Lagar Velho

Lagar Velho

anthropological and archaeological site, Portugal
      site near Leiria, central Portugal, where the buried skeleton of a four-year-old child, dating to 25,000 years ago, was found. The unusual remains, which combine features of Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) and modern humans (H. sapiens (Homo sapiens)), have led paleoanthropologists to speculate about a possible relationship between the two species.

      The Lagar Velho remains were discovered in 1998. The child's skeleton clearly shows the presence of a chin, and the rounded braincase, small front teeth, narrow torso, and details of the forearm and hand are similar to those of modern humans. Other features, however, are characteristic of Neanderthals, who occupied the Iberian Peninsula well after 30,000 years ago. The Neanderthal features include the slope of the chin region, evidence of well-developed arm musculature, and relatively short lower legs. The child thus presents an anatomical mosaic that may indicate, among other possibilities, interbreeding between Iberian Neanderthals and early modern humans. This interpretation supports a model in which early modern humans spread westward through the region about 28,000 years ago, absorbing local Neanderthal populations in the process.

      The child's grave was dug into a little-used portion of a rock shelter. Pine branches were burned into the pit, and the child's body was laid down with pierced deer teeth and shell ornaments and then covered with red ochre pigment. The site documents for the first time in Iberia an elaborate form of burial known among other peoples across Europe during the same period.

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