- master
—masterless, adj./mas"teuhr, mah"steuhr/, n.1. a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.2. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.3. an employer of workers or servants.4. the male head of a household.5. a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science: the great masters of the Impressionist period.6. a person whose teachings others accept or follow: a Zen master.7. Chiefly Brit. a male teacher or schoolmaster.8. a worker qualified to teach apprentices and to carry on a trade independently.9. a title given to a bridge or chess player who has won or placed in a certain number of officially recognized tournaments.10. a person holding this title.11. a person who commands a merchant ship; captain.12. a victor or conqueror.13. a presiding officer.14. an officer of the court to whom some or all of the issues in a case may be referred for the purpose of taking testimony and making a report to the court.15. the Master, Jesus Christ.16. a person who has been awarded a master's degree.17. a boy or young man (used chiefly as a term of address).18. Also called matrix. an original document, drawing, manuscript, etc., from which copies are made.20. Recording.a. matrix (def. 13).b. a tape or disk from which duplicates may be made.21. Also called copy negative. Photog. a film, usually a negative, used primarily for making large quantities of prints.22. See master of foxhounds.23. Archaic. a work of art produced by a master.adj.24. being master; exercising mastery; dominant.25. chief or principal: a master list.26. directing or controlling: a master switch.27. of or pertaining to a master from which copies are made: master film; master matrix; master record; master tape.28. dominating or predominant: a master play.29. being a master of some occupation, art, etc.; eminently skilled: a master diplomat; a master pianist.30. being a master carrying on one's trade independently, rather than a worker employed by another: a master plumber.31. characteristic of a master; showing mastery.v.t.32. to make oneself master of; become an adept in: to master a language.33. to conquer or overcome: to master one's pride.34. to rule or direct as master: to master a crew.35. Recording. to produce a master tape, disk, or record of: The producer recorded, mixed, and mastered the new album.[bef. 900; ME maistre, maister, OE magister < L; akin to magnus great]Syn. 1. adept, expert. 26. main, leading, primary, prime, cardinal. 31. adept, expert, skillful. 33. subdue, control. 34. govern, manage.
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(as used in expressions)master singeranimals master of the* * *
Universalium. 2010.