

▪ Korean history
      (Korean: “Western Learning”), in Korean history, the study of Western culture, introduced into Korea from the Chinese Ming and Ch'ing dynasties in the 17th and 18th centuries. In a broad sense, the term Sŏhak refers to the study of Western thought, religion, ethics, science, and technology. In a narrow sense, it sometimes refers only to the study of Western religion and ethics during this period. In the latter case the term is also used to refer to Roman Catholicism, or Ch'ŏnhak (“Heavenly Learning”), which was introduced to Korea in the same era.

      Many of the scholars interested in Sŏhak were those identified with the Silhak (q.v.) school, a branch of Confucianism dedicated to a realistic empirical approach to problems of statecraft. Although interest in Western religion and technology continued to grow, the Sŏhak school met with severe government repression in the late 18th and 19th centuries.

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Universalium. 2010.

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