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iconologist — ico·nol·o·gist … English syllables
iconologist — ˌīkəˈnäləjə̇st noun ( s) : a specialist in iconology * * * iconolˈogist noun • • • Main Entry: ↑icon … Useful english dictionary
Art and Anarchy — is a collection of essays by Edgar Wind, a distinguished twentieth century iconologist, historian, and art theorist. In 1960, Wind gave several lectures for the BBC as part of the Reith Lectures series; these lectures were collected, revised, and … Wikipedia
iconology — iconological /uy kon l oj i keuhl, uy keuh nl /, adj. iconologist, n. /uy keuh nol euh jee/, n. 1. the historical analysis and interpretive study of symbols or images and their contextual significance; iconography. 2. the study of icons or… … Universalium
iconology — noun /aɪkəˈnɒlədʒi/ The study of icons in art or art history. See Also: iconological, iconologist … Wiktionary
iconology — /aɪkəˈnɒlədʒi/ (say uykuh noluhjee) noun 1. the systematic study of pictorial or sculptural representations. 2. such representations collectively. 3. a description or interpretation of statues, pictures, etc. 4. symbolical representation. {icono… …
iconology — [ī΄kə näl′ə jē] n. [ ICONO + LOGY] 1. the study of the meaning of works of visual art through the analysis of subject matter, symbolism and imagery, style and medium, and historical context 2. ICONOGRAPHY iconological [ī kän΄ə läj′i kəl] adj.… … English World dictionary