- pile
n.1. an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other: a pile of papers; a pile of bricks.2. Informal. a large number, quantity, or amount of anything: a pile of work.3. a heap of wood on which a dead body, a living person, or a sacrifice is burned; pyre.4. a lofty or large building or group of buildings: the noble pile of Windsor Castle.5. Informal. a large accumulation of money: They made a pile on Wall Street.6. a bundle of pieces of iron ready to be welded and drawn out into bars; fagot.v.t.9. to lay or dispose in a pile (often fol. by up): to pile up the fallen autumn leaves.10. to accumulate or store (often fol. by up): to pile up money; squirrels piling up nuts against the winter.11. to cover or load with a pile: He piled the wagon with hay.v.i.12. to accumulate, as money, debts, evidence, etc. (usually fol. by up).13. Informal. to move as a group in a more or less confused, disorderly cluster: to pile off a train.14. to gather, accumulate, or rise in a pile or piles (often fol. by up): The snow is piling up on the roofs.[1350-1400; ME < MF < L pila pillar, mole of stone]pile2n.1. a cylindrical or flat member of wood, steel, concrete, etc., often tapered or pointed at the lower end, hammered vertically into soil to form part of a foundation or retaining wall.2. Heraldry. an ordinary in the form of a wedge or triangle coming from one edge of the escutcheon, from the chief unless otherwise specified.3. Archery. the sharp head or striking end of an arrow, usually of metal and of the form of a wedge or conical nub.v.t.5. to furnish, strengthen, or support with piles.6. to drive piles into.[bef. 1000; ME; OE pil shaft < L pilum javelin]pile3/puyl/, n.1. hair.2. soft, fine hair or down.3. wool, fur, or pelage.4. a fabric with a surface of upright yarns, cut or looped, as corduroy, Turkish toweling, velvet, and velveteen.5. such a surface.6. one of the strands in such a surface.[1300-50; ME piles hair, plumage < L pilus hair; -i- short in L but long in Anglicized school pronunciation]pile41. a hemorrhoid.2. the condition of having hemorrhoids.[1375-1425; late ME pyles (pl.) < L pilae lit., balls. See PILL1]pile5/puyl/, n.the lower of two dies for coining by hand.[1350-1400; ME pyl reverse of a coin < ML pila, special use of L pila PILE1]
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In building construction, a postlike foundation member used from prehistoric times.Piles transfer building loads down to a suitable bearing stratum when the soil mass immediately below a construction is unsuitable for the direct bearing of footings (see foundation). Piles support loads either by bearing directly on rock or suitable soil or by developing friction along their very ample length. In modern civil engineering, piles of timber, steel, or concrete are driven into the ground to support a structure; bridge piers and building foundations may be supported on groups of piles.* * *
in building construction, a postlike foundation member used from prehistoric times. In modern civil engineering, piles of timber, steel, or concrete are driven into the ground to support a structure; bridge piers may be supported on groups of large-diameter piles. On unstable soils, piles are indispensable building supports and may also be used on stable ground when exceptionally large structural loads are involved. Piles are driven into the ground by pile drivers, machines consisting usually of a high frame with appliances for raising and dropping a pile hammer or for supporting and guiding a stream or air hammer.▪ textilesin textiles, the surface of a cloth composed of an infinite number of loops of warp threads, or else of an infinite number of free ends of either warp or of weft, or filling, threads that stand erect from the foundation or ground structure of the cloth. In looped pile the loops are uncut; in cut pile the same or similar loops are cut, either in the loom during weaving or by a special machine after the cloth leaves the loom.velvet is a short-pile fabric and plush a long-pile fabric, both of which have pile formed by warp threads. velveteen is fabric with pile formed of filling threads that have been cut.Among the loop-pile fabrics are Brussels tapestry, imitation Brussels carpeting, and Moquettes. In some cases the surfaces of carpets, such as Wilton and Axminster (Axminster carpet), are formed of cut pile; in others, both looped and cut pile appear on the surface of the same fabric. Imitation seal and other furs are pile fabrics. The surfaces of pile fabrics may have decorative designs appearing in both kinds of pile and in several colours.* * *
Universalium. 2010.