Stewart,James Maitland — Stewart, James Maitland. Known as “Jimmy.” 1908 1997. American actor known for his portrayals of incorruptible and modest heroes in motion pictures such as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) and It s a Wonderful Life (1946). He won an Academy… … Universalium
Stewart, James Maitland — (1908 1997) The actor, James Stewart (better known as “Jimmy”), was born in Indiana, Pennsylvania. After attending Mercersburg Academy, he went to Princeton University in 1928 and graduated with a degree in architecture in 1932. However, he… … Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era
Stewart, James Maitland — ▪ 1998 American actor (b. May 20, 1908, Indiana, Pa. d. July 2, 1997, Beverly Hills, Calif.), performed in some 80 motion pictures during a 57 year long career and became one of Hollywood s most beloved stars. With an unpretentious manner,… … Universalium
Stewart, James (Maitland) — (20 may. 1908, Indiana, Pa., EE.UU.–2 jul. 1997, Beverly Hills, Cal.). Actor de cine estadounidense. Debutó en el cine en 1935, pero en un principio le fue difícil conseguir roles debido a sus rasgos angulosos y a su lenta y vacilante forma de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Stewart, James — ▪ American actor in full James Maitland Stewart , byname Jimmy Stewart born May 20, 1908, Indiana, Pennsylvania, U.S. died July 2, 1997, Beverly Hills, California major American motion picture star known for his portrayals of diffident but… … Universalium
James Maitland Stewart — noun United States film actor who portrayed incorruptible but modest heros (1908 1997) • Syn: ↑Stewart, ↑Jimmy Stewart • Instance Hypernyms: ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player … Useful english dictionary
Stewart, James — • СТЮАPT (Stewart) (наст. фам. Мейтленд, Maitland) Джеймс (р. 20.5.1908) амер. актёр. Учился в Принстонском ун те. С 1928 выступал в нью йоркских т рах. В кино с 1935 (ф. Человек убийца ). Амплуа С. сложилось в социальных комедиях Ф. Капры ( С … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Stewart — Stewart, Jacky Stewart, James * * * (as used in expressions) Allen Stewart Konigsberg Bluford, Guion S(tewart), Jr. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, vizconde Chamberlain, Houston Stewart Darnley, Henry Stewart, Lord Stuart, Stewart Halsted, William… … Enciclopedia Universal
James — James, Henry James, Henry James, William * * * (as used in expressions) Agee, James Anderson, (James) Maxwell Audubon, John James Baldwin, James (Arthur) Balfour (de Whittingehame), Arthur James, 1 conde Ballard, J(ames) G(raham) Barrie, Sir… … Enciclopedia Universal
Stewart — /stooh euhrt, styooh /, n. 1. Also, Stuart. See Darnley, Lord Henry. 2. Dugald /dooh geuhld, dyooh /, 1753 1828, Scottish philosopher. 3. James Maitland (Jimmy), 1908 97, U.S. actor. 4. Potter, 1915 85, U.S. jurist: associate justice of the U.S.… … Universalium