phosphate mineral

phosphate mineral

      any of a group of naturally occurring inorganic salts of phosphoric acid, H3(PO4). More than 200 species of phosphate minerals are recognized, and structurally they all have isolated (PO4) tetrahedral units. Phosphates can be grouped as: (1) primary phosphates that have crystallized from a liquid; (2) secondary phosphates formed by the alteration of primary phosphates; and (3) fine-grained rock phosphates (phosphorite) formed at low temperatures from phosphorus-bearing organic material, primarily underwater.

      Primary phosphates usually crystallize from aqueous fluids derived from the late stages of crystallization. Particularly common in granitic pegmatites are the primary phosphates apatite [Ca5(F,Cl,OH)(PO4)3], triphylite [LiFePO4], lithiophilite [LiMnPO4], and the rare-earth phosphates monazite [(LaCe)(PO4)] and xenotime [Y(PO4)]. Primary phosphates commonly occur in ultramafic rocks (i.e., those very low in silica), including carbonatites and nepheline syenites. Metamorphic apatite occurs in calc-silicate rocks and impure limestones.

      Secondary phosphates are extremely varied, forming at low temperatures, in the presence of water, and under variable oxidation states. Both di- and tri-valent oxidation states of iron and manganese are usually present, producing brilliant colours. Two common species are strengite [Fe(PO4)(H2O)2] and vivianite [Fe3(PO4)2(H2O)8].

       Phosphate mineralsFor individual phosphate minerals and their properties, see Table (Phosphate minerals), pages 396397. For additional information, see also the separate entry for each of the varieties listed therein.

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Universalium. 2010.

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