Olmütz, Punctation of

Olmütz, Punctation of
(Nov. 29, 1850) Agreement signed at Olmütz (now Olomouc, Cz.Rep.) between Prussia and Austria.

In response to an appeal from the elector of Hesse for help against rebellious subjects, Prussia and Austria sent troops. They threatened to clash, and when Russia sided with Austria, Prussia withdrew. In the Olmütz agreement, Prussia gave up its plans to create a union of German states without Austria and accepted Austria's reconstitution of the German Confederation. Prussia resented the diplomatic reverse and considered itself humiliated.

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Prussian-Austrian history
German  Olmützer Punktation  

      (Nov. 29, 1850), agreement signed at Olmütz (Olomouc, Moravia, in modern Czech Republic) between Prussia and Austria that regulated those two powers' relations. The development leading up to the punctation was triggered when the elector of Hesse in the autumn of 1850 appealed for help against his rebellious subjects; both Austria and Prussia sent troops in response, and these threatened to clash. The Russian emperor thereupon sided with Austria, and the Prussian troops withdrew as a consequence. Under the terms of an agreement reached at Olmütz, Prussia gave up its own plans for a union of the German states without Austria and accepted Austria's reconstitution of the German Confederation, a loose grouping of German states that it had been hoped might replace the Holy Roman Empire (dissolved by Napoleon in 1806). The Punctation of Olmütz therefore represented a diplomatic reverse for Prussia and a victory for Austria. Though the question of Germany's future organization was settled in April 1851 on terms unfavourable to Austria, Prussia's resentment of the punctation remained.

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