Greek pottery

Greek pottery
Pottery made in ancient Greece.

Its painted decoration has become the primary source of information about the development of Greek pictorial art. It was made in a variety of sizes and shapes, according to its intended use; large vessels were used for storage and transportation of liquids (wine, olive oil, water), smaller pots for perfumes and unguents. The earliest style, known as the Geometric style (с 1000700 BC), features geometric patterns and, eventually, narrative scenes with stylized figures. From the late 8th to the early 7th century BC, a growing Eastern influence resulted in the "Orientalizing" of motifs (e.g., sphinx, griffin), notably in pieces made in Corinth (с 700 BC), where the painters developed black-figure pottery. Athenians adopted the black-figure style and from 600 BC on became the dominant manufacturers of Greek pottery. They invented red-figure pottery с 530 BC. By the 4th century BC the figured decoration of pottery had declined, and by the end of the century it had died out in Athens.

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  the pottery of the ancient Greeks, important both for the intrinsic beauty of its forms and decoration and for the light it sheds on the development of Greek pictorial art. Because fired clay pottery is highly durableand few or no Greek works in wood, textile, or wall painting have survivedthe painted decoration of this pottery has become the main source of information about the process whereby Greek artists gradually solved the many problems of representing three-dimensional objects and figures on a flat or curved surface. The large number of surviving examples is also the result of a much wider reliance on pottery vessels in a period when other materials were expensive or unknown. The Greeks used pottery vessels primarily to store, transport, and drink such liquids as wine and water. Smaller pots were used as containers for perfumes and unguents.

 Greek pottery developed from a Mycenaean tradition, borrowing both pot forms and decoration. The earliest stylistic period is the Geometric (Geometric style), lasting from about 1000 to 700 BC. This period is further broken down into a Proto-Geometric transition from Mycenaean forms. In this period the surface of the pot was completely covered with a network of fine patterns in which circles and arcs predominate. This abstract decorative vocabulary was later enriched by such devices as the meander (key pattern), checker, triangle, herringbone, and swastika. The succeeding true Geometric style is characterized by these forms and by the gradual appearance of animal and finally human figures. These too were geometrized, being given angular silhouettes and arranged symmetrically, usually in strips around the pot. Figures were invariably portrayed from the side, i.e., in profile. The pots made at this time were the earliest in Greek art to show narrative scenes from popular myths, particularly those about Heracles.

 Greatly expanded Greek trading activities during the late 8th and early 7th centuries BC led to a growing Eastern influence on Greek pottery painters. ThisOrientalizingphase is first apparent in works made in Corinth in about 700 BC. At this time Asian motifs found their way onto all makes of Greek pots. Curvilinear patterns, sometimes of wild exuberance, supplant the older, rectilinear ones. New subjects appear, especially such monsters as the sphinx, Siren, griffin, Gorgon, and chimaera, as well as such exotic animals as the lion. The Corinthian painters created a silhouette technique in which figures painted in the characteristic black glaze were incised with thin lines to show detail.

 Athenian (Athens) painters adopted this black-figure pottery style around 630 BC but emphasized human figures rather than Oriental animal motifs as pictorial themes. The superior quality of their clay, pigment, and decoration quickly enabled the Athenian artists to overtake those of Corinth. From 600 BC on, Athens increasingly became the dominant centre for Greek pottery, eventually exporting its ware throughout the Mediterranean world. It was during this period that the practice of signing of pots by potters and painters first became common. Athenian pottery of the 6th century BC often features narrative scenes composed of black figures painted on a light inset background panel, while the surrounding vase surface is a deep, lustrous black. The method by which this distinctive colour was achieved, involving a complicated three-stage process of firing, has been successfully analyzed and reproduced in the 20th century.

  red-figure pottery, invented at Athens about 530 BC, is just the reverse of the black-figure style in that the reddish figures appear light against the black background of the pot surface. Details of the figures such as eyes and interior lines were painted on in black, the brush allowing more subtle characterization than did an incising tool. The red-figure technique allowed a more naturalistic and aesthetically appealing treatment of human figures. The red hues mimicked the colour and tone of sun-bronzed skin and dramatically spotlighted the figures against the dark background. Around 500 BC Greek artists abandoned the convention of using only profile views and began to use three-quarter frontal poses, as well as foreshortenings and the carefully depicted overlapping of one figure on another. These advances ushered in the zenith of Greek pottery design and also give some idea of contemporaneous achievement in large-scale painting. The drawing on Greek ware of this period is often of the highest quality, and the subject matter is an inexhaustible mine of information on Greek life and thought. Greek artists sought to endow their figures with mood and character, as well as the capacity for action. Monotony was avoided by the use of different poses, gestures, and expressions to render emotion and clarify the narrative action. The repertoire of subjects was greatly enlarged, using scenes from everyday life as well as the standard heroic and mythological themes.

      Greek pottery began to decline surprisingly early, in the mid-5th century BC. Because of the inherent limitations of the curving pot surface, pottery painters could no longer compete with the rapid strides toward naturalism taken by painters of larger works such as wall paintings. Various attempts to introduce spatial depth into their designs by the selective grouping of figures failed. After 430 BC pottery painting was increasingly trivialized in conception and sentimental in emotional tone. Drawing became overrefined and careless, and groups of figures were crowded together without meaning or interest. By the 4th century, the figured decoration of pottery had become a dying art, and it had disappeared from Athens by 320 BC.

      Greek pottery was manufactured in a variety of different shapes and sizes according to the use to which a particular vessel would be put. For specific treatments of the major physical types of Greek pottery, see alabastron; amphora; hydria; kantharos; krater; kylix; lekythos; oinochoe; psykter.

Additional Reading
Claude Bérard, A City of Images: Iconography and Society in Ancient Greece, trans. from French (1989); Brian A. Sparkes, Greek Pottery: An Introduction (1991); Martin Robertson, The Art of Vase-Painting in Classical Athens (1992); Andrew J. Clark, Maya Elston, and Mary Louise Hart, Understanding Greek Vases: A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques (2002); John Boardman, The History of Greek Vases: Potters, Painters, and Pictures (2001).

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