

Egyptian author
      ancient Egyptian author of The Instruction of Amenemope, probably composed during the late New Kingdom (13001075 BCE). Amenemope's text, similar in content to most of the instruction or wisdom literature written earlier, was a collection of maxims and admonitions setting forth practical injunctions for living. In particular, many parallels have been drawn between the form and content of portions of Amenemope's work and the Hebrew Book of Proverbs (Proverbs, The), although the nature of the interrelationship between the two has long been debated. Some scholars have argued that the Book of Proverbs is dependent in some part upon Amenemope's work, while others have argued the reverse; still others have suggested their linkage to a common, earlier work or surmised that their similarities derived indirectly from comparable linguistic and other circumstances.

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  • Amenemope — Aménémopé Articles de la série Pharaon Classements alphabétique chronologique Dynasties 0  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Amenemope — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Amenemope (desambiguación). Usermaatra Setepenamon Amenemopet, o Amenemope, fue un faraón de la dinastía XXI del Antiguo Egipto, que gobernó de ca. 993 a 984 a. C.[1]… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Amenemope — ist der Name mehrerer altägyptischer Personen oder Götter: Amenemope (Wesir), ein Wesir in der 18. Dynastie Amenemope (Hohepriester der Mut), ein Hohepriester in der 20. Dynastie Amenemope (König), ein altägyptischer König der 21. Dynastie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Amenemope — is the name of several prominent Ancient Egyptians:* Pharaoh Amenemope, who ruled during the 21st dynasty; * Amenemope (author), who wrote the Instructions of Amenemopet …   Wikipedia

  • Aménémopé — Articles de la série Pharaon Classements alphabétique chronologique Dynasties 0  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Amenemope — Author of a Wisdom Text, Ramesside Period, c.1300 BC.     In the Instruction of Amenemope , the genre known today as the Wisdom Literature reaches the final stage of its development. This text is completely preserved on a papyrus in the British… …   Ancient Egypt

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  • Amenemope (desambiguación) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Con el nombre de Amenemope hubo varios personajes del Antiguo Egipto: Amenemope, Usermaatra Setepenamon Amenemopet, faraón de la dinastía XXI. Amenemope (escriba), autor de las Instrucciones de Amenemope. Obtenido de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Amenemope (escriba) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Amenemope (desambiguación). Amenemope (circa 1200 a. C.) fue un escriba del Antiguo Egipto; es el autor de las Instrucciones de Amenemope, uno de los textos más… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Amenemope (author) — Amenemope (ca. 1100 BCE) was a wise man who lived in Egypt during the late 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom. He resided in Akhmin, which was located on the east side of the upper Delta of the Nile. His discourses resembled that of a father telling …   Wikipedia

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