
cynically, adv.cynicalness, n.
/sin"i keuhl/, adj.
1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others.
2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others.
3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.
4. (cap.) cynic (def. 5).
[1580-90; CYNIC + -AL1]
Syn. 1, 3. CYNICAL, PESSIMISTIC, SARCASTIC, SATIRICAL imply holding a low opinion of humanity. CYNICAL suggests a disbelief in the sincerity of human motives: cynical about honesty. PESSIMISTIC implies a more or less habitual disposition to look on the dark side of things, and to believe that the worst will happen: pessimistic as to the future. SARCASTIC refers to sneering or making cutting jibes: sarcastic about a profession of faith. SATIRICAL suggests expressing scorn or ridicule by saying the opposite of what one means: a satirical attack on his political promises.
Ant. 1, 3. optimistic.

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