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historiographic — historiography ► NOUN 1) the study of the writing of history and of written histories. 2) the writing of history. DERIVATIVES historiographer noun historiographic adjective historiographical adjective … English terms dictionary
Historiographic metafiction — is a term originally coined by literary theorist Linda Hutcheon.According to Hutcheon, in A Poetics of Postmodernism , works of historiographic metafiction are those well known and popular novels which are both intensely self reflexive and yet… … Wikipedia
historiographic — adjective see historiography … New Collegiate Dictionary
historiographic — adjective a) Relating to the writing of history. b) Relating to the study and practice of historical scholarship. Syn: historiographical … Wiktionary
historiographic — his·to·ri·o·graph·ic … English syllables
historiographic — … Useful english dictionary
Historiographic metafiction — Historiografische Metafiktion ist ein Begriff, der 1988 von der Literaturwissenschaftlerin Linda Hutcheon geprägt wurde, um ein neues Genre des postmodernen historischen Romans zu beschreiben, das sich seit den 1960er Jahren großer Beliebtheit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nazi foreign policy (historiographic debate) — This article refers to the historical argument over the Nazi Foreign Policy in terms of territorial expansion. The National Socialists (Nazis) governed Germany between 1933 and 1945. The argument being debated is whether Adolf Hitler, who was the … Wikipedia
historiography — historiographic /hi stawr ee euh graf ik, stohr /, historiographical, adj. historiographically, adv. /hi stawr ee og reuh fee, stohr /, n., pl. historiographies. 1. the body of literature dealing with historical matters; histories collectively. 2 … Universalium
epigraphy — epigraphist, epigrapher, n. /i pig reuh fee/, n. 1. the study or science of epigraphs or inscriptions, esp. of ancient inscriptions. 2. inscriptions collectively. [1850 55; EPIGRAPH + Y3] * * * ▪ historiography Introduction the study of written… … Universalium