Trubetskoy, Nikolay Sergeyevich
- Trubetskoy, Nikolay Sergeyevich
▪ Russian linguist
also spelled Nikolaj Sergejevič Trubetzkoy
born April 16, 1890, Moscow
died June 25, 1938, Vienna
Slavic linguist at the centre of the Prague school of linguistics,
noted as the author of its most important work on phonology,
Grundzüge der Phonologie (
1939; “
Principles of Phonology”).
Influenced by Ferdinand de Saussure and in turn influencing Roman Jakobson,
Trubetskoy redefined the phoneme functionally as the smallest distinctive unit within the structure of a given language,
and he further broke these phonemes into their distinctive features.
Trubetskoy was the son of a Russian prince and professor of philosophy. In 1913, after obtaining his degree from Moscow University, Trubetskoy enrolled at the University of Leipzig. He taught at Moscow University and at the universities of Rostov and Sofia. In 1922 he was appointed professor of Slavic Philology at the University of Vienna. The Nazi occupation of Vienna contributed to Trubetskoy's death: he suffered a severe heart attack after being persecuted for having published an article critical of racist theory.
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