Uvarov, Sergey Semyonovich, Count
- Uvarov, Sergey Semyonovich, Count
▪ Russian statesman
born Aug. 25 [Sept. 5, New Style], 1786, Moscow, Russia
died Sept. 4 [Sept. 16], 1855, Moscow
Russian statesman and administrator, an influential minister of education during the reign of Tsar Nicholas I.
Uvarov served as a diplomat (
head of the St.
Petersburg educational district (
and deputy minister of education (
before being named minister of education in 1833.
In an important report to the tsar in 1833 he declared that education must be conducted “
with faith in the . . .
principles of orthodoxy (
Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality),
and nationality.”
These words were subsequently adopted by various periodicals and associations as articles of faith.
The ideology that they came to represent was rooted in loyalty to dynastic rule,
traditional religious faith,
and romantic glorification of the Russian homeland.
s subsequent educational policies were reactionary: he restricted the educational opportunities of nonnoble students and tightened government control over university and secondary-
school curricula.
During his tenure the educational system did expand significantly,
particularly in the fields of technical and vocational instruction.
Uvarov was minister of education from 1833 to 1849 and president of the Academy of Science from 1818 until his death. He was created a count in 1846.
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Uvarov, Sergey (Semyonovich), Count — born Sept. 5, 1786, Moscow, Russia died Sept. 16, 1855, Moscow Russian administrator. Uvarov served as a diplomat (1806–10), head of the St. Petersburg educational district (1811–22), and deputy minister of education (1832) before being named… … Universalium
UVAROV, SERGEY SEMYONOVICH° — (1786–1855), minister of education in Russia (1833–49), and president of the Academy of Sciences. In 1846 he was granted the title of count. Uvarov originated the political slogan Pravoslaviye, Samoderzhaviye, Narodnost ( Orthodoxy (i.e., of the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sergey — (as used in expressions) Bubka Sergey Diaghilev Sergey Pavlovich Eisenstein Sergey Mikhaylovich Kirov Sergey Mironovich Sergey Mironovich Kostrikov Korolyov Sergey Pavlovich Sergey Aleksandrovich Kusevitsky Obraztsov Sergey Vladimirovich… … Universalium
count — count1 /kownt/, v.t. 1. to check over (the separate units or groups of a collection) one by one to determine the total number; add up; enumerate: He counted his tickets and found he had ten. 2. to reckon up; calculate; compute. 3. to list or name … Universalium
Semyonovich — (as used in expressions) Tsvet Mikhail Semyonovich Uvarov Sergey Semyonovich Count Vygotsky Lev Semyonovich * * * … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
Nicholas I — 1. Saint ( Nicholas the Great ), died A.D. 867, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 858 867. 2. 1796 1855, czar of Russia 1825 55. * * * Russian Nikolay Pavlovich born July 6, 1796, Tsarkoye Selo, near St. Petersburg, Russia died March 2, 1855, St.… … Universalium
Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality — ▪ Russian slogan Russian Pravoslaviye, Samoderzhaviye, I Narodnost, in Russian history, slogan created in 1832 by Count Sergey S. Uvarov (Uvarov, Sergey Semyonovich, Count), minister of education 1833–49, that came to represent the… … Universalium
Ουβάροφ, Σεργκέι Σεμιόνοβιτς — (Count Sergey Semyonovich Uvarov, 1786 – 1855). Ρώσος πολιτικός και συγγραφέας. Διετέλεσε αρχικά επιθεωρητής εκπαίδευσης στην περιφέρεια της Αγίας Πετρούπολης. Ήταν μέλος της λογοτεχνικής εταιρείας Αρζαμάς και, από το 1818 έως τον θάνατό του,… … Dictionary of Greek