
/look/, v.i.
1. to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes.
2. to glance or gaze in a manner specified: to look questioningly at a person.
3. to use one's sight or vision in seeking, searching, examining, watching, etc.: to look through the papers.
4. to tend, as in bearing or significance: Conditions look toward war.
5. to appear or seem to the eye as specified: to look pale.
6. to appear or seem to the mind: The case looks promising.
7. to direct attention or consideration: to look at the facts.
8. to have an outlook or afford a view: The window looks upon the street.
9. to face or front: The house looks to the east.
10. to give (someone) a look: He looked me straight in the eye.
11. to have an appearance appropriate to or befitting (something): She looked her age.
12. to appear to be; look like: He looked a perfect fool, coming to the party a day late.
13. to express or suggest by looks: to look one's annoyance at a person.
14. Archaic. to bring, put, etc., by looks.
15. look after,
a. to follow with the eye, as someone or something moving away: She looked after him as he walked toward the train station.
b. to pay attention to; concern oneself with: to look after one's own interests.
c. to take care of; minister to: to look after a child.
16. look back, to review past events; return in thought: When I look back on our school days, it seems as if they were a century ago.
17. look daggers, to look at someone with a furious, menacing expression: I could see my partner looking daggers at me.
18. look down on or upon, to regard with scorn or disdain; have contempt for: They look down on all foreigners.
19. look down one's nose at, to regard with an overbearing attitude of superiority, disdain, or censure: The more advanced students really looked down their noses at the beginners.
20. look for,
a. to seek; search for: Columbus was looking for a shorter route to India when he discovered America.
b. to anticipate; expect: I'll be looking for you at the reception.
21. look forward to, to anticipate with eagerness or pleasure: I always look forward to your visits.
22. look in,
a. Also, look into. to look briefly inside of: Look in the jar and tell me if any cookies are left.
b. Also, look in on. to visit (a person, place, etc.) briefly: I'll look in some day next week.
23. look into, to inquire into; investigate; examine: The auditors are looking into the records to find the cause of the discrepancy.
24. look on or upon,
a. to be a spectator; watch: The crowd looked on at the street brawl.
b. to consider; regard: They look upon gambling as sinful.
25. look out,
a. to look to the outside, as from a window or a place of observation: From her office window, she could look out over the bustling city.
b. to be vigilant or on guard: Look out, there are dangers ahead.
c. to afford a view; face: The room looks out on the garden.
26. look out for, to take watchful care of; be concerned about: He has to look out for his health.
27. look over, to examine, esp. briefly: Will you please look over my report before I submit it?
28. look sharp,
a. to be alert and quick: If you want to get ahead, you must look sharp.
b. Also, Brit., look slippy. to hurry: You'd better look sharp! It's getting late.
29. look to,
a. to direct one's glance or gaze to: If you look to your left, you can see the Empire State Building.
b. to pay attention to: Look to your own affairs and stay out of mine.
c. to direct one's expectations or hopes to: We look to the day when world peace will be a reality.
d. to regard with expectation and anticipation: We look to the future and greater advances in science and technology.
30. look up,
a. to direct the eyes upward; raise one's glance: The other guests looked up as she entered the room.
b. to become better or more prosperous; improve: Business is looking up.
c. to search for, as an item of information, in a reference book or the like: Look up the answer in the encyclopedia.
d. to seek out, esp. to visit: to look up an old friend.
e. Naut. (of a sailing ship) to head more nearly in the direction of its destination after a favoring change of wind.
31. look up to, to regard with admiration or respect; esteem: A boy needs a father he can look up to.
32. the act of looking: a look of inquiry.
33. a visual search or examination.
34. the way in which a person or thing appears to the eye or to the mind; aspect: He has the look of an honest man. The tablecloth has a cheap look.
35. an expressive glance: to give someone a sharp look.
36. looks,
a. general aspect; appearance: to like the looks of a place.
b. attractive, pleasing appearance.
[bef. 900; (v.) ME lok(i)en, OE locian; c. MD loeken, akin to dial. G lugen to look out; (n.) ME loke act of looking, glance, countenance, deriv. of the v.]
Syn. 1. See watch. 6. See seem. 33. gaze, glance. 34. appearance, air.

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