
/kit/, n., v., kitted, kitting.
1. a set or collection of tools, supplies, instructional matter, etc., for a specific purpose: a first-aid kit; a sales kit.
2. the case for containing these.
3. such a case and its contents.
4. a set of materials or parts from which something can be assembled: a model car made from a kit.
5. Informal. a set, lot, or collection of things or persons.
6. a wooden tub, pail, etc., usually circular.
7. Chiefly Brit. a costume or outfit of clothing, esp. for a specific purpose: ski kit; dancing kit; battle kit.
8. kit and caboodle or boodle, Informal. the whole lot of persons or things; all of something (often prec. by whole): We took along the whole kit and caboodle in the station wagon.
9. to package or make available in a kit: a new model airplane that has just been kitted for the hobbyist.
10. Chiefly Brit. to outfit or equip (often fol. by out or up).
[1325-75; ME kyt, kitt < MD kitte jug, tankard]
/kit/, n.
a violin or rebec small enough to be carried in the pocket, used by dancing masters in the 17th and 18th centuries. Also called pochette, sourdine.
[1510-20; orig. uncert.]
/kit/, n.
1. kitten.
2. a young fox, beaver, or other small furbearing animal.
[1555-65; shortened form]

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      small fiddle with a muted tone, carried by dancing masters in their pockets in the 16th–18th century. A last descendant of the medieval rebec, the kit evolved as a narrow, boat-shaped instrument with usually three or four strings. Later, narrow, violin-shaped kits were also built. Dancing masters used it to play the dance melody and rhythm while teaching the steps.

      The instruments were often elaborately carved or inlaid with ivory, tortoiseshell, or gems. A frequent tuning was c′–g′–d″, beginning with middle C.

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, (as for pickled mackerel) / / , / (small),

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