Imruʾ al-Qays

Imruʾ al-Qays

Arab poet
in full  Imruʾ al-Qays ibn Ḥujr  
died c. 550

      Arab poet, acknowledged as the most distinguished poet of pre-Islamic times by the Prophet Muhammad, by ʿAlī, the fourth caliph, and by Arab critics of the ancient Basra school. He is author of one of the seven odes (Muʿallaqāt, Al-) in the famed collection of pre-Islamic poetry Al-Muʿallaqāt.

      There is no agreement as to his genealogy, but the predominant legend cites Imruʾ al-Qays as the youngest son of Ḥujr, the last king of Kindah. He was twice expelled from his father's court for the erotic poetry he was fond of writing, and he assumed the life of a vagabond. After his father was murdered by a rebel Bedouin tribe, the Banū Asad, Imruʾ al-Qays was single-minded in his pursuit of revenge. He successfully attacked and routed the Banū Asad, but, unsatisfied, he went from tribe to tribe fruitlessly seeking further help. Through King al-Ḥārith of Ghassān (northern Arabia), Imruʾ al-Qays was introduced to the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, who agreed to supply him with the troops that he needed to regain his kingdom. Legend has it that on his return to Arabia the emperor sent him a poisoned cloak, which caused his death at Ancyra (modern Ankara).

      The philologists of the Basra school regarded Imruʾ al-Qays not only as the greatest of the poets of the Muʿallaqāt but also as the inventor of the form of the classical ode, or qaṣīdah (qasida), and of many of its conventions, such as the poet's weeping over the traces of deserted campsites. There were at least three collections (divans) of his poetry made by medieval Arab scholars, numbering as many as 68 poems; the authenticity of the greater part of them, however, is doubtful.

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Universalium. 2010.

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