Freyre, Gilberto de Mello
- Freyre, Gilberto de Mello
▪ Brazilian sociologist
Freyre also spelled Freire
born March 15, 1900, Recife, Braz.
died July 18, 1987, Recife
sociologist, considered the 20th-century pioneer in the sociology of the Brazilian northeast.
Freyre received a B.A. from Baylor University, Waco, Tex., and his M.A. from Columbia University in 1923. In 1926 he organized the first northeastern regionalist congress in Recife and published the “Regionalist Manifesto.” He was joined in this endeavour by the northeast writers Jorge de Lima, José Américo de Almeida, José Lins do Rego, and Luís Jardim, among others.
Most of Freyre's numerous sociological essays are concerned with the socioeconomic development of the northeastern region of Brazil and the attempt to relate this pattern constructively to the Portuguese-speaking African nations. Freyre's basic premise is that, by reason of its wide Afro-European cultural experience prior to the discovery of Brazil, the Portuguese nationality was uniquely endowed to work out in the New World a successful multicultural and multiracial society that could be imitated to advantage elsewhere.
Among Freyre'
s numerous published works in Portuguese and English,
the best-
known is Casa-grande e senzala (
1933; “
The Big House and the Slave Quarters”;
The Masters and the Slaves),
an account of the relationship between Brazil'
s Portuguese colonizers and their African slaves.
His other works include Sobrados e mucambos (
1936; “
The Rich and the Servants”;
The Mansions and the Shanties),
Brazil: An Interpretation (
and enlarged as New World in the Tropics, 1980),
Nordeste (
1937; “
The Northeast”),
and Ordem e progresso (
Order and Progress).
Sobrados e mucambos traces the processes of urbanization and the decline of the rural patriarchal society in Brazil.
Freyre organized several university departments of sociology in Brazil and was the prime mover in the first Congress of Afro-Brazilian Studies in 1934. In 1949 he represented Brazil in the UN General Assembly.
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Gilberto Freyre — en 1975. Nombre completo Gilberto de Mello Freyre Nacimiento 15 de marzo de 1900 … Wikipedia Español
Gilberto Freyre — ca. 1975 Gilberto de Mello Freyre (* 15. März 1900 in Recife; † 18. Juli 1987 in Recife) war ein brasilianischer Soziologe und Anthropologe; er wird auch als einer der bedeutendsten Soziologen seiner Zeit angesehen. Sein berühmtestes Werk ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Freyre — [ frɛi̯re], Gilberto de Mello, brasilianischer Soziologe und Schriftsteller, * Recife 15. 3. 1900, ✝ ebenda 18. 7. 1987. Freyre gilt mit seinen soziologischen, ethnologischen und sozialhistorischen Untersuchungen über die brasilianische… … Universal-Lexikon
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