Kirkland, (Joseph) Lane — (12 mar. 1922, Camden, S.C., EE.UU.–14 ago. 1999, Washington, D.C.). Dirigente sindical estadounidense. Fue oficial de la marina mercante de EE.UU. y en 1948 se incorporó como investigador a la American Federation of Labor (Federación… … Enciclopedia Universal
Lane Kirkland — Joseph Lane Kirkland , né le 12 mars 1922 à Camden en Caroline du Sud, décédé le 14 août 1999 à Washington, D.C., était un dirigeant syndical américain, président pendant seize ans de l AFL CIO … Wikipédia en Français
Lane Kirkland — Joseph Lane Kirkland (* 12. März 1922 in Camden, South Carolina; † 14. August 1999 in Washington D.C.) war ein US amerikanischer Gewerkschaftsfunktionär. Biografie Kirkland trat 1948 als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter … Deutsch Wikipedia
Joseph — /joh zeuhf, seuhf/, n. 1. Jacob s eleventh son, the first of Jacob and his second wife, Rachel: sold into slavery by his brothers. Gen. 30:22 24; 37. 2. the husband of Mary who was the mother of Jesus. Matt. 1:16 25. 3. (Hinmaton yalaktit), c1840 … Universalium
lane — lane1 /layn/, n. 1. a narrow way or passage between hedges, fences, walls, or houses. 2. any narrow or well defined passage, track, channel, or course. 3. a longitudinally marked part of a highway wide enough to accommodate one vehicle, often set … Universalium
Joseph — (as used in expressions) Abbot, Sir John (Joseph Caldwell) Addison, Joseph Akiba ben Joseph Jacques Joseph Ahearn Arrow, Kenneth J(oseph) Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph Banks, Sir Joseph Belloc, (Joseph Pierre) Hilaire Berrigan, Daniel (Joseph) y … Enciclopedia Universal
Lane — /layn/, n. a male given name. * * * (as used in expressions) Carrie Lane Drury Lane Theatre Kirkland Joseph Lane Lane Burton Arthel Lane Watson * * * … Universalium
Lane — (as used in expressions) Carrie Lane Drury Lane, teatro Kirkland, (Joseph) Lane Lane, Burton Arthel Lane Watson … Enciclopedia Universal
Lane Kirkland — Infobox Person name = Joseph Lane Kirkland image size = 180px caption = birth date = birth date|1922|3|12|mf=y birth place = Camden, South Carolina death date = death date and age|1999|8|14|1922|3|12|mf=y death place = Washington, D.C. occupation … Wikipedia
Kirkland, Lane — ▪ 2000 American labour leader (b. March 12, 1922, Camden, S.C. d. Aug. 14, 1999, Washington, D.C.), served as president of the American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL CIO) from 1979 to 1995. After graduating… … Universalium