Trubetskoy family

Trubetskoy family
Russian noble family influential in the 19th century.

One of its members, Sergey Petrovich Trubetskoy (17901860), was a leader in the Decembrist revolt. Other notable members included the religious philosopher brothers Sergey Trubetskoy (18621905) and Evgeny Trubetskoy (18631920) and Sergey's son, the linguist Nikolay Trubetskoy.

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Russian family
      Russian noble family of considerable influence in the 19th century. One of its members, Sergey Petrovich (17901860) was a prominent Decembrist and one of the organizers of the movement. Close to N.M. Muravyov in his views, he was declared the group's leader on the eve of the December 14 uprising in 1825 but failed to appear. He was consequently arrested and sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted to hard labour for life. In 1856 he was included in the amnesty.

      Other prominent family members are Sergey Nikolayevich (18621905), a religious philosopher and publicist, the editor of a philosophical journal, and the author of several historical and philosophical studies, and his brother Evgeny Nikolayevich (18631920), also a religious philosopher and a follower of V.S. Solovyov. The linguist Nikolay Sergeyevich Trubetskoy (Trubetskoy, Nikolay Sergeyevich) (q.v.; 18901938) was the son of S.N. Trubetskoy.

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