
/prov"ins/, n.
1. an administrative division or unit of a country.
2. the provinces,
a. the parts of a country outside of the capital or the largest cities.
b. (in England) all parts of the country outside of London.
3. a country, territory, district, or region.
5. a department or branch of learning or activity: the province of mathematics.
6. sphere or field of activity or authority, as of a person; office, function, or business: Such decisions do not lie within his province.
7. a major subdivision of British India.
8. an ecclesiastical territorial division, as that within which an archbishop or a metropolitan exercises jurisdiction.
9. Hist.
a. any of the North American colonies now forming major administrative divisions of Canada.
b. any of certain colonies of Great Britain which are now part of the U.S.
10. Rom. Hist. a country or territory outside of Italy, brought under the ancient Roman dominion and administered by a governor sent from Rome.
11. Mining. an individual mineral-producing area.
[1300-50; ME < MF < L provincia province, official charge]
Syn. 5. area.

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▪ ancient Roman government
Latin  Provincia,  plural  Provinciae,  

      in Roman antiquity, a territorial subdivision of the Roman Empire—specifically, the sphere of action and authority of a Roman magistrate who held the imperium, or executive power. The name was at first applied to territories both in Italy and wherever else a Roman official exercised authority in the name of the Roman state. Later the name implied Roman possessions outside Italy from which tribute was required.

      Under the republic (c. 509–31 BC), when each province was formed, the Senate drew up a special charter, or lex provinciae (provincial law), based on the report of the general who had conquered the province. This charter defined the province's territorial limits and the number of towns that it included, as well as the rights and duties of the provincials, especially the kind and amount of tribute that they had to pay. The Senate also appointed a Roman magistrate to rule each province, together with a quaestor and up to three legati (lieutenants). Assisted by his staff, the governor exercised complete control over his province. The virtual autonomy of provincial governors in republican times often tempted them to widespread extortion and other abuses against provincials. Provincial administrative reforms at the beginnings of the empire, however, provided for a division of powers, and procurators were appointed to look after provincial finances. Upon assuming the government of a province, the governor would issue an edict to supplement the lex provinciae; during his tenure he was not bound by the edicts of his predecessors. Governors were either consuls (consul) or praetors (praetor), and these were called proconsuls and propraetors when their powers were extended for more than a year. The Senate decided which provinces would be governed by consuls and which by praetors. The praetors and consuls would then draw lots to determine their particular provinces.

      Under the empire (from 27 BC), provinces were divided into two classes: senatorial provinces were governed by former consuls and former praetors, both called proconsuls, whose term was annual; imperial provinces were governed by representatives of the emperor (called propraetorian legates), who served indefinitely. Roman provincial government allowed for considerable local autonomy. Roman officials were few and, particularly in the eastern provinces, relied heavily upon locally recognized leaders if they were friendly to Rome. Augustus, who reigned from 27 BC to AD 14, initiated for the first time a general policy regarding governing practices to provide efficient and just administration.

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