
/rayn/, n.
1. the period during which a sovereign occupies the throne.
2. royal rule or authority; sovereignty.
3. dominating power or influence: the reign of law.
4. to possess or exercise sovereign power or authority.
5. to hold the position and name of sovereign without exercising the ruling power.
6. to have control, rule, or influence of any kind.
7. to predominate; be prevalent.
[1225-75; (n.) ME reine, regne < OF reigne < L regnum realm, reign, deriv. of reg- (s. of rex) king; (v.) ME reinen, regnen < OF reignier < L regnare, deriv. of regnum]
Syn. 2. dominion, suzerainty. 4. rule, govern, prevail.
Ant. 4. obey.

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