- Eastman, Max
▪ American writerborn Jan. 12, 1883, Canandaigua, N.Y., U.S.died March 25, 1969, Bridgetown, BarbadosAmerican poet, editor, and prominent radical before and after World War I.Eastman was educated at Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., graduating in 1905. He taught logic and philosophy at Columbia University for four years, and he was the founder of the first men's league for woman suffrage in 1910. Eastman edited and published The Masses (Masses, The), a radical political and literary journal. Its editors were brought to trial twice in 1918 because of their editorial opposition to the United States' entry into World War I, but both trials ended with hung juries. He then edited and published The Liberator, a similar magazine, until 1922, when he traveled to Russia to study the Soviet regime. He married Eliena Krylenko, a sister of the Soviet minister of justice, but returned to the United States believing that the original purpose of the October Revolution (1917) had been subverted by corrupt leaders. In the 1920s and '30s he wrote several books attacking developments in the Soviet Union: Since Lenin Died (1925), Artists in Uniform (1934), The End of Socialism in Russia (1937), and Stalin's Russia and the Crisis in Socialism (1939). He also translated (1932) Leon Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution.From 1941 he was a roving editor for The Reader's Digest, writing on almost anything that interested him. His many other books included Enjoyment of Poetry (23 eds., 1913–48), Enjoyment of Laughter (1936), and two autobiographical works, Enjoyment of Living (1948) and Love and Revolution: My Journey Through an Epoch (1965).
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Universalium. 2010.