Phosphate minerals

Phosphate minerals

Phosphate minerals
name colour lustre Mohs' hardness specific gravity
amblygonite white to creamy white; slightly tinted vitreous to greasy 6 3.03.1
carbonate-apatite variable, greens predominating vitreous 5 2.93.2
autunite lemon yellow to sulfur yellow; greenish yellow to pale green vitreous to pearly 2 3.13.2
brushite colourless to pale yellow vitreous or pearly 2.3
collophane (massive apatite) grayish white; yellowish; brown weakly vitreous to dull 34 2.52.9
lazulite azure blue or sky blue; bluish white, bluish green; deep blue vitreous 6 3.13.4
monazite yellowish brown or reddish brown to brown usually resinous or waxy; sometimes vitreous or adamantine 5 4.65.4; usually 5.05.2
pyromorphite olive green; yellow; gray; brown to orange resinous to subadamantine 4 7.0
torbernite various shades of green vitreous to subadamantine 2 3.2
triphylite bluish or greenish gray (triphylite); clove brown, honey yellow, or salmon (lithiophilite) vitreous to subresinous 45 3.33.6 not varying linearly with composition
triplite dark brown; flesh red; salmon pink vitreous to resinous 5 3.53.9
turquoise blue to various shades of green; greenish to yellowish gray waxy 56 2.62.8
variscite yellowish green, pale to emerald green, bluish green or colourless (variscite); peach-blossom red, carmine, violet (strengite) vitreous to faintly waxy 2.22.5
vivianite colourless when fresh, darkening to deep blue or bluish black vitreous 2 2.7
wavellite greenish white; green to yellow vitreous 4 2.4
xenotime yellowish brown to reddish brown; flesh red, grayish white, pale yellow, or greenish vitreous 45 4.45.1
name habit or form fracture or cleavage refractive indices crystal system
amblygonite large, translucent, cleavable masses; small transparent crystals one perfect and one good cleavage     ambl mont
alpha = 1.5781.611
beta = 1.5951.619
gamma = 1.5981.633 triclinic
carbonate-apatite prismatic or thick tabular crystals; coarse granular to compact massive; nodular concretions conchoidal to uneven fracture n = 1.631.67 hexagonal
autunite thin tabular crystals; flaky aggregates; crusts one perfect, micalike cleavage alpha = 1.553
beta = 1.575
gamma = 1.577 tetragonal
brushite transparent to translucent efflorescences or minute crystals two perfect cleavages alpha = 1.539
beta = 1.546
gamma = 1.551 monoclinic
collophane (massive apatite) cryptocrystalline massive; hornlike concretions and nodules n = 1.591.61
lazulite crystals; compact masses; grains two cleavages; uneven to splintery fracture     lazul scorz
alpha = 1.6041.639
beta = 1.6261.670
gamma = 1.6371.680 monoclinic
monazite translucent, small flattened crystals one distinct cleavage alpha = 1.791.80
beta = 1.791.80
gamma = 1.841.85 monoclinic
pyromorphite barrel-shaped prisms; globular, kidney-shaped, or grape-like masses uneven to subconchoidal fracture epsilon = 2.0302.031
omega = 2.0412.144 hexagonal
torbernite tabular crystals; micalike masses one perfect, platy cleavage epsilon = 1.582
omega = 1.592 tetragonal
triphylite transparent to translucent cleavable or compact massive one perfect cleavage     triph lith
alpha = 1.6941.669
beta = 1.6951.673
gamma = 1.7001.682 orthorhombic
triplite massive one good cleavage alpha = 1.6431.696
beta = 1.6471.704
gamma = 1.6681.713 monoclinic
turquoise opaque, dense, cryptocrystalline to fine granular massive one perfect and one good cleavage alpha = 1.61
beta = 1.62
gamma = 1.65 triclinic
variscite fine-grained, round or grapelike aggregates, nodules, veins, or crusts one good cleavage     varis stren
alpha = 1.5631.707
beta = 1.5881.719
gamma = 1.5941.741 orthorhombic
vivianite rounded prismatic crystals; kidney-shaped, tubelike, or globular masses; concretions one perfect cleavage alpha = 1.5791.616
beta = 1.6021.656
gamma = 1.6291.675 monoclinic
wavellite translucent, hemispherical, or globular aggregates one perfect and one good cleavage alpha = 1.5201.535
beta = 1.5261.543
gamma = 1.5451.561 orthorhombic
xenotime small prismatic crystals; coarse radial aggregates; rosettes uneven to splintery fracture epsilon = 1.8161.827
omega = 1.7211.720 tetragonal
See as table:

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Universalium. 2010.

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