- report
—reportable, adj./ri pawrt", -pohrt"/, n.1. an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.: a report on the peace conference; a medical report on the patient.2. a statement or announcement.3. a widely circulated statement or item of news; rumor; gossip.4. an account of a speech, debate, meeting, etc., esp. as taken down for publication.5. a loud noise, as from an explosion: the report of a distant cannon.6. a statement of a student's grades, level of achievement, or academic standing for or during a prescribed period of time.7. Computers. output, esp. printed, containing organized information.8. a statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of a case argued and determined in a court of justice.10. repute; reputation; fame: a man of bad report.v.t.12. to carry and repeat, as an answer or message; repeat, as what one has heard.13. to relate, as what has been learned by observation or investigation.14. to give or render a formal account or statement of: to report a deficit.15. to send back (a bill, amendment, etc.) to a legislative body with a formal report outlining findings and recommendations (often fol. by out): The committee reported out the bill.16. to make a charge against (a person), as to a superior: I intend to report him to the dean for cheating.17. to make known the presence, condition, or whereabouts of: to report a ship missing.21. to relate or tell.v.i.22. to prepare, make, or submit a report of something observed, investigated, or the like.23. to serve or work as a reporter, as for a newspaper.24. to make one's condition or whereabouts known, as to a person in authority: to report sick.25. to present oneself duly, as at a place: to report to Room 101.[1325-75; (v.) ME reporten < MF reporter, OF < L reportare to carry back, equiv. to re- RE- + portare to carry (see PORT5); (n.) ME < MF, deriv. of reporter]Syn. 1. description, story. 2. bulletin, dispatch. 5. shot, detonation. 12, 13. relay. 16. accuse. 21. narrate, rehearse, recount, describe, detail, repeat.
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Universalium. 2010.