
/ter"euh beuhl/, adj.
1. distressing; severe: a terrible winter.
2. extremely bad; horrible: terrible coffee; a terrible movie.
3. exciting terror, awe, or great fear; dreadful; awful.
4. formidably great: a terrible responsibility.
[1400-50; late ME < L terribilis, equiv. to terr(ere) to frighten + -ibilis -IBLE]
Syn. 3. fearful, frightful, appalling, dire, horrible, horrifying, terrifying, horrendous, horrid.

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  • terrible — [ teribl ] adj. • 1160; lat. terribilis 1 ♦ (Choses) Qui inspire de la terreur (1o), qui amène ou peut amener de grands malheurs. ⇒ effrayant, redoutable, terrifiant. Cauchemar terrible. ⇒ affreux (1o). Une terrible maladie. « Un mal soudain et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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