L.

      Auto Editor, Columnist, and Financial Reporter, Chicago Tribune. Author of Used Cars: Finding the Best Buy. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Automobiles (in part)

      Mathews, John H.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Matthíasson, Björn.

      Economist, Ministry of Finance, Iceland. WORLD AFFAIRS: Iceland

      Maunder, Michael.

      Head of Conservation Unit, Living Collections Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. BOTANICAL GARDENS AND ZOOS (in part)

      Mazie, David M.

      Staff Writer, Reader's Digest; Freelance Writer. SOCIAL SECURITY AND WELFARE SERVICES (in part)

      Mazze, Edward Mark.

      Dean, The Belk College of Business Administration, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. CONSUMER AFFAIRS (in part); INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Advertising

      Mermel, T.W.

      Consultant; formerly Chairman, Committee on World Register of Dams, International Commission on Large Dams. ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Dams; Dams table

      Michael, Tom.

      Writer, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Millikin, Sandra.

      Architectural Historian. ART EXHIBITIONS AND ART SALES: Art Exhibitions; ART EXHIBITIONS AND ART SALES: Sidebar

      Modiano, Mario.

      Athens Correspondent (1952-90), The Times, London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Greece

      Moragne, Edward Paul.

      Index Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Morris, Jacqui M.

      Editor, Oryx magazine. ENVIRONMENT (in part)

      Morrison, Donald.

      Assistant Managing Editor, Entertainment Weekly magazine. PUBLISHING: Newspapers (in part); WORLD AFFAIRS: United States

      Nagy, Joseph L.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek magazine, Hong Kong. WORLD AFFAIRS: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of

      Naylor, Ernest.

      Lloyd Roberts Professor of Marine Zoology, University College of North Wales. LIFE SCIENCES: Marine Biology

      Netschert, Bruce C.

      Retired Vice President, National Economic Research Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. ENERGY

      Neusner, Noam.

      Reporter, Tampa Tribune. Coauthor of To Grow in Wisdom: An Anthology of Abraham J. Heschel. RELIGION: Judaism

      Newby, Donald J.

      Bowls Correspondent, Daily Telegraph, London; formerly Editor, World Bowls. Author of various bowls publications. SPORTS AND GAMES: Lawn Bowls

      Niesz, Dale E.

      Director, Center for Ceramic Research, Rutgers University. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Ceramics

      Norman, Geraldine.

      Art Market Correspondent, The Independent, London. Author of Nineteenth Century Painters and Painting; Coauthor of The Fake's Progress. ART EXHIBITIONS AND ART SALES: Art Sales

      Nugent, Ann.

      Editor, Dance Now; Dance Critic, The Stage. Author of Swan Lake: Stories of the Ballets. DANCE (in part)

      Oberman, Bonnie.

      Writer and Editor. NOBEL PRIZES (in part)

      O'Donoghue, Michael.

      Lecturer in Gemmology, London Guildhall University. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Gemstones

      O'Dwyer, Thomas.

      Foreign Editor, Jerusalem Post; Writer on East Mediterranean and Middle East affairs. WORLD AFFAIRS: Cyprus

      Okano, Kazunori.

      Associate Editor, Britannica International Yearbook, Tokyo. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Automobiles (in part)

      Olney, P.J.S.

      Director, Federation of Zoos of Great Britain and Ireland. Editor, International Zoo Yearbook. BOTANICAL GARDENS AND ZOOS (in part)

      Olson, Kay Melchisedech.

      Executive Editor, Flower & Garden magazine, Kansas City, Mo. GARDENING (in part)

      Osborne, Keith.

      Editor, British Rowing Almanack (since 1960). Author of Boat Racing in Britain, 1715-1975. SPORTS AND GAMES: Rowing

      Osborne, Milton Edgeworth.

      Head, Asia-Pacific Branch, Office of National Assessments, Canberra, Australia. Author of Southeast Asia: An Illustrated Introductory History. Macropædia: SOUTHEAST ASIA (in part)

      Osterbind, Carter C.

      Associate, Gerontology Center, and Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Florida. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Building and Construction

      Palmer, John.

      European Editor, The Guardian, Brussels. WORLD AFFAIRS: European Affairs (in part)

      Parker, Sandy.

      Publisher of weekly newsletter on fur industry; Copublisher, Fur World. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Furs

      Parming, Tönu.

      President, Estonian Publishing Co. Ltd., Toronto. Author of A Case Study of a Soviet Republic: The Estonian SSR. WORLD AFFAIRS: Estonia

      Pasco, Adam Gerhold.

      Editor, BBC Gardeners' World magazine; formerly Editor, Garden News, Garden Answers, and Greenhouse magazines. GARDENING (in part)

      Paul, Charles Robert, Jr.

      Consultant, U.S. Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, Colo. SPORTS AND GAMES: Gymnastics; Weight Lifting

      Penfold, Robin C.

      Freelance Writer on industrial topics. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Plastics

      Perlinska, Agnieszka.

      Ph.D. Candidate in Department of Comparative Literature, New York University. LITERATURE: Eastern European (in part); Russian (in part)

      Pertile, Lino.

      Professor of Italian, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. LITERATURE: Italian

      Petherick, Karin.

      Reader in Swedish, University of London. LITERATURE: Swedish

      Pfeffer, Irving.

      Attorney. Author of The Financing of Small Business. ECONOMIC AFFAIRS: Stock Exchanges (in part)

      Pinfold, Geoffrey M.

      Director, NCL Stewart Scott Ltd., London. Author of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers. ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Buildings

      Poirié, François.

      Writer and Critic. Author of La Passade légendaire; Ils dansent. LITERATURE: French (in part)

      Polonsky, Naomi Bernards.

      Writer, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Prasad, H.Y. Sharada.

      Formerly Information Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. WORLD AFFAIRS: India

      Prince, Greg W.

      Senior Editor, Beverage World. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Beverages (in part)

      Ranger, Robin.

      Senior Associate, National Institute for Public Policy, Washington, D.C.; Research Associate, CDISS, Lancaster University, U.K. MILITARY AFFAIRS

      Rapp, Susan.

      Associate Science Editor, Compton's Encyclopedia. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Raymond, Judith E.

      Research Officer, Research and Documentation Branch, ISSA. SOCIAL SECURITY AND WELFARE SERVICES (in part)

      Rebelo, L.S.

      Reader Emeritus, Department of Portuguese Studies, King's College, University of London. LITERATURE: Portuguese (in part)

      Reed, Arthur.

      Senior Editor, Europe, Air Transport World. Author of Britain's Aircraft Industry; Coauthor of RAE Farnborough. TRANSPORTATION (in part)

      Reid, J.H.

      Professor of Contemporary German Studies, University of Nottingham, England. Author of Writing Without Taboos: The New East German Literature and others. LITERATURE: German

      Reid, Philip D.

      Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. LIFE SCIENCES: Botany

      Renwick, David.

      Freelance Journalist. WORLD AFFAIRS: Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, The; Barbados; Dependent States (in part); Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago

      Reynolds, Frank E.

      Professor of the History of Religions and Buddhist Studies, Divinity School, University of Chicago; Director, Institute for the Advanced Study of Religion. RELIGION: Buddhism (in part)

      Roberts, John.

      Tennis Correspondent, The Independent, London. Author of The Team That Wouldn't Die. SPORTS AND GAMES: Tennis

      Robinson, David.

      Film Critic and Historian, London. Author of A History of World Cinema; Chaplin: His Life and Art. MOTION PICTURES (in part)

      Roby, Anne.

      Freelance Writer and Editor. WORLD AFFAIRS: Andorra; Luxembourg; Monaco

      Rollin, Jack.

      Association Football Columnist, Sunday Telegraph, London. Editor, Rothmans Football Yearbook. Author of World Cup 1930-1990 and others. BIOGRAPHIES (in part); SPORTS AND GAMES: Football (in part)

      Rutherford, Andrew.

      Reader, Faculty of Law, University of Southampton, England. Author of Criminal Justice and the Pursuit of Decency and others. CRIME, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND PENOLOGY: Prisons and Penology

      Saeki, Shoichi.

      Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University. Author of Japanese Autobiographies. LITERATURE: Japanese

      Salisbury, Jonathan M.

      Publisher, World Toy News, U.K. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Games and Toys

      Saludo, Ricardo L.

      Senior Editor, Asiaweek magazine, Hong Kong. WORLD AFFAIRS: Indonesia; Malaysia

      Sanders, Alan J.K.

      Lecturer in Mongolian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Author of Mongolia: Politics, Economics and Society. WORLD AFFAIRS: Mongolia

      Sarahete, Yrjö.

      General Secretary, Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs, Helsinki. SPORTS AND GAMES: Bowling (in part)

      Sarmiento, Sergio.

      Editor in Chief, Encyclopædia Britannica Publishers, Inc. (Latin America). SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball (in part); Football (in part)

      Sauvage, Christian.

      Editor in Chief, Agence Presse Hachette; Chief of Political Service, Journal du Dimanche. Author of Les Giscardiens. WORLD AFFAIRS: France

      Scherer, Allan D.

      Director, United States Polo Association; Editor, Polo Newsletter. SPORTS AND GAMES: Polo

      Schneider, Johanna.

      Assistant Editor, Amateur Wrestling News. SPORTS AND GAMES: Wrestling

      Schoenfield, Albert.

      Member, U.S. Swimming Olympic International Committee (1989-92). Formerly Publisher, Swimming World. Honouree, International Swimming Hall of Fame. SPORTS AND GAMES: Swimming

      Schöpflin, George.

      Lecturer in East European Political Institutions, London School of Economics and School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Czech Republic; European Affairs (in part); Hungary; Slovakia

      Schorr, Daniel.

      Senior News Analyst, National Public Radio. Author of Clearing the Air; Don't Get Sick in America. Commentary: THE NEW WORLD DISORDER

      Seddon, Stephen S.

      Index Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Shackleford, Peter.

      Chief of Environment, Planning, and Finance, World Tourism Organization, Madrid. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Tourism

      Shelley, Andrew.

      Events Manager, Squash Rackets Association, England. SPORTS AND GAMES: Squash Rackets

      Shepherd, Melinda C.

      Associate Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica Yearbooks. WORLD AFFAIRS: Dependent States (in part); Political Parties

      Sherry, Paul H.

      President, United Church of Christ, Cleveland, Ohio. RELIGION: United Church of Christ

      Slamecka, Vladimir.

      Emeritus Professor of Information and Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Coauthor of National Information Systems. Macropædia: INFORMATION PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS

      Smith, Donald.

      Editor, Rubber World magazine, Akron, Ohio. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Rubber

      Smith, Gregory O.

      Dean of Academic Affairs, American University of Rome. WORLD AFFAIRS: San Marino; Vatican City State

      Smith, Reuben W.

      Professor of History, University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. RELIGION: Islam

      Socor, Vladimir.

      Senior Research Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. WORLD AFFAIRS: Moldova

      Sorkin, Beverly E.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Spangenberg, N. Earl.

      Professor, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Editor, HYDATANews and Views. EARTH SCIENCES: Hydrology

      Sparks, Karen M.

      Senior Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica Yearbooks. WORLD AFFAIRS: Liechtenstein

      Stephens, Sarah.

      Executive Secretary for Cooperation and Witness, World Alliance of Reformed Churches. RELIGION: Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches

      Stern, Irwin.

      Senior Lecturer in Portuguese, Columbia University, New York City. LITERATURE: Portuguese (in part)

      Stewart, Ian.

      Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick, England. Author of Does God Play Dice?; Game, Set, and Math. MATHEMATICS

      Støverud, Torbjørn.

      Honorary Research Fellow, University College, London. LITERATURE: Norwegian

      Sullivan, Christine.

      Freelance Writer. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Sullivan, H. Patrick.

      Dean Emeritus of the College and Professor of Religion, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. RELIGION: Hinduism

      Summerhill, Edward M.

      Part-Time Staff Member, Reuters; Freelance Writer, Finnish News Agency. WORLD AFFAIRS: Finland

      Sumner, David E.

      Author of The Episcopal Church's History: 1945-1985. Columnist; Contributor to Episcopal Church periodicals. RELIGION: Anglican Communion

      Suzuki, Toshihiko.

      Senior Editor, Dobunshoin International, Tokyo. SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball (in part)

      Swan, Russ.

      Editor, World Highways, Nottingham, England. ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Roads

      Swift, Richard N.

      Professor Emeritus of Politics, New York University, New York City. WORLD AFFAIRS: United Nations

      Synan, Vinson.

      Chairman, North American Renewal Service Committee. Author of The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement. RELIGION: Pentecostal Churches

      Taishoff, Lawrence B.

      Chairman, Broadcasting and Cable magazine, Washington, D.C.; Adviser, Cahners Consumer/Entertainment Publishing Division. TELEVISION AND RADIO (in part)

      Takayama, Hideko.

      Reporter, Newsweek magazine, Tokyo Bureau. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Tateishi, Kay K.

      Freelance Writer and Translator, Tokyo. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Taylor, Thomas F.

      General Secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation. RELIGION: Religious Society of Friends

      Thomas, Robert Murray.

      Emeritus Professor of Education and Head, Program in International Education, University of California at Santa Barbara. Author of International Comparative Education and others. EDUCATION (in part)

      Turner, Darrell J.

      Writer on Religion; Former Editor and Writer, Religious News Service. RELIGION: Introduction


      The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. POPULATIONS AND POPULATION MOVEMENTS: Refugees

      Utt, Roger L.

      Editor, Puerta del Sol, Madrid; formerly Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. LITERATURE: Spanish (in part)

      Venzke, Bruce H.

      Associate Editor, Pool & Billiard Magazine. Member, Statistics and Records Committee, Billiard Congress of America; President, Billiard Congress of Wisconsin. SPORTS AND GAMES: Billiard Games (in part)

      Verdi, Robert William.

      Sports Columnist, Chicago Tribune. SPORTS AND GAMES: Baseball (in part)

      Wallenfeldt, Jeff.

      Copy Editor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Wallis, Shani.

      Independent Technical Journalist, London. ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Tunnels

      Walters, Jonathan S.

      Assistant Professor of Religion, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. RELIGION: Buddhism (in part)

      Wanninger, Richard S.

      Director of Communications, United States Volleyball Association. SPORTS AND GAMES: Volleyball

      Warner, Edward S.

      Editor, Telecom Data Networks magazine, Telecom Publishing Group. INFORMATION PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (in part)

      Warren, J. Robert.

      Executive Editor, Chemical Business. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Chemicals

      Way, Diane Lois.

      Historical Researcher. BIOGRAPHIES (in part)

      Weinthal, John R.

      Writer on the auto industry. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Automobiles (in part)

      Westberg, M. Victor.

      Manager, Committees on Publication, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. RELIGION: Church of Christ, Scientist

      Weston, Michele.

      Managing Editor, American Power Boat Association. SPORTS AND GAMES: Motorboating

      Whelan, John.

      Editor, New Arabia, London. WORLD AFFAIRS: Bahrain; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Middle Eastern and North African Affairs; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; United Arab Emirates; Yemen

      Whitney, Barbara.

      Copy Supervisor, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. ARCHAEOLOGY: Sidebar; BIOGRAPHIES (in part); TELEVISION: Sidebar

      Wilkinson, John R.

      Sportswriter, Coventry Newspapers Ltd., U.K. SPORTS AND GAMES: Cycling

      Williams, Michael.

      Golf Correspondent, Daily Telegraph, London. SPORTS AND GAMES: Golf

      Williams, Raymond Leslie.

      Professor of Spanish, University of Colorado, Boulder. LITERATURE: Spanish (in part)

      Willis, Clifford L.

      Director of News and Information, Office of Communication, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). RELIGION: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

      Wilson, Derek.

      Former Staff String Correspondent, BBC, Rome. WORLD AFFAIRS: Italy

      Wilson, Michael.

      Freelance Aviation Writer and Consultant; Managing Editor, Testimony. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW: Aerospace

      Woodrow, Robert.

      Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine, Hong Kong. WORLD AFFAIRS: Laos; Thailand

      Woods, Elizabeth.

      Writer. Author of If Only Things Were Different (I): A Model for a Sustainable Society and others. LITERATURE: English (in part)

      Woods, Michael.

      Science Editor, Toledo (Ohio) Blade. CHEMISTRY

      Woodward, Berton.

      Assistant Managing Editor, Asiaweek magazine, Hong Kong. WORLD AFFAIRS: Brunei; Dependent States (in part); Singapore; Southeast Asian Affairs

      Woollen, Anthony.

      Editor (1959-79), Food Manufacture, London. Editor, Food Industries Manual (20th ed.). AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLIES: Food Processing

      Wooller, Michael.

      Economist and Researcher on Iberia and South America. WORLD AFFAIRS: Paraguay; Portugal; Spain; Uruguay

      Wyllie, Peter John.

      Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology. EARTH SCIENCES: Geology and Geochemistry

      Yamadori, Yuji.

      Director, Research and International Affairs, Japan Information Processing Development Center. INFORMATION PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (in part)

      Young, M. Norvel.

      Chancellor Emeritus, Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif. Author of Preachers of Today. RELIGION: Churches of Christ

      Zanga, Louis.

      Analyst, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute. WORLD AFFAIRS: Albania

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