- Szold
/zohld/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Szold — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Benjamin Szold (1829–1902), ungarisch amerikanischer Rabbiner, Vater von Henrietta Szold Henrietta Szold (1860–1945), Aktivistin des frühen Zionismus Szold ist der Name folgender Orte: Kfar Szold, Kibbuz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Szold — may refer to:* Henrietta Szold, founder of the Hadassah Women s Organization * Kfar Szold, a kibbutz in Israel * Benjamin Szold, an American rabbi … Wikipedia
Szold — [zōld] Henrietta 1860 1945; U.S. Zionist leader … English World dictionary
Szold — n. family name; Henrietta Szold (1860 1945), American zionist, founder of Hadassah , head of the Youth Aliyah Movement … English contemporary dictionary
SZOLD, HENRIETTA — (1860–1945), founder of hadassah , the Women s Zionist Organization of America, and organizational leader and political figure in Palestine. Szold was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Her parents, Sophie (Schaar) and Rabbi Benjamin Szold, had arrived … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SZOLD, ROBERT — (1889–1977), U.S. lawyer and Zionist. Szold, who was born in Streator, Illinois, graduated from Knox College in Illinois (1909). He served as assistant attorney general in Puerto Rico (1915) and assistant to U.S. Solicitor General John W. Davis… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SZOLD, BENJAMIN — (1829–1902), U.S. rabbi and scholar. Szold was born in Nemiskert, Hungary, where his family owned land. Although they were the only Jews in town, he received an excellent Jewish education from the rabbis in the area. At the age of 16, or 14… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Szold,Henrietta — Szold (zōld), Henrietta. 1860 1945. American Zionist leader who was a founder of Hadassah (1912), the Women s Zionist Organization of America. * * * … Universalium
Szold, Henrietta — ▪ American Zionist leader born Dec. 21, 1860, Baltimore, Md., U.S. died Feb. 13, 1945, Jerusalem American Jewish leader, who was a founder of Hadassah, the Women s Zionist Organization of America. Szold was of a German speaking… … Universalium
Szold, Henrietta — (1860–1945) Founder of Hadassah and Head of Youth Aliyah. Daughter of a Baltimore rabbi, Henrietta Szold was given a sound Jewish and Hebrew education. She worked for many years as literary editor of the Jewish Publication Society of America,… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Szold — biographical name Henrietta 1860 1945 American Zionist & founder of Hadassah … New Collegiate Dictionary