
wildly, adv.wildness, n.
/wuyld/, adj., wilder, wildest, adv., n.
1. living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated: a wild animal; wild geese.
2. growing or produced without cultivation or the care of humans, as plants, flowers, fruit, or honey: wild cherries.
3. uncultivated, uninhabited, or waste: wild country.
4. uncivilized or barbarous: wild tribes.
5. of unrestrained violence, fury, intensity, etc.; violent; furious: wild strife; wild storms.
6. characterized by or indicating violent feelings or excitement, as actions or a person's appearance: wild cries; a wild look.
7. frantic or distracted; crazy: to drive someone wild.
8. violently or uncontrollably affected: wild with rage; wild with pain.
9. undisciplined, unruly, or lawless: a gang of wild boys.
10. unrestrained, untrammeled, or unbridled: wild enthusiasm.
11. disregardful of moral restraints as to pleasurable indulgence: He repented his wild youth.
12. unrestrained by reason or prudence: wild schemes.
13. amazing or incredible: Isn't that wild about Bill getting booted out of the club?
14. disorderly or disheveled: wild hair.
15. wide of the mark: He scored on a wild throw.
16. Informal. intensely eager or enthusiastic: wild to get started; wild about the new styles.
17. Cards. (of a card) having its value decided by the wishes of the players.
18. Metall. (of molten metal) generating large amounts of gas during cooling, so as to cause violent bubbling.
19. in a wild manner; wildly.
20. blow wild, (of an oil or gas well) to spout in an uncontrolled way, as in a blowout. Cf. blowout (def. 4).
21. run wild,
a. to grow unchecked: The rambler roses are running wild.
b. to show lack of restraint or control: Those children are allowed to run wild.
22. Often, wilds. an uncultivated, uninhabited, or desolate region or tract; waste; wilderness; desert: a cabin in the wild; a safari to the wilds of Africa.
[bef. 900; ME, OE wilde; c. D, G wild, ON villr, Sw vild, Goth wiltheis]
Syn. 1. undomesticated, untamed, unbroken; ferocious. 4. barbarian, savage. 5. tempestuous, stormy, frenzied, turbulent. 6. boisterous. 7. insane. 9. self-willed, riotous, unrestrained, wayward. 10. uncontrollable. 12. reckless, rash, extravagant, impracticable. 13. grotesque, bizarre, strange, fanciful. 14. unkempt.
Ant. 1. tame.

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(as used in expressions)
wild ass
Hickok Wild Bill

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