- Korea
/keuh ree"euh, kaw-, koh-/, n.1. a former country in E Asia, on a peninsula SE of Manchuria and between the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea: a kingdom prior to 1910; under Japanese rule 1910-45; now divided at 38° N into North Korea and South Korea. Cf. Korean War.2. Democratic People's Republic of, official name of North Korea.
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IKorean Chosŏn or TaehanFormer kingdom, a peninsula (Korean peninsula) on the eastern coast of Asia.In 1948 it was partitioned into two republics, North Korea and South Korea. According to tradition, the ancient kingdom of Chosŏn was established in the northern part of the peninsula probably by peoples from northern China in the 3rd millennium BC. Conquered by China in 108 BC, it later developed into the Three Kingdoms of Silla, Koguryŏ, and Paekche. Silla conquered the other two in the 7th century AD and ruled until 935, when the Paekche dynasty became prominent. Invaded by the Mongols in 1231, the kingdom of Chosŏn, with its capital at Seoul, was ruled by the Yi dynasty (see Yi Sŏng-gye) from 1392 to 1910. From с 1637 it shut out foreign contacts but was forced in 1876 to open ports to Japan. Rivalry over Korea brought on the Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), after which Korea became a Japanese protectorate. Formally annexed to Japan in 1910, it was freed from Japanese control in 1945 at the end of World War II. After the war it was divided into two zones of occupation, Russian in the north and U.S. in the south; the two republics were established in 1948. For Korea's later history, see North Korea and South Korea; See also Korean War.II(as used in expressions)Korea NorthDemocratic People's Republic of KoreaKorea SouthRepublic of KoreaChoson dynasty* * *
▪ historical nation, AsiaIntroductionhistory of the Korean peninsula from prehistoric times to the 1953 armistice ending the Korean War (1950–53). For later developments, see North Korea: History (Korea, North); and South Korea: History (Korea, South).Korea to c. 1400The dawn of historyArchaeological, linguistic, and legendary sources support the view that the Korean peninsula was settled by Tungusic (Arctic)-speaking peoples who migrated in waves from Manchuria and Siberia. They settled along the coasts and moved up the river valleys. These peoples formed the dominant ethnic foundation of the Korean people and developed the Korean language. There was a close relationship between Korean culture and that of neighbouring peoples during the Neolithic Period (New Stone Age) and the Bronze Age. For example, Korean comb pottery, widely used in the Neolithic Period, is commonly found in northeastern Asia; Korean bronze daggers, belt hooks, and knobbed mirrors also display the traits of bronze tools unearthed elsewhere in the region.The Stone AgeStone artifacts of the Paleolithic Period have been unearthed at Kulp'o-ri in North Hamgyŏng province (North Korea) and at Sŏkch'ang in South Ch'ungch'ŏng (Ch'ungch'ŏng, South) province (South Korea). Of 13 stratified Paleolithic sites, each cultural stratum produced chipped-stone tools of different shapes. Dwelling sites with round fireplaces were discovered there along with carved pebbles.The Neolithic Period was well established by 3000 BCE. A major characteristic was the use of comb pottery, chiefly found at seashore and river-basin sites, where inhabited places and shell mounds also have been discovered. In addition, stone (stone-tool industry) spears and flint arrowheads have been found, as well as bone hooks and stone weights used for fishing. Remains of the Late Neolithic Period include stone plows and sickles, which indicate the beginning of farming. People lived in dugouts, mostly shallow round or rectangular hollows with fireplaces in the centre that may have been covered with thatched roofs. These shelters were huddled together in groups. The size of such villages is yet to be determined, but legends indicate the family members lived together, forming clan communities.The use of metals and the emergence of tribal statesBronze ware was probably first used about the 8th century BCE, though some scholars surmise that it predates the 10th century. As the Bronze Age started, the design of pottery changed to undecorated earthenware. The uncovering of such pottery indicates that Bronze Age Korean people lived on hillsides, in dugouts built slightly aboveground. Half-moon-shaped stone reaping knives and grooved stone axes used for hoeing show that rice farming was practiced, and bronze daggers and bronze arrowheads indicate participation in wars of conquest. Dolmens (dolmen), used as tombs, which were discovered in southern Manchuria and the Korean peninsula, show the boundary of ancient Korean culture. Since only prominent persons were buried in dolmens, their number and location indicate the existence of many small Bronze Age tribal states that were probably established by powerful people.The most advanced state was Old Chosŏn, established in the Taedong River basin, in the northern part of the peninsula. According to legend, the son of heaven, Hwanung, descended to earth and married a bear-turned-woman, who bore a son, Tan'gun (Tangun), the founder of Chosŏn. Perhaps Tan'gun and his descendants ruled a tribal state in which rituals and politics were not separated.Chosŏn developed into a league of tribes in the area of the Taedong and Liao (Liao River) rivers (c. 4th century BCE). About this time ironware came to be used. Iron plows and sickles indicate the use of animals in farming and more efficient harvesting methods. Wooden houses were built on the ground, and ondol, a floor-heating device, was developed. The appearance of iron weapons, horse equipment, and coaches indicates that horses and chariots were employed in wars. Wiman (Wei Man in Chinese), said to have defected from China, became ruler of Chosŏn about 194 BCE. More likely, he was indigenous to Chosŏn. Wiman's Chosŏn was overthrown by the Han empire (Han dynasty) of China and replaced by four Chinese colonies in 108 BCE.The development of ancient statesThe Three Kingdoms (Three Kingdoms period)Apart from Chosŏn, the region of Korea developed into tribal states. To the north, Puyŏ rose in the Sungari River basin of Manchuria (now northeastern China). Qin (Qin dynasty), which had emerged south of the Han River in the 2nd century BCE, was split into three tribal states—Mahan, Chinhan, and Pyŏnhan. These states formed leagues, or tribal federations, centred on a leading state. The tribal leagues stretched across a wide area from the Sungari basin to the southern Korean peninsula. They evolved into three rival kingdoms— Koguryŏ (Goguryeo), Paekche (Baekje), and Silla. According to legends, Koguryŏ was founded by Chu-mong in 37 BCE, Paekche by Onjo in 18 BCE, and Silla by Pak Hyŏkkŏse in 57 BCE. The actual task of state building, however, was begun for Koguryŏ by King T'aejo (reigned 53–146 CE), for Paekche by King Koi (reigned 234–286), and for Silla by King Naemul (reigned 356–402).The Three Kingdoms shared several common characteristics. They evolved into statehood through frequent wars of expansion, centralized military systems were organized, and training institutions (kyŏngdang in Koguryŏ, Hwarangdo in Silla) were developed. The power of the king in each state was strengthened, and hereditary monarchies evolved.Another common characteristic was the appearance of powerful aristocracies composed of tribal chiefs who moved to the capital. The aristocrats were divided into several social classes with certain privileges as they advanced socially and politically. Silla's kolp'um (“bone-rank”) system, in which the families of rulers customarily monopolized political power, was typical. Silla had a state deliberative body, the Council of Nobles (Hwabaek), which made important decisions. The council's membership consisted of men of chin'gol (“true-bone”) class, who were of the high aristocracy.The kingdoms all achieved a centralization of power. Each one was divided into administrative units—the largest called pu in Koguryŏ, pang in Paekche, chu in Silla—that controlled many castles. To these provincial units the central government sent officials who made sure that the people, as royal subjects, provided taxes and corvée labour.The Three Kingdoms developed highly sophisticated cultures. Each compiled its own history, apparently to consolidate the authority of the state. Also noteworthy was the introduction of Buddhism, which was regarded at the time as the state religion for the protection and welfare of the state.Unified Silla (Unified Silla Dynasty)With the support of China, Silla conquered and subjugated Paekche in 660 and Koguryŏ in 668. Not until 676 did Silla drive out the Chinese and gain complete control of the Korean peninsula. The surviving Koguryŏ people in northern Manchuria established Parhae (or Palhae; Bohai in Chinese), under the leadership of Tae Cho-yŏng (Dae Jo-yeong). The state soon came into direct confrontation with Silla. This period may be called an age of separate southern and northern states; it is customary, however, for historians to place the primary focus on Silla because little is known about Parhae, though it grew into a highly civilized state that the Chinese called the “Prosperous Country of the East.” After Parhae's demise its territory fell under the control of the northern nomadic peoples and has not since been a part of Korean history.Unified Silla saw the maturing of an absolute monarchy, which effectively eliminated the influence of the Council of Nobles. A central administrative body called the Chancellery (Chipsabu) was established to enforce royal decrees. Aristocrats were now granted salaries and land, but the latter was to revert to the state when the aristocrats left office. Thus, the aristocracy's direct control over land and the populace was reduced. Monarchs built extravagant palaces and royal tombs at Kŭmsŏng (modern Kyŏngju [Gyeongju], S.Kor.), the Silla capital. The state was divided into administrative units by province (chu), prefecture (kun), and county (hyŏn). Five provincial capitals prospered as cultural centres.Theravada Buddhism (Theravada) provided the ideological backing for autocratic monarchy and the aristocracy. The underprivileged populace was attracted to Pure Land Buddhism (one of the Mahayana schools), which promised bliss in the next world. The legacy of Silla Buddhism can be seen in many beautiful temples and great works of art, the most remarkable of which—Pulguk Temple, Sŏkkuram (a grotto shrine), and the bell at Pongdŏk Temple—are in the Kyŏngju area and have been designated UNESCO World Heritage sites (World Heritage site). Confucianism prospered among the low-echelon aristocrats, who used it as a foothold for bureaucratic advancement. The National Academy (Kukhak) was established, and a proto-civil service examination system, called toksŏ samp'um kwa (“examination in the reading of texts in three gradations”), was installed.The emergence of provincial magnatesFrequent succession struggles and rebellions took place among the Silla aristocrats in the late 8th century, and they eventually restored the authority of the Council of Nobles and overthrew royal despotism. Low-ranking aristocrats demanded the abolition of restrictions imposed by the strict status system. New powerful families appeared in the provinces, and their power grew with the weakening of central control. Provincial military fortresses were established to suppress Chinese pirates. The most active was the Ch'ŏnghae fortress under the command of Chang Po-go, who virtually monopolized trade with China and Japan and had a private navy of 10,000 men. Silla settlements in Chinese coastal cities in the Shantung Peninsula also were engaged in trade. Also powerful were the village rulers, who became “castle lords” by establishing control over military, administrative, and economic affairs. Many peasants, who were taxed by both the central government and castle lords, chose to become drifters or thieves, often staging rebellions.Largely as a result of these trends, two provincial leaders, Kyŏnhwŏn and Kungye, established, respectively, the Later Paekche (892) and Later Koguryŏ (also called Majin or T'aebong; 901) kingdoms. Together with Silla, they are commonly referred to as the Later Three Kingdoms. In this period Sŏn ( Zen) Buddhism was most popular, with its emphasis on the importance of realizing, through contemplation, the inborn Buddha nature of the individual.Koryŏ (Koryŏ Dynasty)Social structure and cultureWang Kŏn founded Koryŏ (Koryŏ Dynasty) in 918 at Songdo (modern Kaesŏng, N.Kor.) and in 936 established a unified kingdom on the Korean peninsula. Wang Kŏn went to great lengths to absorb the people of the overthrown states, even accepting the survivors of Parhae, which had been destroyed by the Khitan (Liao (Liao dynasty)). Proclaiming itself the successor of Koguryŏ, Koryŏ launched active campaigns to recover lost territory and clashed frequently with the Khitan in the north. Koryŏ eventually expanded its territory to the Yalu (Yalu River) (Korean: Amnok) River.The Koryŏ ruling class consisted largely of provincial castle lords and former Silla aristocrats. The rulers held their family lineage in high esteem. Marriage into a powerful family, especially a family of royal blood, was an important means for maintaining and elevating one's social and political status. Sons of a family above the fifth of nine official grades received official posts without undergoing civil service examinations.The central government consisted of two supreme organs: the Three Chancelleries (Samsŏng) and the Royal Secretariat (Chungch'uwŏn). These two formed the Supreme Council of State. Koryŏ politics was thus centred in the aristocratic council. Officials above the fifth grade were given land for permanent possession. Even the land supposed to be returned was actually handed down for generations because the grantees' sons usually became officials. Land was the primary source of wealth, and aristocrats expanded their landholdings by reclamation, purchase, or seizure.The aristocracy embraced Buddhism as the religion for spiritual fulfillment and personal happiness and Confucianism for its political precepts and ethical principles. The same was true of the government, which built grand Buddhist temples, such as Hŭngwang Temple, to observe rituals and pray for the prosperity of the nation but which also set up a national academy, Kukchagam, to inculcate Confucianism.Military ruleCivil officials constituted the core of the ruling class, with the military generally subjected to discrimination. Even the supreme commander for military affairs was a civilian. Military officials were not eligible for the second grade or above in the official hierarchy and were excluded from the Supreme Council of State. Even in the same official grade, military men received less land than did their civilian counterparts. This discrimination eventually led to a military coup d'état in 1170. The rebels massacred a large number of civil officials and seized complete control of government. Gen. Ch'oe Ch'ung-hŏn won the struggle for hegemony that erupted among the leaders and established a military regime of his own that lasted roughly 60 years.The monarch remained as a figurehead, deprived of political power, which was in the hands of the Ch'oe family. The Ch'oe had a private army for personal protection and a new public military organization for national security. The latter also served, in effect, as their private army. The Ch'oe also established a body of civilian officials to manage the state's personnel administration, thus controlling both the military and civil branches of government.Buddhism was suppressed, and many monks retreated to remote mountain areas. There they formed a new Sŏn sect called Chogye, which became the mainstream of Korean Buddhism. The underprivileged peasantry, stimulated by a general political atmosphere in which subordinates rose against superiors, staged rebellions across the country over a period of 30 years. The upheavals were at first a natural and spontaneous protest against oppression, but they developed into an organized struggle for emancipation and for power. The struggle, eventually brought under control through appeasement and by the use of force, was nevertheless instrumental in improving the lot of the peasantry.In 1231 the Mongols (Mongol) invaded Koryŏ, and the Ch'oe regime resisted them for nearly 30 years. Even peasants and servants stood up bravely. The Mongols, who had conquered most of Eurasia, found it difficult to take Koryŏ by force. As the exploitation of the peasantry by the Ch'oe regime grew more severe, however, the people became more estranged. Finally, civilian leaders overthrew the regime and in 1258 concluded a peace treaty with the invaders.Social change in later KoryŏAfter the peace treaty, Koryŏ was subject to occasional political interference from the Mongols but retained its political and cultural identity. Koryŏ went to some lengths to show its national and cultural superiority over the invaders by producing highly refined poetry and works on national history.During this period, large manors operated by powerful aristocrats were created throughout the country. The landowners lived in the capital and sent private retainers and servants to collect taxes from the commoners who tilled their land. The tenants often were forced to pay taxes to more than one owner because landholders shared ownership. Tenants were also subject to forced labour and military duty for the state. Many peasants chose to become serfs (serfdom) (nobi) in order to seek protection by aristocrats and to avoid the state levies. Some aristocrats captured drifters and illegally made them serfs. These serfs were not slaves in the Western sense but were actually on a level with tenants. The increase in the number of landholders and serfs resulted in a reduction of state tax revenue and of the number of people available to be mobilized in war.Through the civil service examination, the central government recruited a new bureaucratic force consisting of scholar-officials (sadaebu), who generally had small farms under their own management in their native districts. These men held Buddhism in disdain and were not satisfied with superficial interpretations of the Five Chinese Classics ( Wujing) of Confucianism. They adopted Neo-Confucianism, which introduced a metaphysical approach to the understanding of the universe. Inadequate government resources precluded the granting of land to newly appointed officials commensurate to their rank, resulting in a demand for land reform. Eventually, with the support of Gen. Yi Sŏng-gye, the disgruntled scholar-officials seized power and established a new land-distribution system, under which land was granted according to the rank of office. These reforms spelled the end of the Koryŏ dynasty in 1392 and ushered in the new Chosŏn (Yi) dynasty (Chosŏn dynasty).Ki-baik Lee Young Ick LewKorea since c. 1400The Chosŏn (Yi) dynasty (Chosŏn dynasty)The establishment of a Confucian (Confucianism) stateWhen the dynasty was established, the territory under its control was named Chosŏn, with the approval of the emperor of China. The Chosŏn dynasty, with 26 monarchs, ruled from 1392 until the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910. Hanyang (now Seoul) was made the capital. The Confucian ethical system was officially adopted and replaced Buddhism, which had become corrupt. Many Confucian institutions of learning were set up. Chosŏn society was dominated by a hereditary aristocratic class, the yangban (literally, “two orders,” meaning civil and military officials). Members of the yangban devoted themselves to the study of Neo-Confucian orthodoxy and, through civil service examinations, held public offices, their sole profession. Since they controlled all aspects of Chosŏn society and owned most of the land, the Chosŏn dynasty can be described as a yangban society.Early yangban society flourished intellectually and culturally, especially during the reign of Sejong the Great, the fourth monarch. With the technique of movable-type printing, developed in Korea in 1234, many publications were produced in such fields as medicine, astronomy, geography, history, and agriculture. In 1420 a royal academy called the Hall of Worthies (Chiphyŏnjŏn) was established, where bright young scholars engaged in study and research. In 1443 the Korean phonetic alphabet, Hangul (Korean: han'gŭl or hangeul), was completed under Sejong's direction.In the reign of Sejo, the seventh monarch, a powerful centralized and yangban-oriented government structure emerged. The country was divided into eight administrative provinces, and all officials were appointed by the central government. Laws were codified, and the highest administrative body was the State Council.Late in the 15th century Korean scholars made original contributions to the theoretical refinement of Confucianism. In the mid-16th century many of these scholars were recruited into government service. Idealistic in orientation, they criticized the bureaucratic establishment and recommended drastic measures for the realization of Confucian ideals. But relentless counterattacks and pressures forced most of the scholars to retire from their posts, whereupon they established private academies called sŏwŏn. These academies produced many eminent scholars, including Yi Hwang (T'oegye) and Yi I (Yulgok), whose distinct theories of the universe evolved into rival schools of thought.Foreign invasionsIn 1592 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Japanese military leader who had just reunified Japan, sent a large force to Korea in an alleged attempt to invade China. The Korean land forces suffered a series of defeats, but Korean naval forces, led by Adm. Yi Sun-shin, secured full control of the sea. Yi won the greatest naval victories in Korean history, over the Japanese squadrons off Korea's southern coast. The national crisis brought people of almost all ranks, including Buddhist monks, to volunteer in fighting the Japanese. Ming (Ming dynasty) China also dispatched troops to aid Korea. After one year the Japanese were forced to retreat, although another invasion followed in 1597. After Toyotomi's sudden death in 1598 the Japanese withdrew. The war left most of Korea in ruins. Palaces, public buildings, and private homes were burned, and many cultural treasures were lost or destroyed. Scholars and artisans were kidnapped to Japan, where they were forced to teach Korea's advanced technology.In the early 17th century nomadic Manchu violated the borders of both Ming China and Korea. Ming and Korean punitive attacks on Manchu strongholds in 1619 were beaten back, and in 1627 the Manchu overran northern Korea. Only after Korea had agreed to recognize their demand for “brotherhood” did the Manchu withdraw from the occupied territory. In 1636 the Manchu captured Seoul and wrested an unconditional surrender from the king. The Manchu then overthrew the Ming and in 1644 established the Qing dynasty; the tribute that Korea had paid to the Ming was switched to the Qing.Silhak and popular cultureA series of significant changes in Korea began in the mid-17th century and made a great impact on virtually every sector of Korean society in the 18th century. In agriculture, rice transplantation became popular, and irrigation systems were improved. Advances in farming resulted in dramatic increases in agricultural production and raised the standard of living for peasants. With the cultivation of such special crops as tobacco and ginseng, commerce and trade developed apace. The government started minting coins and collecting farm rent in cash. Markets were held in many places across the country. Particularly active were merchants from Kaesŏng, who established a national network that put every fair in the country within their sphere of influence.In the realm of scholarship, attention shifted from speculative theorizing to matters of practical relevance—the needs of society and state. Scholars who engaged in such studies are identified with the Silhak (sirhak), or “practical learning,” school. They fell into four major groups. One group advocated comprehensive administrative reform, calling upon the government to rationalize the systems of civil service examination, education, taxation, and land administration. Another group stressed the need to foster commerce, industry, and technology. A third conducted critical examinations of the Confucian classics, while the fourth focused on the study of Korean history, geography, and language.Comparable new trends appeared in arts and letters. Popular literary and artistic works came into fashion—a marked change from the tradition of catering exclusively to the upper class. The new works not only were written in the easy-to-read Hangul but also gave frank expression to popular discontent. Singing dramas or traditional Korean operas, called p'ansori, most of them adapted from vernacular novels, were also popular with the masses. Many artists specialized in pictures of blacksmiths at work, peasants in the field, traditional wrestling matches, and rural landscapes. Pottery with a simple blue and white glaze was produced in large quantities for popular consumption.The introduction of Roman CatholicismSignificant numbers of Europeans began to arrive in East Asia in the mid-16th century. In 1656 a Dutch merchant ship went aground off the southern shore of Cheju Island, and its 36 surviving crewmen were taken to Seoul for detention. Thirteen years later Hendrik Hamel and seven others escaped and returned home. Hamel wrote an account of his experiences—the first book on Korea published in Europe.Along with the European merchants came Roman Catholic (Roman Catholicism) priests. Korea's first significant contact with Christianity was through missionaries in China. Korean envoys to China in the 16th century brought back with them a world atlas and scientific instruments made by the priests, as well as literature on science and Christianity. Some silhak scholars had converted to Catholicism by the late 18th century, even before missionaries reached Korea. Most of the early converts were scholars of aristocratic background. Commoners were later attracted to Catholicism, finding hope in the Christian doctrine of equality of all people before God and a new source of solace in the Christian belief in life after death. Catholicism spread from Seoul to the provinces steadily.The incompatibility of Catholicism with Confucianism posed a serious problem. The two could not compromise on the great importance Confucianism attached to reverence for ancestors (sometimes termed ancestor worship), which Catholicism rejected as flagrant idolatry. The government began to suppress Catholicism in the belief that it defied the existing sacrosanct mores of Confucianism. During persecutions in 1801, 1839, and 1866, scholar-converts were either put to death or forced to apostatize; foreign missionaries were ferreted out and beheaded. But rank-and-file Catholics rallied around the church, and it was precariously maintained. In 1831 the Holy See set up a Korean parish, and French priests smuggled themselves into the country to engage in clandestine proselytism.The advent of silhak, popular arts, and Roman Catholicism in the 17th and 18th centuries indicates a modern Korea in the making. But in the 19th century boy kings came to the throne in succession, and their maternal relatives seized power and plunged the government into a state of chaos. One peasant uprising followed another in the provinces, and the whole nation seethed with popular discontent and resentment.Many peasants sought refuge in religion. A new religion founded in 1860 by Ch'oe Che-u, a fallen country yangban scholar, advocated sweeping social reform. It had much in common with traditional animism and appealed to the peasantry. This religion was called Ch'ŏndogyo (Tonghak), or “Eastern Learning,” as a counterpoise to Sŏhak, or “Western Learning”—i.e., Roman Catholicism.Contact with world powersOpening the doorKing Kojong was too young to rule when he ascended the throne in 1864, and his father, Yi Ha-ŭng (Taewŏn-gun), known as the Taewŏn-gun (“Prince of the Great Court”), became the de facto ruler. The Taewŏn-gun set out to restore the powers of the monarchy and pursued a policy of national exclusionism. He put into force bold political reforms, such as faction-free recruitment of officials and the closing of many private Confucian academies.During his rule, Western men-of-war and merchant vessels came in search of trade and friendship, but the Taewŏn-gun refused them. Korean soldiers and civilians burned and sank the American merchant ship General Sherman at P'yŏngyang in retaliation for lawless acts committed by the crew. Koreans repulsed two attacks by French warships in 1866. In 1871 an American flotilla came to obtain a shipwreck convention but, encountering Korean resistance, left. Such incidents strengthened the Taewŏn-gun's resolve to keep the country's doors closed.Japan repeatedly made futile attempts to establish diplomatic relations with Korea. The Japanese militarists thereupon raised an outcry for a war of conquest on Korea. Meanwhile, the Taewŏn-gun came under widespread criticism for the enormous financial burden he had imposed on the people. He relinquished his power in 1873 in favour of Kojong. Queen Min and her relatives took over the helm of state and initiated policies opposed to those of the Taewŏn-gun. Japan, which had been watching developments in Korea, dispatched a squadron of warships and pressured Korea to sign a treaty of commerce and friendship. The ports of Pusan (Busan), Wŏnsan, and Inch'ŏn (Incheon) were subsequently opened to Japanese trade.The growing Japanese presence in Korea was disturbing to the rulers of Qing (Qing dynasty) China. When conservative Korean soldiers tried to restore the Taewŏn-gun, the Qing used it as a pretext for stationing troops in Korea. Thus began a period of aggressive Chinese interference in Korean affairs. China forced Korea to sign a trade agreement that heavily favoured Chinese merchants. Korea signed a treaty of commerce and friendship with the United States (1882) through the good offices of China. Similar treaties with the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, and France followed, and foreign missions were established in Seoul.Once the doors were opened, a modernization movement began. Students and officials were sent to Japan and China; Western-style schools and newspapers were founded. The government, however, could not proceed with a consistent policy of modernization, for the king was mentally incompetent and the ruling class was divided into radicals and moderates.In 1884 the radicals seized power in a coup d'état and formulated a bold blueprint for reform. Chinese troops, however, moved in and overthrew their three-day-old regime. This led in 1885 to the signing of the Li-Itō Convention, designed to guarantee a Sino-Japanese balance of power on the Korean peninsula.The Tonghak Uprising and government reformGovernment expenditures greatly increased, largely because of appropriations for machinery imports and government reorganization, and the difficult financial situation was aggravated by obligations to pay reparations to Japan. Heavier tax levies were imposed on peasants, who provided the bulk of government revenue. The import of such necessities as cotton textiles upset the traditional self-sufficiency of the farming community. Furthermore, usurious loans by Japanese rice dealers contributed to reducing the peasantry to abject poverty. Angry peasants turned increasingly to Ch'ŏndogyo (Tonghak).Despite ruthless government persecution, Ch'ŏndogyo took deep root in the peasantry. Its followers staged large-scale demonstrations calling for an end to injustice. A negative official response precipitated the Tonghak Uprising (1894), in which the Ch'ŏndogyo followers and the peasantry formed a united front to demand reform. Government troops armed with Western weapons suffered ignominious defeats in the southern provinces, weakening the government's military grip on the country. Foreign intervention seemed the last resort open to the rulers, and Chinese troops soon moved in at the request of the government. Simultaneously, Japan, without invitation, dispatched a large military contingent, and the two foreign powers were in sharp and sudden confrontation.The rebels laid down their arms voluntarily to defuse the threat, but the Sino-Japanese War broke out in July 1894. Japan emerged victorious, and the two belligerents signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki (Shimonoseki, Treaty of) in April 1895, which recognized Japanese hegemony in Korea.At the instigation of the Japanese, the Korean government initiated a wide range of reforms during the war. It set up a Council of Deliberations to undertake reforms, issued pertinent decrees, and formed Western-style institutions and a cabinet. Civil service examinations were discontinued, and such social practices as class discrimination were abolished. Public reaction to the reforms was unfavourable. The government realized that old customs and institutions would die hard and that reform would take more than mere decrees and imitation of things Western.The international power struggle and Korea's resistanceJapan's supremacy in Korea and its subsequent acquisition of the Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria were more than Russia, with its long-cherished dream of southward expansion in East Asia, could tolerate. With German and French support, Russia pressured Japan to return the peninsula to China. At the same time, encouraged by Russia, the Korean government began to take an anti-Japanese course. The Japanese thereupon engineered the assassination of Queen Min (October 1895), the suspected mastermind behind the anti-Japanese stance. Fearing for his own life, King Kojong took refuge in the Russian legation, where he granted such concessions as mining and lumbering franchises to Russia and other powers.A popular movement for the restoration of Korean sovereignty arose under the leadership of such figures as Sŏ Chae-p'il (Philip Jaisohn). Returning from many years of exile, Sŏ organized in 1896 a political organization called the Independence Club (Tongnip Hyŏphoe). He also published a daily newspaper named Tongnip sinmun (“The Independent”) as a medium for awakening the populace to the importance of sovereignty and civil rights. On the urging of the Tongnip Hyŏphoe, the king returned to his palace and declared himself emperor and his kingdom the Great Korean (Tae Han) Empire.The Boxer Rebellion in China (1900) led to a Russian invasion of Manchuria and to the Russo-Japanese War (1904–05). The Korean government at first declared neutrality, but under Japanese pressure it signed an agreement allowing Japan to use much of its territory for military operations against the Russians.Japan was the victor, and the resulting Treaty of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, Treaty of) (September 1905), signed through the mediation of the United States, granted Japan undisputed supremacy in Korea. Its hand thus strengthened, Japan forced the Korean emperor into signing a treaty that made Korea a Japanese protectorate (November 1905).Subsequently, the Korean emperor secretly dispatched an emissary to the international peace conference held at The Hague in 1907 to urge the great powers to intercede with Japan on behalf of Korea. The mission failed, however, and served only to infuriate Japan. Under Japanese coercion, Emperor Kojong then abdicated in favour of his son, Emperor Sunjong. The Korean army was disbanded, and in 1910 Japan annexed Korea.A section of the Korean army led by deposed officials and Confucian scholars took up arms against the Japanese in the southern provinces following the 1905 treaty. For five years anti-Japanese guerrilla units, called the “righteous armies,” effectively harassed the Japanese occupation forces, especially in 1908–09. With the annexation, however, they were driven into Manchuria. Large numbers of Koreans emigrated to Manchuria, Siberia, and Hawaii before and after 1910.Korea under Japanese ruleMilitary controlJapan set up a government in Korea with the governor-generalship filled by generals or admirals appointed by the Japanese emperor. The Koreans were deprived of freedom of assembly, association, the press, and speech. Many private schools were closed because they did not meet certain arbitrary standards. The colonial authorities used their own school system as a tool for assimilating Korea to Japan, placing primary emphasis on teaching the Japanese language and excluding from the educational curriculum such subjects as Korean language and Korean history. The Japanese built nationwide transportation and communications networks and established a new monetary and financial system. They also promoted Japanese commerce in Korea while barring Koreans from similar activities.The colonial government promulgated a land-survey ordinance that forced landowners to report the size and area of their land. By failing to do this, many farmers were deprived of their land. Farmland and forests owned jointly by a village or a clan were likewise expropriated by the Japanese since no single individual could claim them. Much of the land thus expropriated was then sold cheaply to Japanese. Many of the dispossessed took to the woods and subsisted by slash-and-burn tillage, while others emigrated to Manchuria and Japan in search of jobs; the majority of Korean residents now in those areas are their descendants.A turning point in Korea's resistance movement came on March 1, 1919, when nationwide anti-Japanese rallies were staged. The former emperor, Kojong, the supreme symbol of independence, had died a few weeks earlier, bringing mourners from all parts of the country to the capital for his funeral. A Korean Declaration of Independence was read at a rally in Seoul on March 1. Waves of students and citizens took to the streets, demanding independence. An estimated two million people took part. The March First Movement, as it came to be known, took the form of peaceful demonstrations, appealing to the conscience of the Japanese. The Japanese, however, responded with brutal repression, unleashing their gendarmerie and army and navy units to suppress the demonstrations. They arrested some 47,000 Koreans, of whom about 10,500 were indicted, while some 7,500 were killed and 16,000 wounded.In September independence leaders, including Yi Tong-nyŏng and An Ch'ang-ho, who in April had formed a Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai, elected Syngman Rhee (Rhee, Syngman) as president. It brought together all Korean exiles and established an efficient liaison with leaders inside Korea. Japan realized that its iron rule required more sophisticated methods. The gendarmerie gave way to an ordinary constabulary force, and partial freedom of the press was granted. But the oppressive and exploitative Japanese colonial policy remained ruthless, though using less conspicuous methods.Taking advantage of a wartime business boom, Japan took leaps forward as a capitalist country. Korea became not only a market for Japanese goods but also a fertile region for capital investment. Meanwhile, industrial development in Japan was achieved at the sacrifice of agricultural production, creating a chronic shortage of rice. The colonial government undertook projects for increasing rice production throughout Korea. Many peasants were ordered to turn their dry fields into paddies. The program was temporarily suspended during the worldwide economic depression in the early 1930s. It soon resumed, however, in order to meet the increased needs of the Japanese military in its war against China, which began in 1931. Most Koreans were forced to subsist on low-quality cereals imported from Manchuria instead of their own rice.The end of Japanese ruleOf the several dailies and magazines founded shortly after the March First Movement, the newspapers Dong-A Ilbo (“East Asia Daily”) and Chosun Ilbo (“Korea Daily”) spoke the loudest for the Korean people and inspired them with the ideals of patriotism and democracy. In the academic community, scholars conducted studies on Korean culture and tradition. Novels and poems in colloquial Korean enjoyed new popularity.A major anti-Japanese mass rally was held in Seoul in 1926, on the occasion of the funeral of Emperor Sunjong. A nationwide student uprising originated in Kwangju in November 1929, demanding an end to Japanese discrimination. These and other resistance movements were led by a wide spectrum of Korean intellectuals.In 1931 the Japanese imposed military rule once again. After the outbreak of the second Sino-Japanese War (1937) and of World War II in the Pacific (1941), Japan attempted to obliterate Korea as a nation: Koreans were forced to worship at Japanese Shintō shrines and even to adopt Japanese-style names, and academic societies devoted to Korean studies as well as newspapers and magazines published in Korean were banned. The Japanese desperately needed additional manpower to replenish the dwindling ranks of their military and labour forces. As a consequence, hundreds of thousands of able-bodied Koreans, both men and women, were drafted to fight for Japan and to work in mines, factories, and military bases. In addition, after the start of the Pacific war, the Japanese forced thousands of Korean women to provide sexual services (as “comfort women”) for the military.When Shanghai fell to the Japanese, the Korean provisional government moved to Chongqing (Chungking) in southwestern China. It declared war against Japan in December 1941 and organized the Korean Restoration Army, composed of independence fighters in China. This army fought with the Allied forces in China until the Japanese surrender in August 1945, which ended 35 years of Japanese rule over Korea.Kwang-rin Lee Young Ick LewDivision of KoreaThe Cairo (Cairo Conference) Declaration, issued on Dec. 1, 1943, by the United States, Great Britain, and China, pledged independence for Korea “in due course.” This vague phrase aroused the leaders of the Korean provisional government in Chongqing to request interpretation from the United States. Their request, however, received no answer. At the Yalta Conference held in February 1945, U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.) proposed to Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin (Stalin, Joseph) a four-power trusteeship for Korea consisting of the United States, Great Britain, the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), and the Republic of China. Stalin agreed to Roosevelt's suggestion in principle, but they did not reach any formal agreement on the future status of Korea, and after the Yalta meeting there was a growing uneasiness between the Anglo-American allies and the U.S.S.R.Throughout the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, U.S. military leaders insisted on encouraging Soviet entry into the war against Japan. The Soviet military leaders asked their U.S. counterparts about invading Korea, and the Americans replied that such an expedition would not be practicable until after a successful landing had taken place on the Japanese mainland. The ensuing Potsdam Declaration included the statement that “the terms of the Cairo Declaration,” which promised Korea its independence, “shall be carried out.” In the terms of its entry into the war against Japan on August 8, the U.S.S.R. pledged to support the independence of Korea. On the following day Soviet troops went into action in Manchuria and northern Korea.The General Order No. 1, drafted on August 11 by the United States for Japanese surrender terms in Korea, provided for Japanese forces north of latitude 38° N (the 38th parallel) to surrender to the Soviets and those south of that line to the Americans. Stalin did not object to the contents of the order, and on September 8 American troops landed in southern Korea, almost a month after the first Soviet entry. On the following day the United States received the Japanese surrender in Seoul. There were now two zones—northern and southern—for the Soviets had already begun to seal off the 38th parallel.The historic decision to divide the peninsula has aroused speculation on several counts. Some historians attribute the division of Korea to military expediency in receiving the Japanese surrender, while others believe that the decision was a measure to prevent the Soviet forces from occupying the whole of Korea. Since U.S. policy toward Korea during World War II had aimed to prevent any single power's domination of Korea, it may be reasonably concluded that the principal reason for the division was to stop the Soviet advance south of the 38th parallel.The southern zoneThe end of Japanese rule caused political confusion among Koreans in both zones. In the south various political parties sprang up. Although they were roughly divided into rightists, leftists, and middle-of-the-roaders, they had a common goal: the immediate attainment of self-government. As early as Aug. 16, 1945, some Koreans organized a Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, headed by Woon-hyung Lyuh (Yŏ Un-hyŏng), who was closely associated with the leftists. On September 6 the delegates attending a “national assembly” that was called by the committee proclaimed the People's Republic of Korea. But the U.S. military government, under Lieut. Gen. John R. Hodge, the commanding general of the U.S. armed forces in Korea, refused to recognize the republic, asserting that the military government was the “only government” in Korea, as stipulated in General Order No. 1. The exiled Korean provisional government, on returning, also was compelled to declare itself a political party, not a government. U.S. policy in Korea was to establish a trusteeship that would supersede both the American and the Soviet occupation forces in Korea.In late December the Council of Foreign Ministers (representing the United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain) met in Moscow and decided to create a four-power trusteeship of up to five years. Upon receiving the news, Koreans reacted violently. In February 1946, to soothe the discontent, the military government created the Representative Democratic Council as an advisory body to the military government. This body was composed of Koreans and had as its chairman Syngman Rhee (Rhee, Syngman), former president of the Korean government-in-exile.In October the military government created an Interim Legislative Assembly, half of whose members were elected by the people and half appointed by the military government. The assembly was empowered to enact ordinances on domestic affairs but was subject to the veto of the military government. The feeling against trusteeship came to a climax several months later when the assembly condemned trusteeship in Korea.The northern zoneUnlike the U.S. forces in the south, the Soviet (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) army marched into the north in 1945 accompanied by a band of expatriate Korean communists. By placing the latter in key positions of power, the Soviet Union easily set up a communist-controlled government in the north. On August 25 the People's Executive Committee of South Hamgyŏng province was created by the South Hamgyŏng province Communist Council and other nationalists. The Soviet authorities recognized the committee's administrative power in the province, thus setting a precedent for the committee's role throughout the provinces of the northern zone. In this way the Soviet Union placed the north under its control without actually establishing a military government. In October Korean leaders in the north organized the Bureau of Five Provinces Administration, a central governing body, and this was replaced in February 1946 by the Provisional People's Committee for North Korea. This new agency, a de facto central government, adopted the political structure of the Soviet Union.Communist leader Kim Il-sung, who had fought in the resistance movement against the Japanese occupation, arrived in P'yŏngyang in the uniform of a major of the Red Army and was introduced to the people as a national hero on Oct. 14, 1945. Shortly after his public appearance, Kim was elected first secretary of the North Korean Central Bureau of the Communist Party. After the Provisional People's Committee was organized, with Kim as its chairman, it assumed the helm of existing central administrative bureaus. A year later, in February 1947, a legislative body was established under the name of the Supreme People's Assembly, and, with the strong support of the Soviet occupation authorities, Kim commenced consolidating his political power.Establishment of the two republicsThe Moscow Conference of December 1945, which called for a four-power trusteeship, created a Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commission of the rival U.S. and Soviet military commands in Korea to settle the question of establishing a unified Korea. When the commission convened in Seoul from March to May 1946, the Soviet delegates demanded that those Korean political groups that had opposed trusteeship be excluded from consultation. The United States refused, and on this rock foundered all attempts by the commission to prepare for the unification of Korea. The commission met again from May to August 1947, but it achieved nothing toward the creation of a unified Korea.The United States presented the question of Korean unification to the United Nations (UN) in September 1947. In November the UN General Assembly (General Assembly, United Nations) in New York City adopted a resolution, proposed by the United States, that called for general elections in Korea under the observation of a UN Temporary Commission on Korea. Those elected were to make up a National Assembly, establish a government, and arrange with the occupying powers for the withdrawal of their troops from Korea. The U.S.S.R., however, barred the Temporary Commission from entering the northern zone. The south, however, held elections under the supervision of the Temporary Commission on May 10, 1948. The National Assembly convened on May 31 and elected Syngman Rhee (Rhee, Syngman) as its speaker. Shortly afterward a constitution was adopted, and Rhee was elected president on July 20. Finally, on August 15, the Republic of Korea (Korea, South) was inaugurated, with Seoul as the capital, and the military government came to an end. In December the UN General Assembly declared that the republic was the only lawful government in Korea.Meanwhile, on Nov. 18, 1947, the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea set up a committee to draft a constitution. The committee adopted the new constitution in April 1948, and on August 25 elections for members of the Supreme People's Assembly were held with a single list of candidates. On September 3 the constitution was ratified by the Supreme People's Assembly, which was holding its first meeting in P'yŏngyang. Kim Il-sung was appointed premier, and on September 9 the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Korea, North) was proclaimed, with the capital at P'yŏngyang. On October 12 the U.S.S.R. recognized this state as the only lawful government in Korea.Bae-ho Hahn Young Ick LewThe Korean WarSouth Korea began to organize a police constabulary reserve in 1946. In December 1948 the Department of National Defense was established. By June 1950, when the war broke out, South Korea had a 98,000-man force equipped only with small arms, which was barely enough to deal with internal revolt and border attacks. The U.S. occupation forces completely withdrew from Korea by June 1949, leaving behind them a force of about 500 men as a U.S. Military Advisory Group to train the South Korean armed forces. In October 1949 the United States granted South Korea $10,200,000 for military aid and $110,000,000 for economic aid for the fiscal year 1950, the first year of a contemplated three-year program. In addition the U.S. Congress approved $10,970,000 for military aid in March 1950. The military equipment committed under the U.S. military assistance program was still en route, however, when North Korean troops invaded the South in June. South Korea was thus unprepared to resist the total invasion from the North.Military preparations in North Korea had been much more extensive. Early in 1946 the Soviet (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) authorities had organized a 20,000-man constabulary and army units, and in August the North Korean army was established (its title changing to the Korean People's Army in February 1948). The Soviet occupation forces left North Korea in December 1948, leaving behind for training purposes 150 advisers for each army division. In March 1949 the U.S.S.R. concluded a reciprocal-aid agreement with North Korea, in which it agreed to furnish heavy military equipment, and by June 1950 North Korean forces numbered 135,000, including a tank brigade. As early as 1946 the Soviets were sending thousands of Koreans to the U.S.S.R. for specialized training, and during 1949–50 China transferred about 12,000 Korean troops from its army to the North Korean forces. The North Korean forces were thus far superior to those of South Korea in training and equipment when, on June 25, 1950, North Korean troops launched a full-scale invasion of the south.UN (United Nations) interventionOn June 26 (June 25 in New York City) the UN Security Council approved a resolution condemning the invasion of South Korea. The Soviet Union was unable to impose a veto, because its delegate had been boycotting the meetings to protest the fact that the People's Republic of China had no representation in the United Nations. On June 27 U.S. Pres. Harry S. Truman (Truman, Harry S.) issued the order for U.S. air and naval forces to resist communist aggression in Korea; that afternoon the UN Security Council (Security Council, United Nations) ratified Truman's decision to send air and sea aid to Korea, calling upon UN members to render such assistance to Korea as might be necessary to restore peace. But Seoul fell on June 28, and most of the South Korean army was destroyed. On June 30 Truman ordered U.S. ground forces in Japan into Korea; the first U.S. troops reached the battlefield on July 4. The UN approved the creation of a unified command in Korea, and Gen. Douglas MacArthur (MacArthur, Douglas) was appointed commander. Sixteen member nations sent armed contingents, but the United States furnished the great bulk of the air units, naval forces, supplies, and financing.The North Koreans continued to advance, despite the presence of U.S. troops in the field. In early August the UN retreat came to an end in a defense perimeter along the Naktong River, forming a semicircular beachhead around Pusan in Korea's extreme southeast. On September 15 MacArthur counterattacked, catching the communists on the flank by an amphibious attack on Inch'ŏn (on the coast west of Seoul). North Korean forces were trapped and either surrendered or fled in panic. By October 1 the UN forces were back at the 38th parallel. On September 27 the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff had ordered MacArthur to destroy the North Korean armed forces, and two days later Truman authorized him to advance into North Korea. On October 7 the UN General Assembly approved the resolution to permit entry into North Korea and created a UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea. On October 20 the UN forces entered P'yŏngyang, and on October 26 they reached the Chinese border at the Yalu River.Chinese interventionThe Chinese, who had moved troops along the Yalu after the Inch'ŏn landing, entered Korea in November in overwhelming numbers. By late 1952, 1,200,000 Chinese were engaged in the war under the command of Peng Dehuai. They forced the UN forces to retreat in disarray, and Seoul was reevacuated on Jan. 4, 1951. But the Chinese were halted around P'yŏngt'aek (about 30 miles south of Seoul), and in February the UN General Assembly formally condemned China as an aggressor. The UN counteroffensive began in late January. By March 31 the UN forces had again reached the 38th parallel. MacArthur now publicly advocated an extension of the war to China because of the Chinese intervention, but this advocacy was regarded as a challenge to the U.S. president's conduct of foreign policy. Consequently, in April Truman dismissed MacArthur from all of his commands, and Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway (Ridgway, Matthew Bunker) took his place. From then until the armistice, the UN forces fought a holding action along the 38th parallel; indeed, in many places the UN forces were slightly north of the line.Armistice and aidThe Soviet delegate to the United Nations proposed a discussion of a cease-fire and an armistice in June 1951, and in July negotiations began between the United Nations and the communist commanders at Kaesŏng, later resumed at P'anmunjŏm (both about 30 miles [50 km] northwest of Seoul). Many issues stood between the two negotiators. The first was the Chinese demand that all foreign troops be withdrawn from Korea, which was met by a steadfast refusal by the United States. The second issue was the boundary: the communists demanded the restoration of the 38th parallel, but the United States insisted on the existing battle line. The third and most important issue was that of prisoners. The UN forces held 171,000 prisoners, 50,000 of them unwilling to return to their communist countries. The communists, not to lose face, were determined to have all prisoners back. On this matter the negotiations were deadlocked and did not resume until after the death of Joseph Stalin in March 1953. A new U.S. administration under Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Eisenhower, Dwight D.) was inaugurated in early 1953 and, deeply concerned with balancing the U.S. budget, was determined to end the impasse, even if this involved resuming hostilities. On the other hand, the war-weariness of the communists was increasing. In April 6,670 communists and 684 UN personnel were exchanged at P'anmunjŏm. The communists agreed to hand over to a neutral commission the UN-held prisoners of war who did not wish to be repatriated. But Syngman Rhee (Rhee, Syngman) opposed any agreement that would leave Korea divided and demanded that the military offensive be resumed. In June Rhee suddenly released 27,000 North Korean anticommunist prisoners in defiance of the United Nations, whereupon the communists broke off negotiations. Negotiations were resumed one month later. Rhee acquiesced and agreed to support the armistice even though he would not sign it. In return, the United States promised to extend economic aid and conclude a mutual-security pact to protect South Korea against further aggression.The armistice was signed on July 27, 1953. The United Nations had won most of its demands. The battle line became the boundary between North and South Korea, and a demilitarized zone (DMZ) was created by pulling back the respective forces 1.2 miles (2 km) along each side of the boundary. In addition, commissions were established to enforce the cease-fire regulations. A Neutral Nations Commission for Repatriation was entrusted with the repatriation of prisoners, 21,809 of whom—among them 7,582 Korean and 14,227 Chinese—chose to stay in South Korea or go to Taiwan.The war had lasted for three years and one month and resulted in roughly 4,000,000 casualties, including civilians. South Korean casualties were some 1,313,000 (1,000,000 civilians); communist casualties were estimated at 2,500,000 (including 1,000,000 civilians). The United States lost about 37,000 in action (the official figure, which had been recorded as some 54,000, was revised in 2000 after it was discovered that a clerk had incorrectly included military noncombatant deaths worldwide), South Korea some 47,000, and the UN forces 3,194; but the estimated losses of China in action were 900,000 men and of North Korea 520,000. During the war, two-fifths of Korea's industrial facilities were destroyed and one-third of its homes devastated.The U.S. Army had provided South Korea with $181,200,000 during the occupation period of 1946–48. This money, which was provided under the assistance programs for occupied areas, was spent mainly on preventing hunger and disease. For the period 1949–52 the U.S. provided $485,600,000 for economic aid and $12,500,000 for military aid. Following the war, the UN Korean Reconstruction Agency (United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency) (UNKRA) was established to carry out economic aid to South Korea, with most of the contributions being provided by the United States. The UNKRA came to an end in 1958, but UN Emergency Relief and aid from other international voluntary agencies continued.Bae-ho Hahn Young Ick LewAdditional ReadingBroad overviews include Gregory Henderson, Korea: The Politics of the Vortex (1968), containing rich historical data on both traditional and contemporary Korean society; Han Woo-Keun, The History of Korea, ed. by Grafton K. Mintz (1970, reprinted 1988; originally published in Korean, 1970), with coverage to 1960; William E. Henthorn, A History of Korea (1971), covering antiquity to the 19th century; Ki-baik Lee, A New History of Korea, trans. from Korean (1984), which begins with prehistory and ends with the April 1960 revolution; Andrew C. Nahm, Korea: Tradition & Transformation, 2nd ed. (1996), and Introduction to Korean History and Culture (1993, reprinted 2006), both with emphasis on the modern period covering North and South Korea; Carter J. Eckert et al., Korea, Old and New (1990); and Robert T. Oliver, A History of the Korean People in Modern Times: 1800 to the Present (1993).Korea's early history is detailed in a work edited by Jeonghak Kim, The Prehistory of Korea, trans. from Japanese (1978); and in Martina Deuchler, The Confucian Transformation of Korea: A Study of Society and Ideology (1992). Various periods and events in 19th-century Korea are dealt with in Key-Hiuk Kim, The Last Phase of the East Asian World Order: Korea, Japan, and the Chinese Empire, 1860–1882 (1980), an incisive study of Korea's traditional foreign relations and the end of the Sino-centric world order; James B. Palais, Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea (1975, reprinted 1991), a thorough analysis of Chosŏn dynasty politics and economy covering the period 1864–76; Martina Deuchler, Confucian Gentlemen and Barbarian Envoys: The Opening of Korea, 1875–1885 (1977); George Alexander Lensen, Balance of Intrigue: International Rivalry in Korea & Manchuria, 1884–1899, 2 vol. (1982); Vipan Chandra, Imperialism, Resistance, and Reform in Late Nineteenth-Century Korea: Enlightenment and the Independence Club (1988); and Homer B. Hulbert, The Passing of Korea (1906, reprinted with a new foreword, 1969), showing how Korea was deprived of its sovereignty toward the end of the 19th century amid the conflict of the great powers in Korea.The country's history in the 20th century is chronicled in Chong-sik Lee, The Politics of Korean Nationalism (1963), a comprehensive study of the nationalist movement during Japanese colonial rule; Andrew J. Grajdanzev (A.J. Grad), Modern Korea (1944, reprinted 1978), a critique of Japanese imperial rule in Korea; Carter J. Eckert, Offspring of Empire: The Koch'ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876–1945 (1991), a well-written study arguing that Korean capitalism first arose during the colonial period; Michael Edson Robinson, Cultural Nationalism in Colonial Korea, 1920–1925 (1988); Soon Sung Cho, Korea in World Politics, 1940–1950: An Evaluation of American Responsibility (1967), an analysis of events in Korea during the turbulent decade from World War II to the start of the Korean War; Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History, updated ed. (2005), and The Origins of the Korean War, 2 vol. (1981–90), a most influential work on the background of the Korean War from a revisionist viewpoint. Glenn D. Paige, The Korean Decision, June 24–30, 1950 (1968), recounts in detail the U.S. decision to intervene in Korea in 1950. David Rees, Korea: The Limited War (1964), is one of the best books dealing with the war.Young Ick Lew Jung Ha Lee* * *
Universalium. 2010.