

Chaldean priest and author
also spelled  Berossus,  Berossos , or  Berosos , Akkadian  Belreʿušu 
flourished c. 290 BC

      Chaldean priest of Bel in Babylon who wrote a work in three books (in Greek) on the history and culture of Babylonia dedicated to Antiochus I (Antiochus I Soter) (c. 324261 BC). It was widely used by later Greek compilers, whose versions in turn were quoted by religious historians such as Eusebius of Caeserea (Eusebius of Caesarea) and Josephus (Josephus, Flavius). Thus Berosus, though his work survives only in fragmentary citations, is remembered for his passing on knowledge of the origins of Babylon to the ancient Greeks.

      In his first book Berosus described the land of Babylonia, to which the half man-half fish Oannes and other divinities coming out of the sea brought civilization, and told the story of the creation according to the native legend, which led to his account of Chaldean astrology. The second and third books contained the chronology and history of Babylonia and of later Assyria, beginning with theten kings before the flood,” then the story of the flood itself, followed by the restoration of kingship with a long line of kingsafter the flood,” thenfive dynasties,” and finally the late age of history under the Assyrians, the last Babylonian kingdom, and the Persians to their conquest by Alexander the Great. cuneiform texts written in the Akkadian (Akkadian language) (Assyro-Babylonian) language have corroborated several elements of Berosus' account. The original names of seven of Berosus' bringers of civilization (Oannes and his brethren) are included in a late-Babylonian tablet found at Uruk (modern Warka). His scheme of chronology and history, although imperfectly preserved in quotations, has been elaborately investigated by modern scholars and compared with the cuneiform literature.

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Universalium. 2010.

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