Malenkov, Georgy Maksimilianovich
- Malenkov, Georgy Maksimilianovich
▪ prime minister of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
born Jan. 13 [Jan. 8, Old Style], 1902, Orenburg, Russia
died Jan. 14, 1988, near Moscow
prominent Soviet statesman and Communist Party official, a close collaborator of Joseph Stalin, and the prime minister (March 1953–February 1955) after Stalin's death.
Having entered the Red Army (
during the civil war that followed the 1917 October Revolution,
Malenkov joined the Communist Party in 1920 and rose swiftly through the ranks.
He became closely associated with Stalin (
Stalin, Joseph)
and was deeply involved in the great party purge of the late 1930s.
Named a candidate member of the Politburo in 1941,
he served during World War II on the State Defense Committee,
the small group that directed the Soviet war effort.
After the war Malenkov won full membership on the Politburo (
and was appointed second secretary of the Central Committee and deputy prime minister.
In the postwar period he also became involved in a bitter rivalry with A.
Zhdanov (
Zhdanov, Andrey Aleksandrovich),
as a result of whose charges Malenkov was relieved of one of his party posts (
But within two years he had regained his position as one of Stalin'
s chief lieutenants and,
when Stalin died in March 1953,
assumed the post of senior party secretary as well as chairman of the Council of Ministers (
i.e., prime minister).
Although a few weeks later he was compelled to yield his top party post to Nikita S.
Khrushchev (
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich),
he worked for the next two years to reduce arms appropriations,
increase the production of consumer goods at the expense of heavy industry,
and provide more incentives for collective farm workers.
His programs were opposed by other party leaders, however, and in February 1955 he was forced to resign as prime minister. He retained his influential position on the party Presidium (formerly the Politburo) until 1957, when, after participating in the vain effort by the anti-party group to depose Khrushchev, he was expelled from the Presidium and Central Committee. In 1961 it was disclosed that he had also been expelled from the Communist Party. He was manager of a remote hydroelectric plant in Kazakh S.S.R. for some 30 years; he was never rehabilitated.
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Malenkov, Georgy (Maksimilianovich) — born Jan. 13, 1902, Orenburg, Russia died Jan. 14, 1988, near Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R. Soviet politician and prime minister (1953–55). He joined the Communist Party in 1920 and rose swiftly through the ranks as a close associate of Joseph Stalin … Universalium
Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov — Georgi Maximilianowitsch Malenkow. Georgi Maximilianowitsch Malenkow (russisch Геóргий Максимилиáнович Маленкóв, wiss. Transliteration Georgij Maksimilianovič Malenkov; * 26. Dezember 1901jul./ 8. Januar 1902 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Georgy — (as used in expressions) Georgy Melitonovich Balanchivadze Chicherin Georgy Vasilyevich Georgy Antonovich Gamov Lvov Georgy Yevgenyevich Prince Malenkov Georgy Maksimilianovich Plekhanov Georgy Valentinovich Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich * * * … Universalium
Malenkov — biographical name Georgy Maksimilianovich 1902 1988 Soviet politician … New Collegiate Dictionary
Georgi Malenkov — Georgi Maksimiliánovich Malenkov Георги Максимилианович Маленков 2.º Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética … Wikipedia Español
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics — a former federal union of 15 constituent republics, in E Europe and W and N Asia, comprising the larger part of the former Russian Empire: dissolved in December 1991. 8,650,069 sq. mi. (22,402,200 sq. km). Cap.: Moscow. Also called Russia, Soviet … Universalium
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich — ▪ premier of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Introduction born April 17 [April 5, Old Style], 1894, Kalinovka, Russia died September 11, 1971, Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1953–64)… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
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