Lag ba-ʿOmer

Lag ba-ʿOmer

Jewish holiday
also spelled  Lag Bʾomer, or Lag Be-omer,  

      a minor Jewish observance falling on the 33rd day in the period of the counting of the ʿomer (“barley sheaves”); on this day semimourning ceases and weddings are allowed. The origin of the festival is obscure. Among many traditions, one has it that manna first fell from heaven on this day; another tradition claims that a plague that raged among the followers of Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph during ʿomer ceased on this day. In Meron in Upper Galilee, Israel, Orthodox Jews by the thousands make a joyous pilgrimage to the burial site of the great rabbi Simeon ben Yoḥai, and young children receive their first haircuts as part of a popular celebration that includes playing with bows and arrows (symbols of the rainbow) and dancing around a bonfire at night.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • LAG BA-OMER — (Heb. לַ״ג בָּעֹמֶר), the 33rd (Heb. לַ״ג) day of the counting of the omer , which is reckoned from the second day of passover until shavuot . It occurs on the 18th day of iyyar and has been celebrated as a semiholiday since the time of the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Lag b'Omer — Lag b O•mer [[t]lɑg ˈboʊ mər, bəˈoʊ mɛr[/t]] n. jud a Jewish festival celebrated on the 33rd day of the Omer and commemorating the end of the plague among Rabbi Akiba s students • Etymology: 1900–05; < Heb lagh bā‘ōmer=lagh 33rd +bā, var. of… …   From formal English to slang

  • Lag b'Omer — /læg ˈboʊmə/ (say lag bohmuh) noun a Jewish holiday, the 33rd day from the second day of Pesach. {Hebrew: lag 33rd (day) in the Omer count of days from Pesach to the Shavuot} …  

  • Lag b'Omer — /lahg boh meuhr, beuh oh mer/ a Jewish festival celebrated on the 18th day of Iyar, being the 33rd day of the Omer, traditionally in commemoration of the end of the plague that killed Rabbi Akiba s students or of the bravery of Bar Kokba. [1900… …   Universalium

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