- gentle
adj.1. kindly; amiable: a gentle manner.2. not severe, rough, or violent; mild: a gentle wind; a gentle tap on the shoulder.3. moderate: gentle heat.4. gradual: a gentle slope.5. of good birth or family; wellborn.6. characteristic of good birth; honorable; respectable: a gentle upbringing.7. easily handled or managed; tractable: a gentle animal.8. soft or low: a gentle sound.10. entitled to a coat of arms; armigerous.11. Archaic. noble; chivalrous: a gentle knight.v.t.12. to tame; render tractable.13. to mollify; calm; pacify.14. to make gentle.15. to stroke; soothe by petting.16. to ennoble; dignify.[1175-1225; ME gentle, gentil(e) < OF gentil highborn, noble < L gentilis belonging to the same family, equiv. to gent- (s. of gens) GENS + -ilis -LE]Syn. 1. clement, peaceful, pacific, soothing; tender, humane, lenient, merciful. GENTLE, MEEK, MILD refer to an absence of bad temper or belligerence. GENTLE has reference esp. to disposition and behavior, and often suggests a deliberate or voluntary kindness or forbearance in dealing with others: a gentle pat; gentle with children. MEEK implies a submissive spirit, and may even indicate undue submission in the face of insult or injustice: meek and even servile or weak. MILD suggests absence of harshness or severity, rather because of natural character or temperament than conscious choice: a mild rebuke; a mild manner. 3. temperate. 5. noble. 7. manageable, docile, tame, quiet. 9. courteous; polished.
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Universalium. 2010.