Amenhotep I

Amenhotep I

▪ king of Egypt
also called  Amenophis I 
 king of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient) (reigned 1514–1493 BCE), son of Ahmose I, the founder of the 18th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (1539–1292 BCE). He effectively extended Egypt's boundaries in Nubia (modern Sudan).

      The biographies of two soldiers confirm Amenhotep's wars in Nubia. As shown by a graffito from the seventh year of his reign, he reached the frontier at the Second Cataract of the Nile (Nile River), probably establishing a frontier farther south on Sai Island. Amenhotep also raided Libya, but no details of the operation are recorded. His only confirmed activities in Asia are the reopening of the mines at Sinai (Sinai Peninsula) and the reoccupation of the fortress erected there during the Middle Kingdom (Egypt, ancient) (1938–c. 1630 BCE), but there is indirect evidence that he held territory in Syria.

      A fine small alabaster sanctuary of the king, as well as a range of smaller chapels, has been recovered at Karnak, and the king's official in charge of construction credits another temple to Amenhotep. His tomb was probably a rock-cut structure separated from its mortuary temple, a departure from earlier royal practice. He founded the cemetery workers' village at Dayr al-Madīnah in western Thebes, and in later periods both the king and his mother were worshipped there.

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