Clement of Alexandria,Saint

Clement of Alexandria,Saint
Clement of Alexandria, Saint. A.D. 150?-220?.
Greek Christian theologian who attempted to combine Gnosticism with Platonism.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Clement of Alexandria — biographical name Saint circa 150 between 211 and 215 Titus Flavius Clemens Greek Christian theologian & church father …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Saint — 1347 80, Italian ascetic and mystic. died A.D. 731, pope 715 731. died A.D. 741, pope 731 741. died A.D. 352, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 337 352. died A.D. 683, Sicilian ecclesiastic: pope 682 683. died A.D. 855, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 847… …   Universalium

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